Release v9.4.0-ee
Name: GitLab
Release: GitLab 9.4
Released: 2020-04-03
License: MIT
Release Assets:

#### [Premium](

[Related Issues](
> Whenever you share a link from one issue to another, GitLab shortens it and crosslinks it automatically.
> But when issues get longer and projects more complex, it becomes hard to manage links and quickly find
> related issues.
> To solve this problem, we're introducing Related issues. With Related issues, you can formally declare
> another issue as related. A link to the other issue, its status and name will be shown in each issue.
> Simply paste a link to the issue you want to link or search for it by typing `#` (as you were able to do already)
> to link it. In the future, we will introduce different types of relationships through this mechanism.
[Environment-specific Secret Variables](
> Variables are often the right solution to define values that are then used during deployments to specific [environments](
> Since different environments (e.g.: **staging** and **production**) may require different values for the same task,
> such as the app name, it is important to create a direct binding between some variables and the related environment.
> With GitLab 9.4, Environment-specific Variables are introduced to solve this issue, as developers can now define which environments
> will receive a variable, even using wildcards to include dynamic environments, like `review/*.
> It is now easy to deploy to different environments with a minimal effort!
[PostgreSQL High Availability (Beta)]( (self-managed only)
> GitLab 9.4 arrives in Beta for deploying the bundled PostgreSQL
> server in a highly available manner, with a simple manual action to recover in the event
> a node goes down. This allows for a more robust deployment of GitLab, reducing the duration
> of an outage and potential for data loss. We are working to
> [automate the failover process]( in a subsequent release.
[Mini-Graph for Multi-Project Pipelines](
> We recently introduced [Multi-Project Pipeline Graphs]( to easily
> follow dependencies between related projects.
> With GitLab 9.4 we extend this also to mini-graphs in the Merge Request widget, where you can now see pipelines for downstream projects with their current status.
[GitLab Geo Improvements]( (self-managed only)
> Notable changes:
> - GitLab Geo now supports PostgreSQL replication slots to prevent secondary Geo
> nodes from getting out of sync with the primary. See
> [the documentation](
> for more details on how to use it the primary.
> - We've increased the performance of replicating Git data by
> [adding more concurrent clone operations](
> - Geo now ships with an initial version of an event log cursor that allows the
> secondary track when it needs to update a Git repository. We'll be deprecating the use of
> Geo system hooks in the future.
[Object Storage for CI Artifacts]( (self-managed only)
> As companies continue to embrace CI/CD across the organization, their
> artifact storage needs naturally increase as well. With GitLab 9.4 you can move
> existing [CI artifacts](
> to [Amazon S3](, in order to free local space and enable
> artifacts to be saved cost effectively, reliably, and with nearly infinite scalability.
> For now this operation has to be run every time you want to move your local artifacts to S3,
> but in a future iteration it will be automatically done so all the new artifacts will be saved
> on object storage as soon as they're created, without the need of a manual migration.
[New Navigation](
> To make it easier and faster to get around GitLab, we're working on
> updating our navigation. Because a new navigation can be a big disruption,
> we're releasing the first step as an opt-in configuration with GitLab 9.4.
> To enable the new navigation, click on your profile image in the top right corner and
> choose **Turn on new navigation**.
> We have made adjustments to the global top navigation and introduced contextual navigation in the left
> menu depending on what page you are currently viewing.
> The new UI is still a work in progress and will replace the existing navigation
> in the next few months, please see our [blog post](
> about our process and what work still needs to be done.
> We'd love to hear [your feedback](
[Web Application Monitoring](
> As part of GitLab 9.0 we [launched system performance management](
> integrated with CI/CD deployments,
> [monitoring deployed applications](
> on Kubernetes by tracking CPU and Memory utilization. This was a great
> first step, and with GitLab 9.4 we are excited to launch Web Application Monitoring with support beyond Kubernetes.
> GitLab will now automatically detect key user experience indicators like throughput, error rate, and latency. Simply connect [Prometheus]( to a
> [supported load balancer or HTTP server](,
> and it will identify and begin tracking these statistics.
> Delivering a great experience is everyone's responsibility, and GitLab is making this easier by closing the performance feedback loop in the tool developers use every day.
[Group-level Secret Variables](
> Secret variables are really useful when you need a safe place to store
> sensitive information. Until now, secret variables were stored at the project level.
> However, we know its common for different projects
> in the same group to share information on deployment or credentials for accessing external services.
> Group-level Secret Variables remove the need to duplicate variables
> from one project to the next: now you can enter these values once,
> and each project or subgroup in the group will access them automatically.
> It's also really simple to update these values. You just change them
> in one place and they'll be automatically modified for all of the projects.
[Variables in Pipeline Schedules](
> In GitLab 9.2 we introduced [Pipeline Schedules](
> to automatically run pipelines at a specific interval of time, but most teams also want
> to specify different values for specific variables when running the schedule.
> In GitLab 9.4, we've added the ability to define variables when creating or modifying a pipeline schedule:
> these values will be added to all the other variables already defined.
> Using this feature, you can also redefine existing variables to have a different value only for that specific run,
> for example if you want to have a "daily" pipeline running some tests in a different way.
[GitLab Power-Up for Trello](/blog/2017/07/22/gitlab-trello-power-up-launch/)
> Using both Trello and GitLab? Now you can make that experience even better with the new [GitLab Power-Up](!
> In Trello, when viewing one of your boards, simply go to `Power-Ups` and scroll
> to the `GitLab` Power-Up. After setup, you will be able to attach merge requests
> to Trello cards.
> In Trello, you will need to configure your domain, such as `` for,
> and add your personal token.
[GitLab Slack App for](
> 🚀 GitLab already integrated deeply with Slack (and [Mattermost](, [Microsoft Teams](, and [HipChat](,
> but we didn't have an app in the Slack App Directory yet. Today we do 🎉! That means setting up
> Slack integration with your projects on is now much easier.
> You can set it up from your project settings in GitLab (**Settings > Integrations**). Soon
> it will be available from the Slack App directory as well. We're working together with
> Slack on making sure private instances will
> be able to use the same Slack App in the near future. Of course, private instances are able
> to integrate with Slack using the manual steps outlined in the
> [documentation](
[Improved Internationalization](
> We are accelerating our efforts with Internationalization. A big thank you
> to members of our community who are already contributing additional
> languages including Chinese, French, Japanese and Brazillian Portuguese.
> A huge thanks to [Huang Tao]( for continuously
> contributing to the cause!
> In GitLab 9.4 we have added Internationalization support for the Commits page.
Unified Slack Interface
> With this release, we are unifying the issue information shown in Slack in response to a link being pasted,
> a [Slack slash command](
> being executed, or a [Slack notification](
> This provides a coherent experience regardless of how an issue is referenced in Slack.
[Group Milestones](
> Milestones are fundamental to issue tracking. They are often used to designate a sprint (week 35),
> a release (9.4) or a category (Backlog) of issues and merge requests. Often milestones span
> multiple projects: you were already able to quickly create milestones in multiple projects
> at once in GitLab. To make this experience better, we've now added the ability to create _Group milestones_.
> Group milestones behave exactly like their counterpart _project milestones_, but are created in
> the group and from there available to all projects directly belonging to that project.
> To create a group milestone, visit your group and go to **Issues** and then **Milestones**.
[Additional GitLab Service Metrics]( (self-managed only)
> With GitLab 9.4 we have added additional instrumentation to our Ruby on Rails code,
> providing insight into the HTTP requests, latency, and errors at the Rack middleware layer. We will continue to instrument additional areas of GitLab in subsequent releases.
[Customizable Path for CI/CD Configuration](
> GitLab defines CI/CD configuration in a YAML file named `.gitlab-ci.yml`
> that is located in the root of the repository.
> There are cases where you need to specify a different location for the
> definition of your pipelines, for example when you
> mirror a SVN repository and cannot have files in the root of the project.
> Starting with GitLab 9.4, you can now specify in **Settings > Pipelines** a custom
> path that will be used to read CI/CD configuration instead
> of the default `.gitlab-ci.yml`. A variable named `$CI_CONFIG_PATH` is available to
> jobs in order to access the current config location.
[New Cache Policy for CI/CD Configuration](
> The default behaviour of a caching job is to download the files at the start
> of execution, and to re-upload them at the end.
> This allows any changes made by the job to be persisted for future runs,
> and is known as the pull-push cache policy.
> The default behaviour of a caching step is to restore and archive dependencies of your jobs, allowing speed-up of subsequent runs.
> If any change is made to the cached content, it is pushed to the cache server by default, and this behavior is known as the pull-push cache policy.
> If you're not interested in updating the cached files for a specifig job, you can skip the upload step by setting `policy: pull` in the job specification.
> Alternatively, if you have a job that unconditionally recreates the cache without reference to its previous contents, you can use `policy: push`
> to save a lot of unnecessary load on the cache server. This feature requires GitLab Runner 9.4 or above.
[Extended Docker Configuration for CI/CD](
> In GitLab 9.4 we introduce new advanced configuration options for `.gitlab-ci.yml` that allow you more flexibility when defining Docker images
> that you want to use for your pipelines. These improvements require also GitLab Runner 9.4 or above.
> You can now specify a custom `entrypoint` for your Docker image, in order to override the default one: here is an example to set
> the entrypoint to `/bin/sh`, making the image suitable for GitLab CI jobs without further modifications:
> image:
> name: super/sql:experimental
> entrypoint: ["/bin/sh"]
> {: .language-yaml}
> You can also specify aliases for services to run multiple concurrent instances of the same Docker image, and specify commands directly in the configuration file.
> services:
> - name: super/sql:latest
> command: ["/usr/bin/super-sql", "run"]
> alias: super-sql-1
> - name: super/sql:latest
> alias: super-sql-2
> {: .language-yaml}
[Improved Prometheus Monitoring of Kubernetes Deployments](
> Since the release of [GitLab 9.0](, the Prometheus server bundled with Omnibus GitLab
> has supported monitoring Kubernetes nodes for CPU and Memory metrics. With the release
> of 9.4, the Prometheus server will also automatically monitor any
> [specifically annotated Pod metrics]([Security - Add LDAP SSL Certificate Verification]( (self-managed only)
> We added support for certificate verification for LDAP over SSL. This option will
> be disabled by default for backwards-compatibility until GitLab 10.0. Additionally,
> to aid in configuring a secure connection, you can now specify a CA certificate file
> and SSL version. Encryption method names `ssl` and `tls` have been deprecated in favor
> or `simple_tls` and `start_tls`, respectively.
Upcoming Omnibus Package Signing (self-managed only)
> Starting with our 9.5 release on August 22nd, we will be signing all
> new packages going forward. Along with the 9.5.0 package, we will also be providing
> signed versions of the latest 9.4 and 9.3 releases.
> Package signing provides additional confidence that the `.deb` and `.rpm` files
> used to install GitLab have not been surreptitiously modified.
[GitLab Mattermost 4.0]( (self-managed only)
> GitLab 9.4 includes [Mattermost 4.0](,
> [an open source Slack-alternative](, with a new look,
> new mobile apps, new API and Italian language support.
> This version includes [security updates](
> and upgrading is recommended.
[GitLab Runner 9.4](
> We're also releasing GitLab Runner 9.4 today!
> ##### Most interesting changes:
> * Improvements in Kubernetes volumes support ([merge request]( and [merge request](
> * Support for cache policies in `.gitlab-ci.yml` file ([merge request](
> * Extended Docker configuration in `.gitlab-ci.yml` file ([merge request](
> * `--all` option added to `unregister` command ([merge request](
> * Switch to Go 1.8 ([merge request](
> List of all changes can be found in GitLab Runner's [CHANGELOG](
[Omnibus Improvements]( (self-managed only)
> When using a container registry that is external to the Omnibus GitLab package,
> there is additional configuration required starting with the 9.4.0 release.
> Previously, only the path to the registry key used for communication between GitLab and the registry (`gitlab_rails['registry_key_path']`) was necessary.
> Now along with the path, it is also required to specify the content of the key by setting
> `registry['internal_key']` inside of `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`. Documentation for utilizing an external registry will be available soon.
> Other changes:
> 1. NGINX has been updated to the next stable version, 1.12.1
> 1. openSUSE 42.2 is now officially supported
Performance Improvements
> We are continuing to make great strides improving
> the performance of GitLab in every release. We're committed to not only
> making individual instances of GitLab even faster,
> but also to greatly improving the performance of,
> an instance that has over 1 million users!
> In GitLab 9.4 we are shipping performance
> improvements for issues, projects, milestones, and a lot more!
> For a list of implementations, please check the merge requests for
> [GitLab Community Edition](
> and
> [GitLab Enterprise Edition](