OnGres Inc./StackGres: Release 1.0.0-beta1
Name: StackGres
Owner: OnGres Inc.
Release: 1.0.0-beta1
Released: 2021-06-29
License: AGPL-3.0
Release Assets:
# :rocket: Release 1.0.0-beta1 (2021-06-29) ## :notepad_spiral: NOTES Here it comes StackGres 1.0.0-beta1!! :tada: :bottle_with_popping_cork: This release brings some bugfixes and nice improvements. Get powerful safe and upgrade now! ## :up: UPGRADE To upgrade from a previous installation of the StackGres operator's helm chart you will have to upgrade the helm chart release. For more detailed information please refer to [our documentation]( To upgrade StackGres operator's (upgrade only works starting from 0.9 version or above) helm chart issue following commands (replace namespace and release name if you used something different): `helm upgrade -n "stackgres" "stackgres-operator"` > IMPORTANT: This release is incompatible with previous `1.0.0-alpha1` version. Upgrading from that version will require to uninstall completely StackGres including all clusters and StackGres CRDs (those in `` group) first. ## :sparkles: CHANGES * SGDbOps to perform Cluster Upgrade * Upgrade to Patroni 2 * `.status.dbOps` is not updating during operation in SGCluster custom resources * Include cluster services names on the Web UI * Show in the Web UI connection information to a given SG cluster * Include timezone indicator on the Web UI * Make Web UI table columns resizable * Return component versions running in cluster's Pod in /sgcluster REST API endpoint * Extend sgcluster logs REST API in order to allow specify multiple values ## :bug: FIXES * Role value is not returned by the REST API * Add default `.spec.postgresServices` section in SGCluster * Disabled envoy SQL parsing due to performance issues * Operator throws error when cluster name is not valid * Cluster in restart pending mode when it shouldn't in the Web UI * Web UI lists cluster already deleted from YAML * Validate storageClass for s3 SGBackupConfig * Web UI styling adjustments ## :construction: KNOWN ISSUES * Kubernetes 1.20+ is not supported yet, see #950 ## :twisted_rightwards_arrows: [FULL LIST OF COMMITS](