Release v8.14.0-ee
Name: GitLab
Release: Gitlab 8.14
Released: 2020-04-06
License: MIT
Release Assets:
- Use separate email-token for incoming email and revert back the inactive feature. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5914 - API: allow recursive tree request. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6088 (Rebeca Mendez) - Replace jQuery.timeago with timeago.js. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6274 (ClemMakesApps) - Add CI notifications. Who triggered a pipeline would receive an email after the pipeline is succeeded or failed. Users could also update notification settings accordingly. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6342 - Add button to delete all merged branches. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6449 (Toon Claes) - Finer-grained Git gargage collection. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6588 - Introduce better credential and error checking to `rake gitlab:ldap:check`. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6601 - Centralize LDAP config/filter logic. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6606 - Make system notes less intrusive. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6755 - Process commits using a dedicated Sidekiq worker. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6802 - Show random messages when the To Do list is empty. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6818 (Josep Llaneras) - Precalculate user's authorized projects in database. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6839 - Fix record not found error on NewNoteWorker processing. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6863 (Oswaldo Ferreira) - Show avatars in mention dropdown. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6865 - Fix expanding a collapsed diff when converting a symlink to a regular file. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6953 - Defer saving project services to the database if there are no user changes. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6958 - Omniauth auto link LDAP user falls back to find by DN when user cannot be found by UID. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7002 - Display "folders" for environments. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7015 - Make it possible to trigger builds from webhooks. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7022 (Dmitry Poray) - Fix showing pipeline status for a given commit from correct branch. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7034 - Add link to build pipeline within individual build pages. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7082 - Add api endpoint `/groups/owned`. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7103 (Borja Aparicio) - Add query param to filter users by external & blocked type. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7109 (Yatish Mehta) - Issues atom feed url reflect filters on dashboard. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7114 (Lucas Deschamps) - Add setting to only allow merge requests to be merged when all discussions are resolved. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7125 (Rodolfo Arruda) - Remove an extra leading space from diff paste data. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7133 (Hiroyuki Sato) - Fix trace patching feature - update the updated_at value. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7146 - Fix 404 on network page when entering non-existent git revision. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7172 (Hiroyuki Sato) - Rewrite git blame spinach feature tests to rspec feature tests. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7197 (Lisanne Fellinger) - Add api endpoint for creating a pipeline. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7209 (Ido Leibovich) - Allow users to subscribe to group labels. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7215 - Reduce API calls needed when importing issues and pull requests from GitHub. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7241 (Andrew Smith (EspadaV8)) - Only skip group when it's actually a group in the "Share with group" select. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7262 - Introduce round-robin project creation to spread load over multiple shards. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7266 - Ensure merge request's "remove branch" accessors return booleans. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7267 - Fix no "Register" tab if ldap auth is enabled (gitlab-org/gitlab-foss#24038). gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7274 (Luc Didry) - Expose label IDs in API. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7275 (Rares Sfirlogea) - Fix invalid filename validation on eslint. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7281 - API: Ability to retrieve version information. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7286 (Robert Schilling) - Added ability to throttle Sidekiq Jobs. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7292 - Set default Sidekiq retries to 3. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7294 - Fix double event and ajax request call on MR page. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7298 (YarNayar) - Unify anchor link format for MR diff files. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7298 (YarNayar) - Require projects before creating milestone. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7301 (gfyoung) - Fix error when using invalid branch name when creating a new pipeline. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7324 - Return 400 when creating a system hook fails. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7350 (Robert Schilling) - Auto-close environment when branch is deleted. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7355 - Rework cache invalidation so only changed data is refreshed. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7360 - Navigation bar issuables counters reflects dashboard issuables counters. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7368 (Lucas Deschamps) - Fix cache for commit status in commits list to respect branches. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7372 - fixes 500 error on project show when user is not logged in and project is still empty. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7376 - Removed gray button styling from todo buttons in sidebars. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7387 - Fix project records with invalid visibility_level values. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7391 - Use 'Forking in progress' title when appropriate. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7394 (Philip Karpiak) - Fix error links in help index page. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7396 (Fu Xu) - Add support for reply-by-email when the email only contains HTML. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7397 - [Fix] Extra divider issue in dropdown. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7398 - Project download buttons always show. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7405 (Philip Karpiak) - Give search-input correct padding-right value. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7407 (Philip Karpiak) - Remove additional padding on right-aligned items in MR widget. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7411 (Didem Acet) - Fix issue causing Labels not to appear in sidebar on MR page. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7416 (Alex Sanford) - Allow mail_room idle_timeout option to be configurable. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7423 - Fix misaligned buttons on admin builds page. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7424 (Didem Acet) - Disable "Request Access" functionality by default for new projects and groups. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7425 - fix shibboleth misconfigurations resulting in authentication bypass. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7428 - Added Mattermost slash command. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7438 - Allow to connect Chat account with GitLab. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7450 - Make New Group form respect default visibility application setting. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7454 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi) - Fix Error 500 when creating a merge request that contains an image that was deleted and added. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7457 - Fix labels API by adding missing current_user parameter. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7458 (Francesco Coda Zabetta) - Changed restricted visibility admin buttons to checkboxes. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7463 - Send credentials (currently for registry only) with build data to GitLab Runner. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7474 - Fix POST /internal/allowed to cope with gitlab-shell v4.0.0 project paths. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7480 - Adds es6-promise Polyfill. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7482 - Added colored labels to related MR list. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7486 (Didem Acet) - Use setter for key instead AR callback. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7488 (Semyon Pupkov) - Limit labels returned for a specific project as an administrator. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7496 - Change slack notification comment link. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7498 (Herbert Kagumba) - Allow registering users whose username contains dots. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7500 (Timothy Andrew) - Fix race condition during group deletion and remove stale records present due to this bug. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7528 (Timothy Andrew) - Check all namespaces on validation of new username. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7537 - Pass correct tag target to post-receive hook when creating tag via UI. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7556 - Add help message for configuring Mattermost slash commands. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7558 - Fix typo in Build page JavaScript. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7563 (winniehell) - Make job script a required configuration entry. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7566 - Fix errors happening when source branch of merge request is removed and then restored. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7568 - Fix a wrong "The build for this merge request failed" message. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7579 - Fix Margins look weird in Project page with pinned sidebar in project stats bar. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7580 - Fix regression causing bad error message to appear on Merge Request form. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7599 (Alex Sanford) - Fix activity page endless scroll on large viewports. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7608 - Fix 404 on some group pages when name contains dot. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7614 - Do not create a new TODO when failed build is allowed to fail. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7618 - Add deployment command to ChatOps. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7619 - Fix 500 error when group name ends with git. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7630 - Fix undefined error in CI linter. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7650 - Show events per stage on Cycle Analytics page. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!23449 - Add JIRA remotelinks and prevent duplicated closing messages. - Fixed issue boards counter border when unauthorized. - Add placeholder for the example text for custom hex color on label creation popup. (Luis Alonso Chavez Armendariz) - Add an index for project_id in project_import_data to improve performance. - Fix broken commits search. - Assignee dropdown now searches author of issue or merge request. - Clicking "force remove source branch" label now toggles the checkbox again. - More aggressively preload on merge request and issue index pages. - Fix broken link to observatory cli on Frontend Dev Guide. (Sam Rose) - Fixing the issue of the project fork url giving 500 when not signed instead of being redirected to sign in page. (Cagdas Gerede) - Fix: Guest sees some repository details and gets 404. - Add logging for rack attack events to production.log. - Add environment info to builds page. - Allow commit note to be visible if repo is visible. - Bump omniauth-gitlab to 1.0.2 to fix incompatibility with omniauth-oauth2. - Redesign pipelines page. - Faster search inside Project. - Search for a filename in a project. - Allow sorting groups in the API. - Fix: Todos Filter Shows All Users. - Use the Gitlab Workhorse HTTP header in the admin dashboard. (Chris Wright) - Fixed multiple requests sent when opening dropdowns. - Added permissions per stage to cycle analytics endpoint. - Fix project Visibility Level selector not using default values. - Add events per stage to cycle analytics. - Allow to test JIRA service settings without having a repository. - Fix JIRA references for project snippets. - Allow enabling and disabling commit and MR events for JIRA. - simplify url generation. (Jarka Kadlecova) - Show correct environment log in admin/logs (@duk3luk3 gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7191) - Fix Milestone dropdown not stay selected for `Upcoming` and `No Milestone` option gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7117 - Diff collapse won't shift when collapsing. - Backups do not fail anymore when using tar on annex and custom_hooks only. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5814 - Adds user project membership expired event to clarify why user was removed (Callum Dryden) - Trim leading and trailing whitespace on project_path (Linus Thiel) - Prevent award emoji via notes for issues/MRs authored by user (barthc) - Adds support for the `token` attribute in project hooks API (Gauvain Pocentek) - Change auto selection behaviour of emoji and slash commands to be more UX/Type friendly (Yann Gravrand) - Adds an optional path parameter to the Commits API to filter commits by path (Luis HGO) - Fix Markdown styling inside reference links (Jan Zdráhal) - Create new issue board list after creating a new label - Fix extra space on Build sidebar on Firefox gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7060 - Fail gracefully when creating merge request with non-existing branch (alexsanford) - Fix mobile layout issues in admin user overview page gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7087 - Fix HipChat notifications rendering (airatshigapov, eisnerd) - Removed unneeded "Builds" and "Environments" link from project titles - Remove 'Edit' button from wiki edit view gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7143 (Hiroyuki Sato) - Cleaned up global namespace JS gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!19661 (Jose Ivan Vargas) - Refactor Jira service to use jira-ruby gem - Improved todos empty state - Add hover to trash icon in notes gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7008 (blackst0ne) - Hides project activity tabs when features are disabled - Only show one error message for an invalid email gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5905 (lycoperdon) - Added guide describing how to upgrade PostgreSQL using Slony - Fix sidekiq stats in admin area (blackst0ne) - Added label description as tooltip to issue board list title - Created cycle analytics bundle JavaScript file - Make the milestone page more responsive (yury-n) - Hides container registry when repository is disabled - API: Fix booleans not recognized as such when using the `to_boolean` helper - Removed delete branch tooltip gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6954 - Stop unauthorized users dragging on milestone page (blackst0ne) - Restore issue boards welcome message when a project is created gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6899 - Check that JavaScript file names match convention gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7238 (winniehell) - Do not show tooltip for active element gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7105 (winniehell) - Escape ref and path for relative links gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6050 (winniehell) - Fixed link typo on /help/ui to Alerts section. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6915 (Sam Rose) - Fix broken issue/merge request links in JIRA comments. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6143 (Brian Kintz) - Fix filtering of milestones with quotes in title (airatshigapov) - Fix issue boards dragging bug in Safari - Refactor less readable existence checking code from CoffeeScript gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6289 (jlogandavison) - Update mail_room and enable sentinel support to Reply By Email (gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7101) - Add task completion status in Issues and Merge Requests tabs: "X of Y tasks completed" (gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6527, @gmesalazar) - Simpler arguments passed to named_route on toggle_award_url helper method - Fix typo in framework css class. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7086 (Daniel Voogsgerd) - New issue board list dropdown stays open after adding a new list - Fix: Backup restore doesn't clear cache - Optimize Event queries by removing default order - Add new icon for skipped builds - Show created icon in pipeline mini-graph - Remove duplicate links from sidebar - API: Fix project deploy keys 400 and 500 errors when adding an existing key. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6784 (Joshua Welsh) - Add Rake task to create/repair GitLab Shell hooks symlinks gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5634 - Add job for removal of unreferenced LFS objects from both the database and the filesystem (Frank Groeneveld) - Replace jquery.cookie plugin with js.cookie gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7085 - Use MergeRequestsClosingIssues cache data on Issue#closed_by_merge_requests method - Fix Sign in page 'Forgot your password?' link overlaps on medium-large screens - Show full status link on MR & commit pipelines - Fix documents and comments on Build API `scope` - Initialize Sidekiq with the list of queues used by GitLab - Refactor email, use setter method instead AR callbacks for email attribute (Semyon Pupkov) - Shortened merge request modal to let clipboard button not overlap - Adds JavaScript validation for group path editing field - In all filterable drop downs, put input field in focus only after load is complete (Ido @leibo) - Improve search query parameter naming in /admin/users gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7115 (YarNayar) - Fix table pagination to be responsive - Fix applying GitHub-imported labels when importing job is interrupted - Allow to search for user by secondary email address in the admin interface(/admin/users) gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7115 (YarNayar) - Updated commit SHA styling on the branches page. - Fix "Without projects" filter. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6611 (Ben Bodenmiller) - Fix 404 when visit /projects page