omar/imgui: Release v1.41

Name: imgui

Owner: omar

Release: v1.41

Released: 2015-06-26

License: MIT

Release Assets:

  • Breaking change: changed ImageButton() default bg_col parameter from (0,0,0,1) (black) to (0,0,0,0) (transparent) - only makes a difference when texture have transparence.
  • Breaking change: changed Selectable() API from (label, selected, size) to (label, selected, flags, size). Size override should be used very rarely so hopefully it doesn't affect many people. Sorry!
  • Added InputTextMultiline() multi-line text editor, vertical scrolling, selection, optimized enough to handle rather big chunks of text in stateless context (thousands of lines are ok), option for allowing Tab to be input, option for validating with Return or Ctrl+Return (#200).
  • Added modal window API, BeginPopupModal(), follows the popup api scheme. Modal windows can be closed by clicking outside. By default the rest of the screen is dimmed (using ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening). Modal windows can be stacked.
  • Added GetGlyphRangesCyrillic() helper (#237).
  • Added SetNextWindowPosCenter() to center a window prior to knowing its size. (#249)
  • Added IsWindowHovered() helper.
  • Added IsMouseReleased(), IsKeyReleased() helpers to allow to user to avoid tracking them. (#248)
  • Allow Set*WindowSize() calls to be used with popups.
  • Window: AutoFit can be triggered on each axis separately via SetNextWindowSize(), etc.
  • Window: fixed scrolling with mouse wheel while window was collapsed.
  • Window: fixed mouse wheel scroll issues.
  • DragFloat(), SliderFloat(): Fixed rounding of negative numbers which sometime made the negative lower bound unreachable.
  • InputText(): lifted character count limit.
  • InputText(): fixes in case of using per-window font scaling.
  • Selectable(), MenuItem(): do not use frame rounding for hovering/selection.
  • Selectable(): Added flag ImGuiSelectableFlags_DontClosePopups.
  • Selectable(): Added flag ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns (#125).
  • Combo(): Fixed issue with activating a Combo() not taking active id (#241).
  • ColorButton(), ColorEdit4(): fix to ensure that the colored square stays square when non-default padding settings are used.
  • BeginChildFrame(): returns bool like BeginChild() for clipping.
  • SetScrollPosHere(): takes account of item height + more accurate centering + fixed precision issue.
  • ImFont: ignoring '\r'.
  • ImFont: added GetCharAdvance() helper. Exposed font Ascent and font Descent.
  • ImFont: additional rendering optimizations.
  • Metrics windows display storage size.

modal dialog

multiline_2 - small

selectable span all columns

Bonus screenshot: pimping your ImGui by @Pagghiu


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