K8ssandra/cass-operator: Release v1.22.0
Name: cass-operator
Owner: K8ssandra
Release: v1.22.0
Released: 2024-07-22
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
- [FEATURE] #263 Allow increasing the size of CassandraDataVolumeClaimSpec if the selected StorageClass supports it. This feature is currently behind a opt-in feature flag and requires an annotation
cassandra.datastax.com/allow-storage-changes: true
to be set in the CassandraDatacenter. - [FEATURE] #646 Allow starting multiple parallel pods if they have already previously bootstrapped and not planned for replacement. Set annotation
cassandra.datastax.com/allow-parallel-starts: true
to enable this feature. - [ENHANCEMENT] #648 Make MinReadySeconds configurable value in the Spec.
- [ENHANCEMENT] #184 Add CassandraDatacenter.Status fields as metrics also
- [ENHANCEMENT] #199 If .spec.readOnlyRootFilesystem is set, run the cassandra container with readOnlyRootFilesystem. Also, modify the default SecurityContext to mention runAsNonRoot: true
- [ENHANCEMENT] #595 Update Vector to 0.39.0 and enforce the TOML file format in the starting command
- [BUGFIX] #681 Remove nodes rights from the operator as it is not required