Release v8.6.0-ee

Name: GitLab


Release: Gitlab 8.6

Released: 2020-04-06

License: MIT

Release Assets:

- Add ability to move issue to another project - Prevent tokens in the import URL to be showed by the UI - Fix bug where wrong commit ID was being used in a merge request diff to show old image (Stan Hu) - Add confidential issues - Bump gitlab_git to 9.0.3 (Stan Hu) - Fix diff image view modes (2-up, swipe, onion skin) not working (Stan Hu) - Support Golang subpackage fetching (Stan Hu) - Bump Capybara gem to 2.6.2 (Stan Hu) - New branch button appears on issues where applicable - Contributions to forked projects are included in calendar - Improve the formatting for the user page bio (Connor Shea) - Easily (un)mark merge request as WIP using link - Use specialized system notes when MR is (un)marked as WIP - Removed the default password from the initial admin account created during - Fix issue when pushing to projects ending in .wiki - Properly display YAML front matter in Markdown - Add support for wiki with UTF-8 page names (Hiroyuki Sato) - Fix wiki search results point to raw source (Hiroyuki Sato) - Don't load all of GitLab in mail_room - Add information about `image` and `services` field at `job` level in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` documentation (Pat Turner) - HTTP error pages work independently from location and config (Artem Sidorenko) - Update `omniauth-saml` to 1.5.0 to allow for custom response attributes to be set - Memoize @group in Admin::GroupsController (Yatish Mehta) - Indicate how much an MR diverged from the target branch (Pierre de La Morinerie) - Added omniauth-auth0 Gem (Daniel Carraro) - Add label description in tooltip to labels in issue index and sidebar - Strip leading and trailing spaces in URL validator (evuez) - Add "last_sign_in_at" and "confirmed_at" to GET /users/\* API endpoints for admins (evuez) - Return empty array instead of 404 when commit has no statuses in commit status API - Decrease the font size and the padding of the `.anchor` icons used in the README (Roberto Dip) - Rewrite logo to simplify SVG code (Sean Lang) - Allow to use YAML anchors when parsing the `.gitlab-ci.yml` (Pascal Bach) - Ignore jobs that start with `.` (hidden jobs) - Hide builds from project's settings when the feature is disabled - Allow to pass name of created artifacts archive in `.gitlab-ci.yml` - Refactor and greatly improve search performance - Add support for cross-project label references - Ensure "new SSH key" email do not ends up as dead Sidekiq jobs - Update documentation to reflect Guest role not being enforced on internal projects - Allow search for logged out users - Allow to define on which builds the current one depends on - Allow user subscription to a label: get notified for issues/merge requests related to that label (Timothy Andrew) - Fix bug where Bitbucket `closed` issues were imported as `opened` (Iuri de Silvio) - Don't show Issues/MRs from archived projects in Groups view - Fix wrong "iid of max iid" in Issuable sidebar for some merged MRs - Fix empty source_sha on Merge Request when there is no diff (Pierre de La Morinerie) - Increase the notes polling timeout over time (Roberto Dip) - Add shortcut to toggle markdown preview (Florent Baldino) - Show labels in dashboard and group milestone views - Fix an issue when the target branch of a MR had been deleted - Add main language of a project in the list of projects (Tiago Botelho) - Add #upcoming filter to Milestone filter (Tiago Botelho) - Add ability to show archived projects on dashboard, explore and group pages - Remove fork link closes all merge requests opened on source project (Florent Baldino) - Move group activity to separate page - Create external users which are excluded of internal and private projects unless access was explicitly granted - Continue parameters are checked to ensure redirection goes to the same instance - User deletion is now done in the background so the request can not time out - Canceled builds are now ignored in compound build status if marked as `allowed to fail` - Trigger a todo for mentions on commits page - Let project owners and admins soft delete issues and merge requests

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