Release v1.1.0
Name: tiled
Release: Tiled 1.1.0
Released: 2018-01-03
Release Assets:
- Added support for infinite maps (by Ketan Gupta, #260)
- Added support for Wang tiles and related tools (by Benjamin Trotter)
- Added support for reusable object templates (by Mohamed Thabet)
- Added working directory setting for custom commands (by Ketan Gupta, #1580)
- Added output of custom commands in Debug Console (by Ketan Gupta, #1552)
- Added autocrop action based on tile layers (by Ketan Gupta, #642)
- Added tool bar with tool-specific actions and settings (by Ketan Gupta, #1084)
- Added shape fill tool for filling rectangles or circles (by Benjamin Trotter, #1272)
- Added option to lock/unlock a layer (by Ketan Gupta, #734)
- Added .xml as possible file extension for TMX files
- Added keyboard shortcut for Save All (by Thomas ten Cate)
- Added actions to remove a segment from polygon or to split a polyline (by Ketan Gupta, #1685)
- Added icon for animation editor in the tileset editor (by Ketan Gupta, #1706)
- Added display of flip bits for hovered tile in status bar (#1707)
- Added ability to capture tiles while using fill tools (#790)
- Added option to have mouse wheel zoom by default (#1472)
- Added tab closing actions to context menu, and close by middle-click (by Justin Jacobs, #1720)
- Added ability to reorder terrain types (by Justin Jacobs, #1603)
- Added a point object for marking locations (by Antoine Gersant, #1325)
- Added 'New Tileset' button when no tileset is opened (by Rhenaud Dubois, #1789)
- Added 'Open File' button when no file opened (by Rhenaud Dubois, #1818)
- Added support for custom input formats and TMX output to the --export-map command-line option
- Added island RPG example based on Beach tileset by finalbossblues
- Added file-related context menu actions to tileset tabs
- Added action to reset to default window layout (by Keshav Sharma, #1794)
- Added support for exporting tilesets, including to Lua format (by Conrad Mercer, #1213)
- Keep object types sorted alphabetically (by Antoine Gersant, #1679)
- Improved polygon node handles and drag behavior
- Fixed %executablepath variable for executables found in PATH (#1648)
- Fixed Delete key to delete selected polygon nodes when appropriate (by Ketan Gupta, #1555)
- Fixed Terrain Brush going wild in some scenarios (#1632)
- Fixed the "Embed in Map" checkbox to be persistent (#1664)
- Fixed crash when saving two new maps using the same file name (#1734)
- Fixed issues caused by paths not being cleaned (#1713)
- Fixed suggested file name for tilesets to match the tileset name (by killerasus, #1783)
- Fixed selection rectangle's shadow offset when zooming (by Antoine Gersant, #1796)
- Fixed save dialog to reopen after heeding the file extension warning (by Antoine Gersant, #1782)
- Fixed potential crash when zooming out too much (#1824)
- Fixed potential crash after deleting object or group layers
- Fixed Object Selection tool clearing selection on double-click
- Enabled building with Qbs on macOS, including the Python plugin (by Jake Petroules)
- Automapping: Don't fail if an input/inputnot layer isn't found
- Automapping: Added a "StrictEmpty" flag to input layers
- GMX plugin: Added support for defining views with objects (by William Taylor, #1621)
- GMX plugin: Added support for setting scale and origin for instances (#1427)
- GMX plugin: Added support for setting the creation code for instances and the map
- GMX plugin: Start counting default tile layer depth from 1000000 (#1814)
- tBIN plugin: Added read/write support for the tBIN map format (by Chase Warrington, #1560)
- libtiled-java: Generate classes from XSD, some fixes and build with Maven (by Mike Thomas, #1637)
- libtiled-java: Added support for manipulating non-consecutive tile IDs in a tileset (by Stéphane Seng)
- Python plugin: Adjusted example scripts to API changes (by spiiin, #1769)
- Flare plugin: Various changes (by Justin Jacobs, #1781)
- TMW plugin: Removed since it is no longer needed
- Updated Dutch, Bulgarian, English, French, German, Korean, Norwegian Bokmål, Spanish and Turkish translations