Release v8.9.0-ee

Name: GitLab


Release: Gitlab 8.9

Released: 2020-04-06

License: MIT

Release Assets:

- Fix group visibility form layout in application settings - Fix builds API response not including commit data - Fix error when CI job variables key specified but not defined - Fix pipeline status when there are no builds in pipeline - Fix Error 500 when using closes_issues API with an external issue tracker - Add more information into RSS feed for issues (Alexander Matyushentsev) - Bulk assign/unassign labels to issues. - Ability to prioritize labels gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!4009 / gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!3205 (Thijs Wouters) - Show Star and Fork buttons on mobile. - Performance improvements on RelativeLinkFilter - Fix endless redirections when accessing user OAuth applications when they are disabled - Allow enabling wiki page events from Webhook management UI - Bump rouge to 1.11.0 - Fix issue with arrow keys not working in search autocomplete dropdown - Fix an issue where note polling stopped working if a window was in the - Pre-processing Markdown now only happens when needed - Make EmailsOnPushWorker use Sidekiq mailers queue - Redesign all Devise emails. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!4297 - Don't show 'Leave Project' to group members - Fix wiki page events' webhook to point to the wiki repository - Add a border around images to differentiate them from the background. - Don't show tags for revert and cherry-pick operations - Show image ID on registry page - Fix issue todo not remove when leave project gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!4150 (Long Nguyen) - Allow customisable text on the 'nearly there' page after a user signs up - Bump recaptcha gem to 3.0.0 to remove deprecated stoken support - Fix SVG sanitizer to allow more elements - Allow forking projects with restricted visibility level - Added descriptions to notification settings dropdown - Improve note validation to prevent errors when creating invalid note via API - Reduce number of fog gem dependencies - Add number of merge requests for a given milestone to the milestones view. - Implement a fair usage of shared runners - Remove project notification settings associated with deleted projects - Fix 404 page when viewing TODOs that contain milestones or labels in different projects - Add a metric for the number of new Redis connections created by a transaction - Fix Error 500 when viewing a blob with binary characters after the 1024-byte mark - Redesign navigation for project pages - Fix images in sign-up confirmation email - Added shortcut 'y' for copying a files content hash URL gitlab-org/gitlab-foss#14470 - Fix groups API to list only user's accessible projects - Fix horizontal scrollbar for long commit message. - GitLab Performance Monitoring now tracks the total method execution time and call count per method - Add Environments and Deployments - Redesign account and email confirmation emails - Don't fail builds for projects that are deleted - Support Docker Registry manifest v1 - `git clone https://host/namespace/project` now works, in addition to using the `.git` suffix - Bump nokogiri to 1.6.8 - Use gitlab-shell v3.0.0 - Fixed alignment of download dropdown in merge requests - Upgrade to jQuery 2 - Adds selected branch name to the dropdown toggle - Add API endpoint for Sidekiq Metrics gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!4653 - Refactoring Award Emoji with API support for Issues and MergeRequests - Use Knapsack to evenly distribute tests across multiple nodes - Add `sha` parameter to MR merge API, to ensure only reviewed changes are merged - Don't allow MRs to be merged when commits were added since the last review / page load - Add DB index on users.state - Limit email on push diff size to 30 files / 150 KB - Add rake task 'gitlab:db:configure' for conditionally seeding or migrating the database - Changed the Slack build message to use the singular duration if necessary (Aran Koning) - Fix race condition on merge when build succeeds - Added shortcut to focus filter search fields and added documentation gitlab-org/gitlab-foss#18120 - Links from a wiki page to other wiki pages should be rewritten as expected - Add option to project to only allow merge requests to be merged if the build succeeds (Rui Santos) - Added navigation shortcuts to the project pipelines, milestones, builds and forks page. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!4393 - Fix issues filter when ordering by milestone - Disable SAML account unlink feature - Added artifacts:when to .gitlab-ci.yml - this requires GitLab Runner 1.3 - Bamboo Service: Fix missing credentials & URL handling when base URL contains a path (Benjamin Schmid) - TeamCity Service: Fix URL handling when base URL contains a path - Todos will display target state if issuable target is 'Closed' or 'Merged' - Validate only and except regexp - Fix bug when sorting issues by milestone due date and filtering by two or more labels - POST to API /projects/:id/runners/:runner_id would give 409 if the runner was already enabled for this project - Add support for using Yubikeys (U2F) for two-factor authentication - Link to blank group icon doesn't throw a 404 anymore - Remove 'main language' feature - Toggle whitespace button now available for compare branches diffs gitlab-org/gitlab-foss#17881 - Pipelines can be canceled only when there are running builds - Allow authentication using personal access tokens - Use downcased path to container repository as this is expected path by Docker - Allow to use CI token to fetch LFS objects - Custom notification settings - Projects pending deletion will render a 404 page - Measure queue duration between gitlab-workhorse and Rails - Added Gfm autocomplete for labels - Added edit note 'up' shortcut documentation to the help panel and docs screenshot gitlab-org/gitlab-foss#18114 - Make Omniauth providers specs to not modify global configuration - Remove unused JiraIssue class and replace references with ExternalIssue. gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!4659 (Ilan Shamir) - Make authentication service for Container Registry to be compatible with < Docker 1.11 - Make it possible to lock a runner from being enabled for other projects - Add Application Setting to configure Container Registry token expire delay (default 5min) - Cache assigned issue and merge request counts in sidebar nav - Use Knapsack only in CI environment - Updated project creation page to match new UI gitlab-org/gitlab-foss#2542 - Cache project build count in sidebar nav - Add milestone expire date to the right sidebar - Manually mark a issue or merge request as a todo - Fix markdown_spec to use before instead of before(:all) to properly cleanup database after testing - Reduce number of queries needed to render issue labels in the sidebar - Improve error handling importing projects - Remove duplicated notification settings - Put project Files and Commits tabs under Code tab - Decouple global notification level from user model - Replace Colorize with Rainbow for coloring console output in Rake tasks. - Add workhorse controller and API helpers - An indicator is now displayed at the top of the comment field for confidential issues. - Show categorised search queries in the search autocomplete - RepositoryCheck::SingleRepositoryWorker public and private methods are now instrumented - Dropdown for `.gitlab-ci.yml` templates - Improve issuables APIs performance when accessing notes gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!4471 - Add sorting dropdown to tags page gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!4423 - External links now open in a new tab - Prevent default actions of disabled buttons and links - Markdown editor now correctly resets the input value on edit cancellation gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!4175 - Toggling a task list item in a issue/mr description does not creates a Todo for mentions - Improved UX of date pickers on issue & milestone forms - Cache on the database if a project has an active external issue tracker. - Put project Labels and Milestones pages links under Issues and Merge Requests tabs as subnav - GitLab project import and export functionality - All classes in the Banzai::ReferenceParser namespace are now instrumented - Remove deprecated issues_tracker and issues_tracker_id from project model - Allow users to create confidential issues in private projects - Measure CPU time for instrumented methods - Instrument private methods and private instance methods by default instead just public methods - Only show notes through JSON on confidential issues that the user has access to - Updated the allocations Gem to version 1.0.5 - The background sampler now ignores classes without names - Update design for `Close` buttons - New custom icons for navigation - Horizontally scrolling navigation on project, group, and profile settings pages - Hide global side navigation by default - Fix project Star/Unstar project button tooltip - Remove tanuki logo from side navigation; center on top nav - Include user relationships when retrieving award_emoji - Various associations are now eager loaded when parsing issue references to reduce the number of queries executed - Set inverse_of for Project/Service association to reduce the number of queries - Update tanuki logo highlight/loading colors - Remove explicit Gitlab::Metrics.action assignments, are already automatic. - Use Git cached counters for branches and tags on project page - Cache participable participants in an instance variable. - Filter parameters for request_uri value on instrumented transactions. - Remove duplicated keys add UNIQUE index to keys fingerprint column - ExtractsPath get ref_names from repository cache, if not there access git. - Show a flash warning about the error detail of XHR requests which failed with status code 404 and 500 - Cache user todo counts from TodoService - Ensure Todos counters doesn't count Todos for projects pending delete - Add left/right arrows horizontal navigation - Add tooltip to pin/unpin navbar - Add new sub nav style to Wiki and Graphs sub navigation

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