Release v7.13.0-ee
Name: GitLab
Release: Gitlab 7.13
Released: 2020-04-06
License: MIT
Release Assets:
- Remove repository graph log to fix slow cache updates after push event (Stan Hu) - Only enable HSTS header for HTTPS and port 443 (Stan Hu) - Fix user autocomplete for unauthenticated users accessing public projects (Stan Hu) - Fix redirection to home page URL for unauthorized users (Daniel Gerhardt) - Add branch switching support for graphs (Daniel Gerhardt) - Fix external issue tracker hook/test for HTTPS URLs (Daniel Gerhardt) - Remove link leading to a 404 error in Deploy Keys page (Stan Hu) - Add support for unlocking users in admin settings (Stan Hu) - Add Irker service configuration options (Stan Hu) - Fix order of issues imported from GitHub (Hiroyuki Sato) - Bump rugments to 1.0.0beta8 to fix C prototype function highlighting (Jonathon Reinhart) - Fix Merge Request webhook to properly fire "merge" action when accepted from the web UI - Add `two_factor_enabled` field to admin user API (Stan Hu) - Fix invalid timestamps in RSS feeds (Rowan Wookey) - Fix downloading of patches on public merge requests when user logged out (Stan Hu) - Fix Error 500 when relative submodule resolves to a namespace that has a different name from its path (Stan Hu) - Extract the longest-matching ref from a commit path when multiple matches occur (Stan Hu) - Update maintenance documentation to explain no need to recompile asssets for omnibus installations (Stan Hu) - Support commenting on diffs in side-by-side mode (Stan Hu) - Fix JavaScript error when clicking on the comment button on a diff line that has a comment already (Stan Hu) - Return 40x error codes if branch could not be deleted in UI (Stan Hu) - Remove project visibility icons from dashboard projects list - Rename "Design" profile settings page to "Preferences". - Allow users to customize their default Dashboard page. - Update ssl_ciphers in Nginx example to remove DHE settings. This will deny forward secrecy for Android 2.3.7, Java 6 and OpenSSL 0.9.8 - Admin can edit and remove user identities - Convert CRLF newlines to LF when committing using the web editor. - API request /projects/:project_id/merge_requests?state=closed will return only closed merge requests without merged one. If you need ones that were merged - use state=merged. - Allow Administrators to filter the user list by those with or without Two-factor Authentication enabled. - Show a user's Two-factor Authentication status in the administration area. - Explicit error when commit not found in the CI - Improve performance for issue and merge request pages - Users with guest access level can not set assignee, labels or milestones for issue and merge request - Reporter role can manage issue tracker now: edit any issue, set assignee or milestone and manage labels - Better performance for pages with events list, issues list and commits list - Faster automerge check and merge itself when source and target branches are in same repository - Correctly show anonymous authorized applications under Profile > Applications. - Query Optimization in MySQL. - Allow users to be blocked and unblocked via the API - Use native Postgres database cleaning during backup restore - Redesign project page. Show README as default instead of activity. Move project activity to separate page - Make left menu more hierarchical and less contextual by adding back item at top - A fork can’t have a visibility level that is greater than the original project. - Faster code search in repository and wiki. Fixes search page timeout for big repositories - Allow administrators to disable 2FA for a specific user - Add error message for SSH key linebreaks - Store commits count in database (will populate with valid values only after first push) - Rebuild cache after push to repository in background job - Fix transferring of project to another group using the API.