OnGres Inc./StackGres: Release 1.0.0-beta3

Name: StackGres

Owner: OnGres Inc.

Release: 1.0.0-beta3

Released: 2021-09-03

License: AGPL-3.0

Release Assets:

# :rocket: Release 1.0.0-beta3 (2021-09-03) ## :notepad_spiral: NOTES Here it comes StackGres 1.0.0-beta3!! :tada: :bottle_with_popping_cork: This release brings new features and some bugfixes. Get safe and upgrade now! ## :up: UPGRADE To upgrade from a previous installation of the StackGres operator's helm chart you will have to upgrade the helm chart release. For more detailed information please refer to [our documentation]( To upgrade StackGres operator's (upgrade only works starting from 0.9 version or above) helm chart issue following commands (replace namespace and release name if you used something different): `helm upgrade -n "stackgres" "stackgres-operator"` > IMPORTANT: This release is incompatible with previous `alpha` or `beta` versions. Upgrading from those versions will require to uninstall completely StackGres including all clusters and StackGres CRDs (those in `` group) first. ## :sparkles: CHANGES * Support for Kubernetes 1.20 and 1.21 * Support for Postgres 13 and drop of Postgres 11 * All latest Postgres minor versions up to 13.4 and 12.8 * Patroni 2.1.0 * Fluentd 1.13.2 * Fluent-bit 1.8.1 * Support for configuring cluster service in distirbuted logs * Support for configuring cluster's pods node affinity * Enabled use of [Server Side Apply]( in the operator * Include field `.spec.matadata.annotations.clusterPods` * Move `.spec.postgres{Version,Extensions}` under `.spec.postgres` section * Allow more customization for pgbouncer * Installing extensions for newly created clusters create the extra mounts without requiring restart * Implement `onlyPendingRestart` option for `restart` SGDbOps * Changed SGPostgresConfig and SGPoolConfig to write default values the `.status` section rather than `.spec` * Improve events message for StackGres clusters * Add a validation to check any update is performed if SGCluster is locked * Support management of SGDistributedLogs services configuration * Generate events in SGCluster relative to Postgres extension operations * Generate DbOps events for operations * Check upgrade is not performed on alpha or beta releases * Add CRD events tab on Web UI * Implement full condensed view on Web UI * Added a dashboard for minor version upgrades in the Web UI * Minor version upgrade dashboard for the Web UI * Include "Restart Now" button on clusters with a "PendingRestart" status in the Web UI * Allow time interval change in grafana integration in the Web UI * Enable initialization scripts using config maps and secrets in the Web UI * Improve presentation of the results of a `benchmark` SGDbOps in the Web UI * Improve Pods status info when the status is pending in the Web UI * Changed REST API paths * Support to retrieve events related to a SGCluster in the REST API * Support to retrieve events related to a SGDbOps in the REST API ## :bug: FIXES * Ignoring metadata managed fields during the reconciliation cycle to avoid unwanted resource patches * Role value is not updated in distributed logs * Component versions annotations doesn't reflect accurately what is installed in a SGCluster * Wrong opRetries on DBOps * Component versions annotations doesn't reflect accurately what is installed in a SGCluster * Avoid unnecessary reconciliation cycle repetition * All existing SGDBOps are re-execute if SGCluster is recreated * Pods scheduling information is empty * Fluentd throw undefined method for nil:NilClass * SGDbOps does not set correctly the `.status..switchoverInitiated` field * Compression of SGBackup is being lost after operator upgrade * Extensions mutating webhook does not behave correctly with missing extensions * Subresource status is not added after operator upgrade * Grafana integration is failing * Restore annotations to pause reconciliation cycle for specific resources * SGCluster or SGDistributedLogs the Pods are not created when tolerationSeconds is set * Restart SGDbOps fail due to conflict on cluster update * Prometheus integration does not work if the service monitor does not have matchLabels * Reuse the Kubernetes Client in order to minimize resource usage on the operator, jobs and controllers * Move tasks performed by upgrade-job.yaml to conversion webhooks * Improve readability in tables for Web UI * Postgres versions dropdown selector won't list versions properly in the Web UI * Cloning a cluster to a different namespace wont clone dependencies in the Web UI * Improve performance of logs listings on the Web UI * Operator fails to edit a cluster created from a backup on the Web UI * Other minor Web UI fixes and improvements * Improve REST API response when resource already exists * Empty fields returned by REST API when validation fails * REST API must not return any secret ## :construction: KNOWN ISSUES ## :twisted_rightwards_arrows: [FULL LIST OF COMMITS](

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