K8ssandra/cass-operator: Release v1.16.0

Name: cass-operator

Owner: K8ssandra

Release: v1.16.0

Released: 2023-06-30

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:

  • [CHANGE] #542 Support 7.x.x version numbers for DSE and 5.x.x for Cassandra
  • [CHANGE] #531 Update to Kubebuilder gov4-alpha layout structure
  • [ENHANCEMENT] #523 Spec.ServiceAccountName is introduced as replacements to Spec.ServiceAccount (to account for naming changes in Kubernetes itself), also PodTemplateSpec.Spec.ServiceAccountName is supported. Precendence order is: Spec.ServiceAccountName > Spec.ServiceAccount > PodTemplateSpec.
  • [ENHANCEMENT] #541 When deployed through OLM, add serviceAccount to Cassandra pods that use nonroot priviledge
  • [CHANGE] #516 Modify sidecar default CPU and memory limits.
  • [CHANGE] #495 Remove all the VMware PSP specific code from the codebase. This has been inoperational since 1.8.0
  • [CHANGE] #494 Remove deprecated generated clientsets.

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