Release v8.15.0-ee
Name: GitLab
Release: Gitlab 8.15
Released: 2020-04-06
License: MIT
Release Assets:
- Whitelist next project names: notes, services. - Use Grape's new Route methods. - Fixed issue boards scrolling with a lot of lists & issues. - Remove unnecessary sentences for status codes in the API documentation. (Luis Alonso Chavez Armendariz) - Allow unauthenticated access to Repositories Files API GET endpoints. - Add note to the invite page when the logged in user email is not the same as the invitation. - Don't accidentally mark unsafe diff lines as HTML safe. - Add git diff context to notifications of new notes on merge requests. (Heidi Hoopes) - Shows group members in project members list. - Gem update: Update grape to 0.18.0. (Robert Schilling) - API: Expose merge status for branch API. (Robert Schilling) - Displays milestone remaining days only when it's present. - API: Expose committer details for commits. (Robert Schilling) - API: Ability to set 'should_remove_source_branch' on merge requests. (Robert Schilling) - Fix project import label priorities error. - Fix Import/Export merge requests error while importing. - Refactor Bitbucket importer to use BitBucket API Version 2. - Fix Import/Export duplicated builds error. - Ci::Builds have same ref as Ci::Pipeline in dev fixtures. (twonegatives) - For single line git commit messages, the close quote should be on the same line as the open quote. - Use authorized projects in ProjectTeam. - Destroy a user's session when they delete their own account. - Edit help text to clarify annotated tag creation. (Liz Lam) - Fixed file template dropdown for the "New File" editor for smaller/zoomed screens. - Fix Route#rename_children behavior. - Add nested groups support on data level. - Allow projects with 'dashboard' as path. - Disabled emoji buttons when user is not logged in. - Remove unused and void services from the database. - Add issue search slash command. - Accept issue new as command to create an issue. - Non members cannot create labels through the API. - API: expose pipeline coverage. - Validate state param when filtering issuables. - Username exists check respects relative root path. - Bump Git version requirement to 2.8.4. - Updates the font weight of button styles because of the change to system fonts. - Update API spec files to describe the correct class. (Livier) - Fixed timeago re-rendering every timeago. - Enable ColorVariable in scss-lint. (Sam Rose) - Various small emoji positioning adjustments. - Add shortcuts for adding users to a project team with a specific role. (Nikolay Ponomarev and Dino M) - Additional rounded label fixes. - Remove unnecessary database indices. - 24726 Remove Across GitLab from side navigation. - Changed cursor icon to pointer when mousing over stages on the Cycle Analytics pages. (Ryan Harris) - Add focus state to dropdown items. - Fixes Environments displaying incorrect date since 8.14 upgrade. - Improve bulk assignment for issuables. - Stop supporting Google and Azure as backup strategies. - Fix broken UX guide link. - Allow public access to some Tag API endpoints. - Encode input when migrating ProcessCommitWorker jobs to prevent migration errors. - Adjust the width of project avatars to fix alignment within their container. (Ryan Harris) - Sentence cased the nav tab headers on the project dashboard page. (Ryan Harris) - Adds hoverstates for collapsed Issue/Merge Request sidebar. - Make CI badge hitboxes match parent. - Add a starting date to milestones. - Adjusted margins for Build Status and Coverage Report rows to match those of the CI/CD Pipeline row. (Ryan Harris) - Updated members dropdowns. - Move all action buttons to project header. - Replace issue access checks with use of IssuableFinder. - Fix missing Note access checks by moving Note#search to updated NoteFinder. - Centered Accept Merge Request button within MR widget and added padding for viewports smaller than 768px. (Ryan Harris) - Fix missing access checks on issue lookup using IssuableFinder. - Added top margin to Build status page header for mobile views. (Ryan Harris) - Fixes "ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `text?` for nil:NilClass" on MR pages. - Issue#visible_to_user moved to IssuesFinder to prevent accidental use. - Replace MR access checks with use of MergeRequestsFinder. - Fix information disclosure in `Projects::BlobController#update`. - Allow branch names with dots on API endpoint. - Changed Housekeeping button on project settings page to default styling. (Ryan Harris) - Ensure issuable state changes only fire webhooks once. - Fix bad selection on dropdown menu for tags filter. (Luis Alonso Chavez Armendariz) - Fix title case to sentence case. (Luis Alonso Chavez Armendariz) - Fix appearance in error pages. (Luis Alonso Chavez Armendariz) - Create mattermost service. - 25617 Fix placeholder color of todo filters. - Made the padding on the plus button in the breadcrumb menu even. (Ryan Harris) - Allow to delete tag release note. - Ensure nil User-Agent doesn't break the CI API. - Replace Rack::Multipart with GitLab-Workhorse based solution. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5867 - Add scopes for personal access tokens and OAuth tokens. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5951 - API: Endpoint to expose personal snippets as /snippets. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6373 (Bernard Guyzmo Pratz) - New `gitlab:workhorse:install` rake task. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6574 - Filter protocol-relative URLs in ExternalLinkFilter. Fixes issue gitlab-org/gitlab-foss#22742. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6635 (Makoto Scott-Hinkle) - Add support for setting the GitLab Runners Registration Token during initial database seeding. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6642 - Guests can read builds when public. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6842 - Made comment autocomplete more performant and removed some loading bugs. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6856 - Add GitLab host to 2FA QR code and manual info. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6941 - Add sorting functionality for group/project members. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7032 - Rename Merge When Build Succeeds to Merge When Pipeline Succeeds. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7135 - Resolve all discussions in a merge request by creating an issue collecting them. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7180 (Bob Van Landuyt) - Add Human Readable format for rake backup. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7188 (David Gerő) - post_receive: accept any user email from last commit. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7225 (Elan Ruusamäe) - Add support for Dockerfile templates. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7247 - Add shorthand support to gitlab markdown references. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7255 (Oswaldo Ferreira) - Display error code for U2F errors. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7305 (winniehell) - Fix wrong tab selected when loggin fails and multiple login tabs exists. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7314 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi) - Clean up common_utils.js. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7318 (winniehell) - Show commit status from latest pipeline. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7333 - Remove the help text under the sidebar subscribe button and style it inline. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7389 - Update wiki page design. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7429 - Add nested groups support to the routing. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7459 - Changed eslint airbnb config to the base airbnb config and corrected eslintrc plugins and envs. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7470 (Luke "Jared" Bennett) - Fix cancelling created or external pipelines. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7508 - Allow admins to stop impersonating users without e-mail addresses. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7550 (Oren Kanner) - Remove unnecessary self from user model. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7551 (Semyon Pupkov) - Homogenize filter and sort dropdown look'n'feel. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7583 (David Wagner) - Create dynamic fixture for build_spec. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7589 (winniehell) - Moved Leave Project and Leave Group buttons to access_request_buttons from the settings dropdown. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7600 - Remove unnecessary require_relative calls from service classes. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7601 (Semyon Pupkov) - Simplify copy on "Create a new list" dropdown in Issue Boards. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7605 (Victor Rodrigues) - Refactor create service spec. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7609 (Semyon Pupkov) - Shows unconfirmed email status in profile. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7611 - The admin user projects view now has a clickable group link. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7620 (James Gregory) - Prevent DOM ID collisions resulting from user-generated content anchors. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7631 - Replace static fixture for abuse_reports_spec. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7644 (winniehell) - Define common helper for describe pagination params in api. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7646 (Semyon Pupkov) - Move abuse report spinach test to rspec. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7659 (Semyon Pupkov) - Replace static fixture for awards_handler_spec. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7661 (winniehell) - API: Add ability to unshare a project from a group. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7662 (Robert Schilling) - Replace references to MergeRequestDiff#commits with st_commits when we care only about the number of commits. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7668 - Add issue events filter and make all really show all events. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7673 (Oxan van Leeuwen) - Replace static fixture for notes_spec. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7683 (winniehell) - Replace static fixture for shortcuts_issuable_spec. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7685 (winniehell) - Replace static fixture for zen_mode_spec. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7686 (winniehell) - Replace static fixture for right_sidebar_spec. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7687 (winniehell) - Add online terminal support for Kubernetes. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7690 - Move admin abuse report spinach test to rspec. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7691 (Semyon Pupkov) - Move admin spam spinach test to Rspec. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7708 (Semyon Pupkov) - Make API::Helpers find a project with only one query. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7714 - Create builds in transaction to avoid empty pipelines. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7742 - Render SVG images in diffs and notes. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7747 (andrebsguedes) - Add setting to enable/disable HTML emails. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7749 - Use SmartInterval for MR widget and improve visibilitychange functionality. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7762 - Resolve "Remove Builds tab from Merge Requests and Commits". gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7763 - Moved new projects button below new group button on the welcome screen. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7770 - fix display hook error message. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7775 (basyura) - Refactor issuable_filters_present to reduce duplications. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7776 (Semyon Pupkov) - Redirect to sign-in page when unauthenticated user tries to create a snippet. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7786 - Fix Archived project merge requests add to group's Merge Requests. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7790 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi) - Update generic/external build status to match normal build status template. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7811 - Enable AsciiDoctor admonition icons. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7812 (Horacio Sanson) - Do not raise error in AutocompleteController#users when not authorized. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7817 (Semyon Pupkov) - fix: 24982- Remove'Signed in successfully' message After this change the sign-in-success flash message will not be shown. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7837 (jnoortheen) - Fix Latest deployment link is broken. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7839 - Don't display prompt to add SSH keys if SSH protocol is disabled. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7840 (Andrew Smith (EspadaV8)) - Allow unauthenticated access to some Project API GET endpoints. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7843 - Refactor presenters ChatCommands. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7846 - Improve help message for issue create slash command. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7850 - change text around timestamps to make it clear which timestamp is displayed. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7860 (BM5k) - Improve Build Log scrolling experience. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7895 - Change ref property to commitRef in vue commit component. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7901 - Prevent user creating issue or MR without signing in for a group. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7902 - Provides a sensible default message when adding a README to a project. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7903 - Bump ruby version to 2.3.3. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7904 - Fix comments activity tab visibility condition. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7913 (Rydkin Maxim) - Remove unnecessary target branch link from MR page in case of deleted target branch. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7916 (Rydkin Maxim) - Add image controls to MR diffs. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7919 - Remove wrong '.builds-feature' class from the MR settings fieldset. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7930 - Resolve "Manual actions on pipeline graph". gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7931 - Avoid escaping relative links in Markdown twice. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7940 (winniehell) - Move admin hooks spinach to rspec. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7942 (Semyon Pupkov) - Move admin logs spinach test to rspec. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7945 (Semyon Pupkov) - fix: removed signed_out notification. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7958 (jnoortheen) - Accept environment variables from the `pre-receive` script. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7967 - Do not reload diff for merge request made from fork when target branch in fork is updated. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7973 - Fixes left align issue for long system notes. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7982 - Add a slug to environments. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7983 - Fix lookup of project by unknown ref when caching is enabled. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7988 - Resolve "Provide SVG as a prop instead of hiding and copy them in environments table". gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7992 - Introduce deployment services, starting with a KubernetesService. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7994 - Adds tests for custom event polyfill. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7996 - Allow all alphanumeric characters in file names. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8002 (winniehell) - Added support for math rendering, using KaTeX, in Markdown and asciidoc. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8003 (Munken) - Remove unnecessary commits order message. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8004 - API: Memoize the current_user so that sudo can work properly. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8017 - group authors in contribution graph with case insensitive email handle comparison. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8021 - Move admin active tab spinach tests to rspec. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8037 (Semyon Pupkov) - Add Authentiq as Oauth provider. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8038 (Alexandros Keramidas) - API: Ability to cherry pick a commit. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8047 (Robert Schilling) - Fix Slack pipeline message from pipelines made by API. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8059 - API: Simple representation of group's projects. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8060 (Robert Schilling) - Prevent overflow with vertical scroll when we have space to show content. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8061 - Allow to auto-configure Mattermost. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8070 - Introduce \$CI_BUILD_REF_SLUG. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8072 - Added go back anchor on error pages. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8087 - Convert CI YAML variables keys into strings. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8088 - Adds Direct link from pipeline list to builds. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8097 - Cache last commit id for path. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8098 (Hiroyuki Sato) - Pass variables from deployment project services to CI runner. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8107 - New Gitea importer. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8116 - Introduce "Set up autodeploy" button to help configure GitLab CI for deployment. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8135 - Prevent environment table to overflow when name has underscores. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8142 - Fix missing service error importing from EE to CE. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8144 - Milestoneish SQL performance partially improved and memoized. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8146 - Allow unauthenticated access to Repositories API GET endpoints. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8148 - fix colors and margins for adjacent alert banners. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8151 - Hides new issue button for non loggedin user. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8175 - Fix N+1 queries on milestone show pages. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8185 - Rename groups with .git in the end of the path. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8199 - Whitelist next project names: help, ci, admin, search. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8227 - Adds back CSS for progress-bars. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8237