OpenTelemetry - CNCF/opentelemetry-collector: Release v0.113.0

Name: opentelemetry-collector

Owner: OpenTelemetry - CNCF

Release: v0.113.0

Released: 2024-11-05

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:

Images and binaries here:

End User Changelog


🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • internal/fanoutconsumer: Extract internal/fanoutconsumer as a separate go module (#11441)
  • builder: Remove builder support to build old version, and the otelcol_version config (#11405) User should remove this property from their config, to build older versions use older builders.
  • receiver: Make receivertest into its own module (#11462)
  • builder: Remove deprecated flags from Builder (#11576) Here is the list of flags | --name, --description, --version, --otelcol-version, --go, --module
  • internal/sharedcomponent: Extract internal/sharedcomponent as a separate go module (#11442)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • mdatagen: Add otlp as supported distribution (#11527)
  • batchprocessor: Move single shard batcher creation to the constructor (#11594)
  • service: add support for using the otelzap bridge and emit logs using the OTel Go SDK (#10544)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • service: ensure traces and logs emitted by the otel go SDK use the same resource information (#11578)
  • config/configgrpc: Patch for bug in the grpc-go NewClient that makes the way the hostname is resolved incompatible with the way proxy setting are applied. (#11537)
  • builder: Update builder default providers to lastest stable releases (#11566)

API Changes


🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • builder: Remove deprecated flags from Builder (#11576) Here is the list of flags | --name, --description, --version, --otelcol-version, --go, --module

🚀 New components 🚀

  • processorhelperprofiles: Add processorhelperprofiles to support profiles signal (#11556)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • mdatagen: Add newTelemetrySettings to be generated all the time even for pkg class (#11535)
  • debugexporter: Add profiles support to debug exporter (#11155)
  • component: Add UnmarshalText for StabilityLevel (#11520)

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