OpenTelemetry - CNCF/opentelemetry-collector: Release v0.87.0

Name: opentelemetry-collector

Owner: OpenTelemetry - CNCF

Release: v1.0.0-rcv0016/v0.87.0

Released: 2023-10-10

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:

Images and binaries here:

User facing changes

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • service/telemetry exporter/exporterhelper: Enable sampling logging by default and apply it to all components. (#8134) The sampled logger configuration can be disabled easily by setting the service::telemetry::logs::sampling::enabled to false.
  • core: Adds the ability for components to report status and for extensions to subscribe to status events by implementing an optional StatusWatcher interface. (#7682)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • telemetry: remove workaround to ignore errors when an instrument includes a / (#8346)

API changes

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • pdata: Introduce API to control pdata mutability (#6794) This change introduces new API pdata methods to control the mutability:
    • p[metric|trace|log].[Metrics|Traces|Logs].MarkReadOnly() - marks the pdata as read-only. Any subsequent mutations will result in a panic.
    • p[metric|trace|log].[Metrics|Traces|Logs].IsReadOnly() - returns true if the pdata is marked as read-only. Currently, all the data is kept mutable. This API will be used by fanout consumer in the following releases.

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • obsreport: remove methods/structs deprecated in previous release. (#8492)
  • extension: remove deprecated Configs and Factories (#8631)

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