Release v7.3.0-ee

Name: GitLab


Release: Gitlab 7.3

Released: 2020-04-06

License: MIT

Release Assets:

- Always set the 'origin' remote in satellite actions - Write authorized_keys in tmp/ during tests - Use sockets to connect to Redis - Add dormant New Relic gem (can be enabled via environment variables) - Expire Rack sessions after 1 week - Cleaner signin/signup pages - Improved comments UI - Better search with filtering, pagination etc - Added a checkbox to toggle line wrapping in diff (Yuriy Glukhov) - Prevent project stars duplication when fork project - Use the default Unicorn socket backlog value of 1024 - Support Unix domain sockets for Redis - Store session Redis keys in 'session:gitlab:' namespace - Deprecate LDAP account takeover based on partial LDAP email / GitLab username match - Use /bin/sh instead of Bash in bin/web, bin/background_jobs (Pavel Novitskiy) - Keyboard shortcuts for productivity (Robert Schilling) - API: filter issues by state (Julien Bianchi) - API: filter issues by labels (Julien Bianchi) - Add system hook for ssh key changes - Add blob permalink link (Ciro Santilli) - Create annotated tags through UI and API (Sean Edge) - Snippets search (Charles Bushong) - Comment new push to existing MR - Add 'ci' to the blacklist of forbidden names - Improve text filtering on issues page - Comment & Close button - Process git push --all much faster - Don't allow edit of system notes - Project wiki search (Ralf Seidler) - Enabled Shibboleth authentication support (Matus Banas) - Zen mode (fullscreen) for issues/MR/notes (Robert Schilling) - Add ability to configure webhook timeout via gitlab.yml (Wes Gurney) - Sort project merge requests in asc or desc order for updated_at or created_at field (sponsored by O'Reilly Media) - Add Redis socket support to 'rake gitlab:shell:install'

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