OpenTelemetry - CNCF/opentelemetry-collector: Release v0.115.0

Name: opentelemetry-collector

Owner: OpenTelemetry - CNCF

Release: v0.115.0

Released: 2024-12-04

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:

Images and binaries here:

End User Changelog


🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • otelcol: Change all logged timestamps to ISO8601. (#10543) This makes log timestamps human-readable (as opposed to epoch seconds in scientific notation), but may break users trying to parse logged lines in the old format.
  • pdata/pprofile: Upgrade pdata to opentelemetry-proto v1.4.0 (#11722)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • scraperhelper: Deprecate all Scraper helpers in scraperhelper (#11732) Deprecate ScrapeFunc, ScraperOption, WithStart, WithShutdown in favor of equivalent funcs in scraper package.

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • exporterqueue: Introduce a feature gate exporter.UsePullingBasedExporterQueueBatcher to use the new pulling model in exporter queue batching. (#8122, #10368) If both queuing and batching is enabled for exporter, we now use a pulling model instead of a pushing model. num_consumer in queue configuration is now used to specify the maximum number of concurrent workers that are sending out the request.

  • service: label metrics as alpha to communicate their stability (#11729)

  • consumer: Mark consumer as stable. (#9046)

  • service: Add support for ca certificates in telemetry metrics otlp grpc exporter (#11633) Before this change the Certificate value in config was silently ignored.

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • service: ensure OTLP emitted logs respect severity (#11718)
  • featuregate: Fix an unfriendly display message runtime error when featuregate is used to display command line usage. (#11651)
  • profiles: Fix iteration over scope profiles while counting the samples. (#11688)

API Changelog


🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • extension/auth/authtest: authtest is now its own module (#11465, #11705)
  • pdata/pprofile: AttributeTable is now a slice rather than a map (#11706)
  • scraperhelper: Remove deprecated scraperhelper funcs Scraper.ID, NewScraper, AddScraper. (#11710)
  • mdatagen: Remove deprecated LeveledMeter from the generated code (#11696)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • component: Mark TelemetrySettings.LeveledMeterProvider as deprecated (#11697)
  • receiver/scraper: Move receiver/scrapererror package to scraper/scrapererror and deprecate original receiver/scrapererror package. (#11003)
  • scraperhelper: Make Scraper compatible with the new scraper.Metrics (#11682) Deprecate scraperhelper.Scraper in favor of scraper.Metrics

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