omar/imgui: Release v1.19
Name: imgui
Owner: omar
Release: v1.19
Released: 2014-12-30
Release Assets:
- Tightening default style a little.
- Added ImGuiStyleVar_WindowRounding enum for PushStyleVar() API.
- Added SliderInt2(), SliderInt3(), SliderInt4() for consistency.
- Widgets more consistently handle empty labels (starting with ## mark) for their size calculation.
- Fixed crashing with zero sized frame-buffer.
- Fixed ImGui::Combo() not registering its size properly when clipped out of screen.
- Renamed second parameter to Begin() to 'bool* p_opened' to be a little more self-explanatory. Added more comments on the use of Begin().
- Logging: Added LogText() to pass text straight to the log output (tty/clipboard/file) without rendering it.
- Logging: Added LogFinish() to stop logging at an arbitrary point.
- Logging: Log depth padding relative to start depth.
- Logging: Tree nodes and headers looking better when logged to text.
- Logging: Log outputs \r\n under Windows to play it nicely with \n unaware tools such as Notepad.
- Style editor: added a button to output colors to clipboard/tty.
- OpenGL3 example: fix growing of VBO.
- Cleanup and other minor fixes.