Release v7.12.0-ee

Name: GitLab


Release: Gitlab 7.12

Released: 2020-04-06

License: MIT

Release Assets:

- Fix Error 500 when one user attempts to access a personal, internal snippet (Stan Hu) - Disable changing of target branch in new merge request page when a branch has already been specified (Stan Hu) - Fix post-receive errors on a push when an external issue tracker is configured (Stan Hu) - Update oauth button logos for Twitter and Google to recommended assets - Update browser gem to version 0.8.0 for IE11 support (Stan Hu) - Fix timeout when rendering file with thousands of lines. - Add "Remember me" checkbox to LDAP signin form. - Add session expiration delay configuration through UI application settings - Don't notify users mentioned in code blocks or blockquotes. - Omit link to generate labels if user does not have access to create them (Stan Hu) - Show warning when a comment will add 10 or more people to the discussion. - Disable changing of the source branch in merge request update API (Stan Hu) - Shorten merge request WIP text. - Add option to disallow users from registering any application to use GitLab as an OAuth provider - Support editing target branch of merge request (Stan Hu) - Refactor permission checks with issues and merge requests project settings (Stan Hu) - Fix Markdown preview not working in Edit Milestone page (Stan Hu) - Fix Zen Mode not closing with ESC key (Stan Hu) - Allow HipChat API version to be blank and default to v2 (Stan Hu) - Add file attachment support in Milestone description (Stan Hu) - Fix milestone "Browse Issues" button. - Set milestone on new issue when creating issue from index with milestone filter active. - Make namespace API available to all users (Stan Hu) - Add webhook support for note events (Stan Hu) - Disable "New Issue" and "New Merge Request" buttons when features are disabled in project settings (Stan Hu) - Remove Rack Attack monkey patches and bump to version 4.3.0 (Stan Hu) - Fix clone URL losing selection after a single click in Safari and Chrome (Stan Hu) - Fix git blame syntax highlighting when different commits break up lines (Stan Hu) - Add "Resend confirmation e-mail" link in profile settings (Stan Hu) - Allow to configure location of the `.gitlab_shell_secret` file. (Jakub Jirutka) - Disabled expansion of top/bottom blobs for new file diffs - Update Asciidoctor gem to version 1.5.2. (Jakub Jirutka) - Fix resolving of relative links to repository files in AsciiDoc documents. (Jakub Jirutka) - Use the user list from the target project in a merge request (Stan Hu) - Default extension for wiki pages is now .md instead of .markdown (Jeroen van Baarsen) - Add validation to wiki page creation (only [a-zA-Z0-9/_-] are allowed) (Jeroen van Baarsen) - Fix new/empty milestones showing 100% completion value (Jonah Bishop) - Add a note when an Issue or Merge Request's title changes - Consistently refer to MRs as either Merged or Closed. - Add Merged tab to MR lists. - Prefix EmailsOnPush email subject with `[Git]`. - Group project contributions by both name and email. - Clarify navigation labels for Project Settings and Group Settings. - Move user avatar and logout button to sidebar - You can not remove user if he/she is an only owner of group - User should be able to leave group. If not - show him proper message - User has ability to leave project - Add SAML support as an omniauth provider - Allow to configure a URL to show after sign out - Add an option to automatically sign-in with an Omniauth provider - GitLab CI service sends .gitlab-ci.yml in each push call - When remove project - move repository and schedule it removal - Improve group removing logic - Trigger create-hooks on backup restore task - Add option to automatically link omniauth and LDAP identities - Allow special character in users bio. I.e.: I <3 GitLab

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