Release v8.17.0-ee
Name: GitLab
Release: Gitlab 8.17
Released: 2020-04-06
License: MIT
Release Assets:
- API: Fix file downloading. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!0 (8267) - Changed composer installer script in the CI PHP example doc. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!4342 (Jeffrey Cafferata) - Display fullscreen button on small screens. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5302 (winniehell) - Add system hook for when a project is updated (other than rename/transfer). gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!5711 (Tommy Beadle) - Fix notifications when set at group level. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!6813 (Alexandre Maia) - Project labels can now be promoted to group labels. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7242 (Olaf Tomalka) - use webpack to bundle frontend assets and use karma for frontend testing. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7288 - Adds back ability to stop all environments. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7379 - Added labels empty state. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7443 - Add ability to define a coverage regex in the .gitlab-ci.yml. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7447 (Leandro Camargo) - Disable automatic login after clicking email confirmation links. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!7472 - Search feature: redirects to commit page if query is commit sha and only commit found. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8028 (YarNayar) - Create a TODO for user who set auto-merge when a build fails, merge conflict occurs. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8056 (twonegatives) - Don't group issues by project on group-level and dashboard issue indexes. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8111 (Bernardo Castro) - Mark MR as WIP when pushing WIP commits. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8124 (Jurre Stender @jurre) - Flag multiple empty lines in eslint, fix offenses. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8137 - Add sorting pipeline for a commit. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8319 (Takuya Noguchi) - Adds service trigger events to api. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8324 - Update pipeline and commit links when CI status is updated. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8351 - Hide version check image if there is no internet connection. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8355 (Ken Ding) - Prevent removal of input fields if it is the parent dropdown element. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8397 - Introduce maximum session time for terminal websocket connection. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8413 - Allow creating protected branches when user can merge to such branch. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8458 - Refactor MergeRequests::BuildService. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8462 (Rydkin Maxim) - Added GitLab Pages to CE. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8463 - Support notes when a project is not specified (personal snippet notes). gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8468 - Use warning icon in mini-graph if stage passed conditionally. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8503 - Don’t count tasks that are not defined as list items correctly. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8526 - Reformat messages ChatOps. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8528 - Copy commit SHA to clipboard. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8547 - Improve button accessibility on pipelines page. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8561 - Display project ID in project settings. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8572 (winniehell) - PlantUML support for Markdown. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8588 (Horacio Sanson) - Fix reply by email without sub-addressing for some clients from Microsoft and Apple. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8620 - Fix nested tasks in ordered list. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8626 - Fix Sort by Recent Sign-in in Admin Area. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8637 (Poornima M) - Avoid repeated dashes in \$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8638 - Only show Merge Request button when user can create a MR. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8639 - Prevent copying of line numbers in parallel diff view. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8706 - Improve build policy and access abilities. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8711 - API: Remove /projects/:id/keys/.. endpoints. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8716 (Robert Schilling) - API: Remove deprecated 'expires_at' from project snippets. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8723 (Robert Schilling) - Add `copy` backup strategy to combat file changed errors. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8728 - adds avatar for discussion note. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8734 - Add link verification to badge partial in order to render a badge without a link. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8740 - Reduce hits to LDAP on Git HTTP auth by reordering auth mechanisms. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8752 - prevent diff unfolding link from appearing when there are no more lines to show. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8761 - Redesign searchbar in admin project list. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8776 - Rename Builds to Pipelines, CI/CD Pipelines, or Jobs everywhere. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8787 - dismiss sidebar on repo buttons click. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8798 (Adam Pahlevi) - fixed small mini pipeline graph line glitch. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8804 - Make all system notes lowercase. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8807 - Support unauthenticated LFS object downloads for public projects. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8824 (Ben Boeckel) - Add read-only full_path and full_name attributes to Group API. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8827 - allow relative url change without recompiling frontend assets. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8831 - Use vue.js Pipelines table in commit and merge request view. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8844 - Use reCaptcha when an issue is identified as a spam. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8846 - resolve deprecation warnings. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8855 (Adam Pahlevi) - Cop for gem fetched from a git source. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8856 (Adam Pahlevi) - Remove flash warning from login page. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8864 (Gerald J. Padilla) - Adds documentation for how to use Vue.js. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8866 - Add 'View on [env]' link to blobs and individual files in diffs. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8867 - Replace word user with member. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8872 - Change the reply shortcut to focus the field even without a selection. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8873 (Brian Hall) - Unify MR diff file button style. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8874 - Unify projects search by removing /projects/:search endpoint. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8877 - Fix disable storing of sensitive information when importing a new repo. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8885 (Bernard Pietraga) - Fix pipeline graph vertical spacing in Firefox and Safari. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8886 - Fix filtered search user autocomplete for gitlab instances that are hosted on a subdirectory. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8891 - Fix Ctrl+Click support for Todos and Merge Request page tabs. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8898 - Fix wrong call to ProjectCacheWorker.perform. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8910 - Don't perform Devise trackable updates on blocked User records. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8915 - Add ability to export project inherited group members to Import/Export. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8923 - replace `find_with_namespace` with `find_by_full_path`. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8949 (Adam Pahlevi) - Fixes flickering of avatar border in mention dropdown. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8950 - Remove unnecessary queries for .atom and .json in Dashboard::ProjectsController#index. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8956 - Fix deleting projects with pipelines and builds. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8960 - Fix broken anchor links when special characters are used. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8961 (Andrey Krivko) - Ensure autogenerated title does not cause failing spec. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8963 (brian m. carlson) - Update doc for enabling or disabling GitLab CI. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8965 (Takuya Noguchi) - Remove deprecated MR and Issue endpoints and preserve V3 namespace. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8967 - Fixed "substract" typo on /help/user/project/slash_commands. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8976 (Jason Aquino) - Preserve backward compatibility CI/CD and disallow setting `coverage` regexp in global context. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8981 - use babel to transpile all non-vendor javascript assets regardless of file extension. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8988 - Fix MR widget url. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!8989 - Fixes hover cursor on pipeline pagenation. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!9003 - Layer award emoji dropdown over the right sidebar. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!9004 - Do not display deploy keys in user's own ssh keys list. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!9024 - upgrade babel 5.8.x to babel 6.22.x. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!9072 - upgrade to webpack v2.2. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!9078 - Trigger autocomplete after selecting a slash command. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!9117 - Add space between text and loading icon in Megre Request Widget. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!9119 - Fix job to pipeline renaming. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!9147 - Replace static fixture for merge_request_tabs_spec.js. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!9172 (winniehell) - Replace static fixture for right_sidebar_spec.js. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!9211 (winniehell) - Show merge errors in merge request widget. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!9229 - Increase process_commit queue weight from 2 to 3. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!9326 (blackst0ne) - Don't require lib/gitlab/request_profiler/middleware.rb in config/initializers/request_profiler.rb. - Force new password after password reset via API. (George Andrinopoulos) - Allows to search within project by commit hash. (YarNayar) - Show organisation membership and delete comment on smaller viewports, plus change comment author name to username. - Remove turbolinks. - Convert pipeline action icons to svg to have them properly positioned. - Remove rogue scrollbars for issue comments with inline elements. - Align Segoe UI label text. - Color + and - signs in diffs to increase code legibility. - Fix tab index order on branch commits list page. (Ryan Harris) - Add hover style to copy icon on commit page header. (Ryan Harris) - Remove hover animation from row elements. - Improve pipeline status icon linking in widgets. - Fix commit title bar and repository view copy clipboard button order on last commit in repository view. - Fix mini-pipeline stage tooltip text wrapping. - Updated builds info link on the project settings page. (Ryan Harris) - 27240 Make progress bars consistent. - Only render hr when user can't archive project. - 27352-search-label-filter-header. - Include :author, :project, and :target in Event.with_associations. - Don't instantiate AR objects in Event.in_projects. - Don't capitalize environment name in show page. - Update and pin the `jwt` gem to ~> 1.5.6. - Edited the column header for the environments list from created to updated and added created to environments detail page colum header titles. - Give ci status text on pipeline graph a better font-weight. - Add default labels to bulk assign dropdowns. - Only return target project's comments for a commit. - Fixes Pipelines table is not showing branch name for commit. - Fix regression where cmd-click stopped working for todos and merge request tabs. - Fix stray pipelines API request when showing MR. - Fix Merge request pipelines displays JSON. - Fix current build arrow indicator. - Fix contribution activity alignment. - Show Pipeline(not Job) in MR desktop notification. - Fix tooltips in mini pipeline graph. - Display loading indicator when filtering ref switcher dropdown. - Show pipeline graph in MR widget if there are any stages. - Fix icon colors in merge request widget mini graph. - Improve blockquote formatting in notification emails. - Adds container to tooltip in order to make it work with overflow:hidden in parent element. - Restore pagination to admin abuse reports. - Ensure export files are removed after a namespace is deleted. - Add `y` keyboard shortcut to move to file permalink. - Adds /target_branch slash command functionality for merge requests. (YarNayar) - Patch Asciidocs rendering to block XSS. - contribution calendar scrolls from right to left. - Copying a rendered issue/comment will paste into GFM textareas as actual GFM. - Don't delete assigned MRs/issues when user is deleted. - Remove new branch button for confidential issues. - Don't allow project guests to subscribe to merge requests through the API. (Robert Schilling) - Don't connect in Gitlab::Database.adapter_name. - Prevent users from creating notes on resources they can't access. - Ignore encrypted attributes in Import/Export. - Change rspec test to guarantee window is resized before visiting page. - Prevent users from deleting system deploy keys via the project deploy key API. - Fix XSS vulnerability in SVG attachments. - Make MR-review-discussions more reliable. - fix incorrect sidekiq concurrency count in admin background page. (wendy0402) - Make notification_service spec DRYer by making test reusable. (YarNayar) - Redirect http://someproject.git to http://someproject. (blackst0ne) - Fixed group label links in issue/merge request sidebar. - Improve gl.utils.handleLocationHash tests. - Fixed Issuable sidebar not closing on smaller/mobile sized screens. - Resets assignee dropdown when sidebar is open. - Disallow system notes for closed issuables. - Fix timezone on issue boards due date. - Remove unused js response from refs controller. - Prevent the GitHub importer from assigning labels and comments to merge requests or issues belonging to other projects. - Fixed merge requests tab extra margin when fixed to window. - Patch XSS vulnerability in RDOC support. - Refresh authorizations when transferring projects. - Remove issue and MR counts from labels index. - Don't use backup Active Record connections for Sidekiq. - Add index to ci_trigger_requests for commit_id. - Add indices to improve loading of labels page. - Reduced query count for snippet search. - Update GitLab Pages to v0.3.1. - Upgrade omniauth gem to 1.3.2. - Remove deprecated GitlabCiService. - Requeue pending deletion projects.