K8ssandra/cass-operator: Release v1.23.0

Name: cass-operator

Owner: K8ssandra

Release: v1.23.0

Released: 2024-11-26

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:

  • [CHANGE] #720 Always use ObjectMeta.Name for the PodDisruptionBudget resource name, not the DatacenterName
  • [CHANGE] #731 Make the concurrent restart of already bootstrapped nodes the default. If user wishes to revert to older behavior, set annotation cassandra.datastax.com/allow-parallel-starts: "false" to datacenter.
  • [FEATURE] #651 Add tsreload task for DSE deployments and ability to check if sync operation is available on the mgmt-api side
  • [ENHANCEMENT] #722 Add back the ability to track cleanup task before marking scale up as done. This is controlled by an annotation cassandra.datastax.com/track-cleanup-tasks
  • [ENHANCEMENT] #532 Extend ImageConfig type to allow additional parameters for k8ssandra-operator requirements. These include per-image PullPolicy / PullSecrets as well as additional image. Also add ability to override a single HCD version image.
  • [ENHANCEMENT] #636 Add support for new field in ImageConfig, imageNamespace. This will allow to override namespace of all images when using private registries. Setting it to empty will remove the namespace entirely.
  • [BUGFIX] #705 Ensure ConfigSecret has annotations map before trying to set a value

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