OnGres Inc./StackGres: Release 1.4.0-RC2
Name: StackGres
Owner: OnGres Inc.
Release: 1.4.0-RC2
Released: 2022-11-22
License: AGPL-3.0
Release Assets:
# :rocket: Release 1.4.0-RC2 (2022-11-22)
## :notepad_spiral: NOTES
StackGres 1.4.0-RC2 is out, prepared to help in recovering from a disaster and to hook into the cluster by adding your own custom containers. :confetti_ball: :sos: :alien: :gift_heart:
This release also introduce more support for typical Kubernetes scheduling configuration by adding support for node labels, tolerations, node affinity, pod affinity, pod anty affinity and
topology spread constraints on all the Pods generated by the operator.
Also, major version upgrade include the most wanted best-effort rollback feature so you will not have to recover a crashed major version upgrade manually if you do not specify any destructive
option like using clone or link. The check option also changes the operation so that the upgrade will not be performed at all but only checks will run. And, last but not least, the operation
now also performs a cleanup so that the old data will be wiped out when the operation completes successfully and the primary Pod reach the Ready state.
So, what you are waiting for to try this beta release and have a look to the future of StackGres!
* Support Kubernetes 1.25
* Updated kubectl image to use version 1.24
* PostgreSQL 15.1, 15.0, 14.6, 14.5, 14.4, 13.9, 13.8, 13.7, 12.13, 12.12 and 12.11
* Wal-g 2.0.1
* Envoy 1.24.0
* PgBouncer 1.17.0
* Fluent-Bit 1.9.9 and Fluentd to 1.15.3
* Postgres Exporter 0.11.1
* Babelfish for PostgreSQL 14.3 (still in alpha, also take into account 14.3 has the CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY bug in it so use at your own risk!)
* Babelfish Compass 2022.10
* Disallow creation using PostgreSQL 14.3- (except for Babelfish) and create a warning if a user is using it
* Added SGStorageObject CRD to configure where to store any kind of object (used initially only for backups)
* Support to configure backups in SGCluster specifying automatic backup configuration and reference SGStorageObject CRs
* Automatic migration from SGBackupConfig CR to the new SGStorageObject CR in SGCluster and deprecation of SGBackupConfig
* Support to configure managed SQL in SGCluster specifying a reference to SGScript CRs
* Automatic migration from initial data script to managed SQL with SGScript CRs
* Support for resource restrictions for all Pod's containers
* Allow to specify requests and limit in SGInstanceProfile for non-production
* Support SGInstanceProfile and SGPostgresConfig on SGDistributedLogs
* Removed compatibility with clusters created in StackGres 1.0
* Validate and integrate into tests OpenShift 4.9+
* Allow specifying loadBalancerIP for postgres services
* Tolerations for SGDbOps
* Allow specifying node selector and node affinity for SGBackup, SGDistributedLogs, and SGDbOps
* Show wal-g wal-verify output in backup Job logs
* Allow managing pods in parallel
* Improved operator helm chart upgrade
* Annotations, affinity, tolerations, and nodeSelector added in Operator Helm Chart
* Support for Cert Manager certificates added in Operator Helm Chart
* Change backup CronJob concurrencyPolicy to Forbid
* Support for HTTP gzip compression when fetching the extension's metadata
* Automatic reload of pgbouncer config
## Web Console
* Initial support for OpenID Connect
* Divide extensions according to their license
* Enhanced usability/discoverability of the "enable monitoring" option when creating a cluster
* Unify switches texts on forms
* Change the text of Close Details button
* Improve Backup configuration layout/order on SGCluster form
* Simplify action buttons names on CRD Details
* Update and improve the UI Connection Info popup
* Add button to go back to List view on Cluster Details
## :bug: FIXES
* Certificate is not issued for EKS 1.22+
* After upgrading operator from 1.3.3 the SGCluster StatefulSet was missing the patroni container.
* Support for Kubernetes 1.25 was not working
* Events service being suppressed during benchmark job
* Repeated error messages returned from REST API
* Backups Job shows some permission errors in the log
* Pending state during the creation of SGBackup for clusters without backup configuration
* Unable to restore PITR in any cluster
* Images with a non-root account fail to read the token file on EKS
* Mutating webhook bug make validation to be skipped when a wrong postgres version was issued
* Add missing resources to the can-i REST API endpoint
* The info property of all sgcluster related endpoints is returning the deprecated `