JReleaser/jreleaser: Release v1.12.0
Name: jreleaser
Owner: JReleaser
Release: Release v1.12.0
Released: 2024-05-01
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
🚀 Features
- b344024 Add an option to log HTTP network calls via Feign, closes #1638
- c88858f Support Sonatype's Portal Publisher API, closes #1612
- 5ba315d Handle Maven's build & consumer poms, closes #1632
- 67838bb Specify additional properties in repositories, closes #1621
🐛 Fixes
- 0a2d0d7 Fixes links, mentions and hashtags for Bluesky. Fixes #1611, closes #1611
- a8c7f27 Apply replaced platform to working directories and resolved image names, closes #1642
- 20d1ce6 Trim title/body before parsing commits, closes #1646
- fc98f72 Additional description when a PGP key cannot be resolved, closes #1626
- 0635b83 Check username/password for Nexus2 maven deployer during validation, closes #1640
- 1a6b7e6 Check timestamp of signature/checksum files against their source deployable, closes #1625
- 8dd315d Nexus2 logged stagingRepositoryId incorrectly
- d4608ae Fix quoting and path issues in windows launchers, closes #1634
- 63ca422 Merge extraProperties from packager repositories, closes #1621
- 3ccb2e4 Add missing java.rmi module to jlink images, closes #1629
🛠 Build
- 0ac0d4f Small code cleanup on Bluesky SDK
- 1c8d2ae Fix smoketests GH workflow
- f40bfc0 Update release announcements
- eef73d0 Reformat wiki entries
- e98f6f9 Update JDK settings
- 124bd88 Cleanup issues identified by Sonar
- 17868e6 Setup osx-aarch64 in jreleaser-installer
- 17f36d7 Explicitly set macos runner to macos-13
- 43444f0 Fix some issues identified by Sonar
- ea3fa0b Upgrade to Gradle 8.7
- d47e0cf Update maven-plugin-development to 0.4.3
- 9234528 Update codeql GH workflow
- 411435d Update GH actions
- 4c7c569 Disable distribution tasks in jreleaser-tool-provider, closes #1613
- b57fe3c Ensure reproducibleTimestamp task runs at the right time, closes #1614
- e974996 Move flatpack category to 'Development'
📝 Documentation
- 2d78a56 Add AndriiEagle as a contributor for code [skip ci]
- e47fca2 Add eins78 as a contributor for code [skip ci]
- 5696f90 Add joaompinto as a contributor for code [skip ci]
- ea3f535 Add binary-sequence as a contributor for code [skip ci]
⚙️ Dependencies
- d802383 Update aws-java-sdk to 2.25.41
- 103dd86 Update slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator to 2.0.0
- 8b43e20 Update cyclonedx-gradle-plugin to 1.8.2
- 6dd09da Update jdks-gradle-plugin to 1.11.0
- 5bdf248 Update mockito to 5.11.0
- 37893b2 Update jacoco to 0.8.12
- dd27840 Update errorprone to 2.26.1
- 12777aa Update commons-text to 1.12.0
- 1eecb0c Update aws-java-sdk to 2.25.36
- 1ecc57e Update maven-annotations to 3.12.0
- bf38332 Update plexus-component-annotations to 2.2.0
- f8fbe86 Update plexus-archiver to 4.9.2
- 8f2e172 Update woodstox to 6.6.2
- 13a478a Update spotbugs to 4.8.4
- e766c80 Update zstd-jni to 1.5.6-2
- e0186e6 Update syft to 1.2.0
- f844063 Update slf4j to 2.0.13
- b31ab41 Update tika to 2.9.2
- bd88986 Update json-smart to 2.5.1
- f55ad96 Update jsonschema to 4.35.0
- 22b4e4f Update cosign to 2.2.4
- f55491c Update commons-io to 1.26.1
- cc54673 Update commons-compress to 1.26.1
- 54153c5 update jackson to 2.17.0
- d63968a Update pomchecker to 1.11.0
- 548da08 bump slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator to 1.10.0
- 8f57951 Releasing version 1.12.0
- 3cf4e51 Bump for next development cycle
We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
- Andres Almiray (@aalmiray)
- Andrii Pokrovskyi
- Janne Valkealahti (@jvalkeal)
- Joao Pinto (@joaompinto)
- Max Albrecht (@eins78)
- Sergio Lindo Mansilla
- tomco (@TomCools)