Release v8.13.0-ee
Name: GitLab
Release: Gitlab 8.13
Released: 2020-04-06
License: MIT
Release Assets:
- Fix save button on project pipeline settings page. (gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6955) - All Sidekiq workers now use their own queue - Avoid race condition when asynchronously removing expired artifacts. (gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6881) - Improve Merge When Build Succeeds triggers and execute on pipeline success. (gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6675) - Respond with 404 Not Found for non-existent tags (Linus Thiel) - Truncate long labels with ellipsis in labels page - Improve tabbing usability for sign in page (ClemMakesApps) - Enforce TrailingSemicolon and EmptyLineBetweenBlocks in scss-lint - Adding members no longer silently fails when there is extra whitespace - Update runner version only when updating contacted_at - Add link from system note to compare with previous version - Use gitlab-shell v3.6.6 - Ignore references to internal issues when using external issues tracker - Ability to resolve merge request conflicts with editor gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6374 - Add `/projects/visible` API endpoint (Ben Boeckel) - Fix centering of custom header logos (Ashley Dumaine) - Keep around commits only pipeline creation as pipeline data doesn't change over time - Update duration at the end of pipeline - ExpireBuildArtifactsWorker query builds table without ordering enqueuing one job per build to cleanup - Add group level labels. (gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6425) - Add an example for testing a phoenix application with GitLab CI in the docs (Manthan Mallikarjun) - Cancelled pipelines could be retried. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6927 - Updating verbiage on git basics to be more intuitive - Fix project_feature record not generated on project creation - Clarify documentation for Runners API (Gennady Trafimenkov) - Use optimistic locking for pipelines and builds - The instrumentation for Banzai::Renderer has been restored - Change user & group landing page routing from /u/:username to /:username - Added documentation for .gitattributes files - Move Pipeline Metrics to separate worker - AbstractReferenceFilter caches project_refs on RequestStore when active - Replaced the check sign to arrow in the show build view. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6501 - Add a /wip slash command to toggle the Work In Progress status of a merge request. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6259 (tbalthazar) - ProjectCacheWorker updates caches at most once per 15 minutes per project - Fix Error 500 when viewing old merge requests with bad diff data - Create a new /templates namespace for the /licenses, /gitignores and /gitlab_ci_ymls API endpoints. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5717 (tbalthazar) - Fix viewing merged MRs when the source project has been removed gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6991 - Speed-up group milestones show page - Fix inconsistent options dropdown caret on mobile viewports (ClemMakesApps) - Extract project#update_merge_requests and SystemHooks to its own worker from GitPushService - Fix discussion thread from emails for merge requests. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7010 - Don't include archived projects when creating group milestones. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!4940 (Jeroen Jacobs) - Add tag shortcut from the Commit page. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6543 - Keep refs for each deployment - Close open tooltips on page navigation (Linus Thiel) - Allow browsing branches that end with '.atom' - Log LDAP lookup errors and don't swallow unrelated exceptions. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6103 (Markus Koller) - Replace unique keyframes mixin with keyframe mixin with specific names (ClemMakesApps) - Add more tests for calendar contribution (ClemMakesApps) - Update GitLab Shell to fix some problems with moving projects between storages - Cache rendered markdown in the database, rather than Redis - Add todo toggle event (ClemMakesApps) - Avoid database queries on Banzai::ReferenceParser::BaseParser for nodes without references - Simplify Mentionable concern instance methods - API: Ability to retrieve version information (Robert Schilling) - Fix permission for setting an issue's due date - API: Multi-file commit gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6096 (mahcsig) - Unicode emoji are now converted to images - Revert "Label list shows all issues (opened or closed) with that label" - Expose expires_at field when sharing project on API - Fix VueJS template tags being rendered in code comments - Added copy file path button to merge request diff files - Fix issue with page scrolling to top when closing or pinning sidebar (lukehowell) - Add Issue Board API support (andrebsguedes) - Allow the Koding integration to be configured through the API - Add new issue button to each list on Issues Board - Execute specific named route method from toggle_award_url helper method - Added soft wrap button to repository file/blob editor - Update namespace validation to forbid reserved names (.git and .atom) (Will Starms) - Show the time ago a merge request was deployed to an environment - Add RTL support to markdown renderer (Ebrahim Byagowi) - Add word-wrap to issue title on issue and milestone boards (ClemMakesApps) - Fix todos page mobile viewport layout (ClemMakesApps) - Make issues search less finicky - Fix inconsistent highlighting of already selected activity nav-links (ClemMakesApps) - Remove redundant mixins (ClemMakesApps) - Added 'Download' button to the Snippets page (Justin DiPierro) - Add visibility level to project repository - Fix robots.txt disallowing access to groups starting with "s" (Matt Harrison) - Close open merge request without source project (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska) - Fix showing commits from source project for merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6658 - Fix that manual jobs would no longer block jobs in the next stage. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6604 - Add configurable email subject suffix (Fu Xu) - Use defined colour for a language when available gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6748 (nilsding) - Added tooltip to fork count on project show page. (Justin DiPierro) - Use a ConnectionPool for Rails.cache on Sidekiq servers - Replace `alias_method_chain` with `Module#prepend` - Enable GitLab Import/Export for non-admin users. - Preserve label filters when sorting gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6136 (Joseph Frazier) - MergeRequest#new form load diff asynchronously - Only update issuable labels if they have been changed - Take filters in account in issuable counters. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6496 - Use custom Ruby images to test builds (\*) - Replace static issue fixtures by script gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6059 (winniehell) - Append issue template to existing description gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6149 (Joseph Frazier) - Trending projects now only show public projects and the list of projects is cached for a day - Memoize GitLab Shell's secret token (gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6599, Justin DiPierro) - Revoke button in Applications Settings underlines on hover. - Use higher size on Gitlab::Redis connection pool on Sidekiq servers - Add missing values to linter gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6276 (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska) - Revert avoid touching file system on Build#artifacts? - Stop using a Redis lease when updating the project activity timestamp whenever a new event is created - Add disabled delete button to protected branches (ClemMakesApps) - Add broadcast messages and alerts below sub-nav - Better empty state for Groups view - API: New /users/:id/events endpoint - Update ruby-prof to 0.16.2. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6026 (Elan Ruusamäe) - Replace bootstrap caret with fontawesome caret (ClemMakesApps) - Fix unnecessary escaping of reserved HTML characters in milestone title. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6533 - Add organization field to user profile - Change user pages routing from /u/:username/PATH to /users/:username/PATH. Old routes will redirect to the new ones for the time being. - Fix enter key when navigating search site search dropdown. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6643 (Brennan Roberts) - Fix deploy status responsiveness error gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6633 - Make searching for commits case insensitive - Fix resolved discussion display in side-by-side diff view gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6575 - Optimize GitHub importing for speed and memory - API: expose pipeline data in builds API (gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6502, Guilherme Salazar) - Notify the Merger about merge after successful build (Dimitris Karakasilis) - Reduce queries needed to find users using their SSH keys when pushing commits - Prevent rendering the link to all when the author has no access (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska) - Fix broken repository 500 errors in project list - Fix the diff in the merge request view when converting a symlink to a regular file - Fix Pipeline list commit column width should be adjusted - Close todos when accepting merge requests via the API gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6486 (tonygambone) - Ability to batch assign issues relating to a merge request to the author. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5725 (jamedjo) - Changed Slack service user referencing from full name to username (Sebastian Poxhofer) - Retouch environments list and deployments list - Add multiple command support for all label related slash commands gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6780 (barthc) - Add Container Registry on/off status to Admin Area gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6638 (the-undefined) - Add Nofollow for uppercased scheme in external urls gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6820 (the-undefined) - Allow empty merge requests gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6384 (Artem Sidorenko) - Grouped pipeline dropdown is a scrollable container - Cleanup Ci::ApplicationController. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6757 (Takuya Noguchi) - Fixes padding in all clipboard icons that have .btn class - Fix a typo in doc/api/ - Fix double-escaping in activities tab (Alexandre Maia) - API: all unknown routing will be handled with 404 Not Found - Add docs for request profiling - Delete dynamic environments - Fix buggy iOS tooltip layering behavior. - Make guests unable to view MRs on private projects - Fix broken Project API docs (Takuya Noguchi) - Migrate invalid project members (owner -> master)