omar/imgui: Release v1.32
Name: imgui
Owner: omar
Release: v1.32
Released: 2015-02-11
Release Assets:
- Added Selectable() building block for various list boxes, combo boxes, etc.
- Added ListBox() (#129).
- Added ListBoxHeader(), ListBoxFooter() for customized list traversal and creating multi-selection boxes.
- Fixed title bar text clipping issue (fix #128).
- InputText: added ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCharFilter system for filtering/replacement (#130). Callback now passed an "EventFlag" parameter.
- InputText: Added ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsUppercase and ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsNoBlank stock filters.
- PushItemWidth() can take negative value to right-align items.
- Optimisation: Columns offsets cached to avoid unnecessary binary search.
- Optimisation: Optimized CalcTextSize() function by about 25% (they are often the bottleneck when submitting thousands of clipped items).
- Added ImGuiCol_ChildWindowBg, ImGuiStyleVar_ChildWindowRounding for completeness and flexibility.
- Added BeginChild() variant that takes an ImGuiID.
- Tweak default ImGuiCol_HeaderActive color to be less bright.
- Calculate framerate for the user (IO.Framerate), as a purely luxurious feature and to reduce sample code size a little.