OpenTelemetry - CNCF/opentelemetry-collector: Release v0.114.0

Name: opentelemetry-collector

Owner: OpenTelemetry - CNCF

Release: v0.114.0

Released: 2024-11-18

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:

Images and binaries here:

End User Changelog


💡 Enhancements 💡

  • cmd/builder: Allow for replacing of local Providers and Converters when building custom collector with ocb. (#11649) Use the property path under gomod to replace an go module with a local folder in builder-config.yaml. Ex:

      - gomod: module.url/my/custom/provider v1.2.3
        path: /path/to/local/provider
  • cmd/builder: Allow configuring confmap.Converter components in ocb. (#11582) If no converters are specified, there will be no converters added. Currently, the only published converter is expandconverter which is deprecated as of v0.107.0, but can still be added for testing purposes.

    To configure a custom converter, make sure your converter implements the converter interface and is published as a go module (or replaced locally if not published). You may then use the converters key in your OCB build manifest with a list of Go modules (and replaces as necessary) to include your converter.

    Please note that converters are order-dependent. The confmap will apply converters in order of which they are listed in your manifest if there is more than one.

  • all: shorten time period before removing an unmaintained component from 6 months to 3 months (#11664)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • all: Updates dialer timeout section documentation in confignet README (#11685)
  • scraperhelper: If the scraper shuts down, do not scrape first. (#11632) When the scraper is shutting down, it currently will scrape at least once. With this change, upon receiving a shutdown order, the receiver's scraperhelper will exit immediately.

API Changes


🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • extensiontest: Make extensiontest into its own module (#11463)
  • component: Make componenttest into its own module (#11464)
  • expandconverter: Remove deprecated expandvar converter (#11672)
  • exporter: Remove deprecated funcs Create[]Exporter and []ExporterStability (#11662)
  • exporterhelper: Remove derprecated NewLogs[Request]Exporter funcs (#11661)
  • extension: Remove deprecated funcs CreateExtension and ExtensionStability (#11663)
  • processortest: Remove deprecated func NewUnhealthyProcessorCreateSettings (#11665)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • component: Deprecate TelemetrySettings.LeveledMeterProvider and undo deprecation of TelemetrySettings.MeterProvider (#11061)
  • scraperhelper: Deprecate Scraper.ID func, pass type when register Scraper (#11238)

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