Release v8.12.0-ee

Name: GitLab


Release: Gitlab 8.12

Released: 2020-04-06

License: MIT

Release Assets:

- Removes inconsistency regarding tagging immediately as merged once you create a new branch. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6408 - Update the rouge gem to 2.0.6, which adds highlighting support for JSX, Prometheus, and others. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6251 - Only check :can_resolve permission if the note is resolvable - Bump fog-aws to v0.11.0 to support ap-south-1 region - Add ability to fork to a specific namespace using API. (ritave) - Allow to set request_access_enabled for groups and projects - Cleanup misalignments in Issue list view gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6206 - Only create a protected branch upon a push to a new branch if a rule for that branch doesn't exist - Add Pipelines for Commit - Prune events older than 12 months. (ritave) - Prepend blank line to `Closes` message on merge request linked to issue (lukehowell) - Fix issues/merge-request templates dropdown for forked projects - Filter tags by name gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6121 - Update gitlab shell secret file also when it is empty. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!3774 (glensc) - Give project selection dropdowns responsive width, make non-wrapping. - Fix note form hint showing slash commands supported for commits. - Make push events have equal vertical spacing. - API: Ensure invitees are not returned in Members API. - Preserve applied filters on issues search. - Add two-factor recovery endpoint to internal API gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5510 - Pass the "Remember me" value to the U2F authentication form - Display stages in valid order in stages dropdown on build page - Only update projects.last_activity_at once per hour when creating a new event - Cycle analytics (first iteration) gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5986 - Remove vendor prefixes for linear-gradient CSS (ClemMakesApps) - Move pushes_since_gc from the database to Redis - Limit number of shown environments on Merge Request: show only environments for target_branch, source_branch and tags - Add font color contrast to external label in admin area (ClemMakesApps) - Fix find file navigation links (ClemMakesApps) - Change logo animation to CSS (ClemMakesApps) - Instructions for enabling Git packfile bitmaps gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6104 - Use in the `GET /projects/search/:query` endpoint - Fix long comments in diffs messing with table width - Add spec covering 'Gitlab::Git::committer_hash' gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6433 (dandunckelman) - Fix pagination on user snippets page - Honor "fixed layout" preference in more places gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6422 - Run CI builds with the permissions of users gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5735 - Fix sorting of issues in API - Fix download artifacts button links gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6407 - Sort project variables by key. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6275 (Diego Souza) - Ensure specs on sorting of issues in API are deterministic on MySQL - Added ability to use predefined CI variables for environment name - Added ability to specify URL in environment configuration in gitlab-ci.yml - Escape search term before passing it to gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6241 (winniehell) - Fix pinned sidebar behavior in smaller viewports gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6169 - Fix file permissions change when updating a file on the GitLab UI gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5979 - Added horizontal padding on build page sidebar on code coverage block. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6196 (Vitaly Baev) - Change merge_error column from string to text type - Fix issue with search filter labels not displaying - Reduce contributions calendar data payload (ClemMakesApps) - Show all pipelines for merge requests even from discarded commits gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6414 - Replace contributions calendar timezone payload with dates (ClemMakesApps) - Changed MR widget build status to pipeline status gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6335 - Add `web_url` field to issue, merge request, and snippet API objects (Ben Boeckel) - Enable pipeline events by default gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6278 - Add pipeline email service gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6019 - Move parsing of sidekiq ps into helper gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6245 (pascalbetz) - Added go to issue boards keyboard shortcut - Expose `sha` and `merge_commit_sha` in merge request API (Ben Boeckel) - Emoji can be awarded on Snippets gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!4456 - Set path for all JavaScript cookies to honor GitLab's subdirectory setting gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5627 (Mike Greiling) - Fix blame table layout width - Spec testing if issue authors can read issues on private projects - Fix bug where pagination is still displayed despite all todos marked as done (ClemMakesApps) - Request only the LDAP attributes we need gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6187 - Center build stage columns in pipeline overview (ClemMakesApps) - Fix bug with tooltip not hiding on discussion toggle button - Rename behaviour to behavior in bug issue template for consistency (ClemMakesApps) - Fix bug stopping issue description being scrollable after selecting issue template - Remove suggested colors hover underline (ClemMakesApps) - Fix jump to discussion button being displayed on commit notes - Shorten task status phrase (ClemMakesApps) - Fix project visibility level fields on settings - Add hover color to emoji icon (ClemMakesApps) - Increase ci_builds artifacts_size column to 8-byte integer to allow larger files - Add textarea autoresize after comment (ClemMakesApps) - Do not write SSH public key 'comments' to authorized_keys gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6381 - Add due date to issue todos - Refresh todos count cache when an Issue/MR is deleted - Fix branches page dropdown sort alignment (ClemMakesApps) - Hides merge request button on branches page is user doesn't have permissions - Add white background for no readme container (ClemMakesApps) - API: Expose issue confidentiality flag. (Robert Schilling) - Fix markdown anchor icon interaction (ClemMakesApps) - Test migration paths from 8.5 until current release gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!4874 - Replace animateEmoji timeout with eventListener (ClemMakesApps) - Show badges in Milestone tabs. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5946 (Dan Rowden) - Optimistic locking for Issues and Merge Requests (title and description overriding prevention) - Require confirmation when not logged in for unsubscribe links gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6223 (Maximiliano Perez Coto) - Add `wiki_page_events` to project hook APIs (Ben Boeckel) - Remove Gitorious import - Loads GFM autocomplete source only when required - Fix issue with slash commands not loading on new issue page - Fix inconsistent background color for filter input field (ClemMakesApps) - Remove prefixes from transition CSS property (ClemMakesApps) - Add Sentry logging to API calls - Add BroadcastMessage API - Merge request tabs are fixed when scrolling page - Use 'git update-ref' for safer web commits gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6130 - Sort pipelines requested through the API - Automatically expand hidden discussions when accessed by a permalink gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5585 (Mike Greiling) - Fix issue boards loading on large screens - Change pipeline duration to be jobs running time instead of simple wall time from start to end gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6084 - Show queued time when showing a pipeline gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6084 - Remove unused mixins (ClemMakesApps) - Fix issue board label filtering appending already filtered labels - Add search to all issue board lists - Scroll active tab into view on mobile - Fix groups sort dropdown alignment (ClemMakesApps) - Add horizontal scrolling to all sub-navs on mobile viewports (ClemMakesApps) - Use JavaScript tooltips for mentions gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5301 (winniehell) - Add hover state to todos gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5361 (winniehell) - Fix icon alignment of star and fork buttons gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5451 (winniehell) - Fix alignment of icon buttons gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5887 (winniehell) - Added Ubuntu 16.04 support for (JonTheNiceGuy) - Fix markdown help references (ClemMakesApps) - Add last commit time to repo view (ClemMakesApps) - Fix accessibility and visibility of project list dropdown button gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6140 - Fix missing flash messages on service edit page (airatshigapov) - Added project-specific enable/disable setting for LFS gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5997 - Added group-specific enable/disable setting for LFS gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6164 - Add optional 'author' param when making commits. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5822 (dandunckelman) - Don't expose a user's token in the `/api/v3/user` API (gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6047) - Remove redundant js-timeago-pending from user activity log (ClemMakesApps) - Ability to manage project issues, snippets, wiki, merge requests and builds access level - Remove inconsistent font weight for sidebar's labels (ClemMakesApps) - Align add button on repository view (ClemMakesApps) - Fix contributions calendar month label truncation (ClemMakesApps) - Import release note descriptions from GitHub (EspadaV8) - Added tests for diff notes - Add pipeline events to Slack integration gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5525 - Add a button to download latest successful artifacts for branches and tags gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5142 - Remove redundant pipeline tooltips (ClemMakesApps) - Expire commit info views after one day, instead of two weeks, to allow for user email updates - Add delimiter to project stars and forks count (ClemMakesApps) - Fix badge count alignment (ClemMakesApps) - Remove green outline from `New branch unavailable` button on issue page gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5858 (winniehell) - Fix repo title alignment (ClemMakesApps) - Change update interval of contacted_at - Add LFS support to SSH gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6043 - Fix branch title trailing space on hover (ClemMakesApps) - Don't include 'Created By' tag line when importing from GitHub if there is a linked GitLab account (EspadaV8) - Award emoji tooltips containing more than 10 usernames are now truncated gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!4780 (jlogandavison) - Fix duplicate "me" in award emoji tooltip gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5218 (jlogandavison) - Order award emoji tooltips in order they were added (EspadaV8) - Fix spacing and vertical alignment on build status icon on commits page (ClemMakesApps) - Update with a simpler way to check out a merge request. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5944 - Fix button missing type (ClemMakesApps) - Gitlab::Checks is now instrumented - Move to project dropdown with infinite scroll for better performance - Fix leaking of submit buttons outside the width of a main container gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!18731 (originally by @pavelloz) - Load branches asynchronously in Cherry Pick and Revert dialogs. - Convert datetime coffeescript spec to ES6 (ClemMakesApps) - Add merge request versions gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5467 - Change using size to use count and caching it for number of group members. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5935 - Replace play icon font with svg (ClemMakesApps) - Added 'only_allow_merge_if_build_succeeds' project setting in the API. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5930 (Duck) - Reduce number of database queries on builds tab - Wrap text in commit message containers - Capitalize mentioned issue timeline notes (ClemMakesApps) - Fix inconsistent checkbox alignment (ClemMakesApps) - Use the default branch for displaying the project icon instead of master gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5792 (Hannes Rosenögger) - Adds response mime type to transaction metric action when it's not HTML - Fix hover leading space bug in pipeline graph gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5980 - Avoid conflict with admin labels when importing GitHub labels - User can edit closed MR with deleted fork (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska) gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5496 - Fix repository page ui issues - Avoid protected branches checks when verifying access without branch name - Add information about user and manual build start to runner as variables gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6201 (Sergey Gnuskov) - Fixed invisible scroll controls on build page on iPhone - Fix error on raw build trace download for old builds stored in database gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!4822 - Refactor the triggers page and documentation gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6217 - Show values of CI trigger variables only when clicked (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska) - Use default clone protocol on "check out, review, and merge locally" help page URL - Let the user choose a namespace and name on GitHub imports - API for Ci Lint gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5953 (Katarzyna Kobierska Urszula Budziszewska) - Allow bulk update merge requests from merge requests index page - Ensure validation messages are shown within the milestone form - Add notification_settings API calls gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5632 (mahcsig) - Remove duplication between project builds and admin builds view gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5680 (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska) - Fix URLs with anchors in wiki gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6300 (houqp) - Deleting source project with existing fork link will close all related merge requests gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6177 (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszeska) - Return 204 instead of 404 for /ci/api/v1/builds/register.json if no builds are scheduled for a runner gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6225 - Fix Gitlab::Popen.popen thread-safety issue - Add specs to removing project (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska) - Clean environment variables when running git hooks - Fix Import/Export issues importing protected branches and some specific models - Fix non-master branch readme display in tree view - Add UX improvements for merge request version diffs

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