OpenTelemetry - CNCF/opentelemetry-collector: Release v0.94.0

Name: opentelemetry-collector

Owner: OpenTelemetry - CNCF

Release: v1.1.0/v0.94.0

Released: 2024-02-06

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:

End User Changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • receiver/otlp: Update gRPC code from codes.InvalidArgument to codes.Internal when a permanent error doesn't contain a gRPC status (#9415)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • configgrpc: Deprecate GRPCClientSettings, use ClientConfig instead (#6767)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • mdatagen: Add a generated test that checks the config struct using componenttest.CheckConfigStruct (#9438)

  • component: Add component.UseLocalHostAsDefaultHost feature gate that changes default endpoints from to localhost (#8510) The only component in this repository affected by this is the OTLP receiver.

  • confighttp: Add support of Host header (#9395)

  • mdatagen: Remove use of ReportFatalError in generated tests (#9439)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • service: fix opencensus bridge configuration in periodic readers (#9361)
  • otlpreceiver: Fix goroutine leak when GRPC server is started but HTTP server is unsuccessful (#9165)
  • otlpexporter: PartialSuccess is treated as success, logged as warning. (#9243)

API Changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • confignet: Remove deprecated DialContext and ListenContext functions (#9363)

  • confmap/converter/expandconverter: Add confmap.ConverterSettings argument to experimental expandconverter.New function. (#5615, #9162)

    • The confmap.ConverterSettings struct currently has no fields. It will be used to pass a logger.
  • component: Remove deprecated funcs and types (#9283)

  • otlpexporter: Config struct is moving from embedding the deprecated GRPCClientSettings struct to using ClientConfig instead. (#6767)

  • otlphttpexporter: otlphttpexporter.Config embeds the struct confighttp.ClientConfig instead of confighttp.HTTPClientSettings (#6767)

  • otlpreceiver: HTTPConfig struct is moving from embedding the deprecated ServerSettings struct to using HTTPServerConfig instead. (#6767)

  • component: Validate component.Type at creation and unmarshaling time. (#9208)

    • A component.Type must start with an ASCII alphabetic character and can only contain ASCII alphanumeric characters and '_'.

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • configcompressions: Deprecate IsCompressed. Use CompressionType.IsCompressed instead instead. (#9435)
  • configcompression: Deprecate CompressionType, use Type instead. (#9416)
  • confighttp: Deprecate CORSSettings, use CORSConfig instead (#6767)
  • configgrpc: Deprecate ToListener function in favor of ToListenerContext (#9389)
  • configgrpc: Deprecate GRPCServerSettings, use ServerConfig instead (#6767)
  • confighttp: Deprecate HTTPClientSettings, use ClientConfig instead (#6767)
  • confighttp: Deprecate HTTPServerSettings, use ServerConfig instead (#6767)
  • confmap/provider: Deprecate .New in favor of .NewWithSettings for all core providers (#5615, #9162)
    • NewWithSettings now takes an empty confmap.ProviderSettings struct. This will be used to pass a logger in the future.

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • exporter/exporterhelper: Add API for enabling queue in the new exporter helpers. (#7874) The following experimental API is introduced in exporter package:

    • exporterhelper.WithRequestQueue: a new exporter helper option for using a queue.
    • exporterqueue.Queue: an interface for queue implementations.
    • exporterqueue.Factory: a queue factory interface, implementations of this interface are intended to be used with WithRequestQueue option.
    • exporterqueue.Settings: queue factory settings.
    • exporterqueue.Config: common configuration for queue implementations.
    • exporterqueue.NewDefaultConfig: a function for creating a default queue configuration.
    • exporterqueue.NewMemoryQueueFactory: a new factory for creating a memory queue.
    • `exporterqueue.NewPersistentQueueFactory: a factory for creating a persistent queue.
  • featuregate: Add the featuregate.ErrAlreadyRegistered error, which is returned by featuregate.Registry's Register when adding a feature gate that is already registered. (#8622) Use errors.Is to check for this error.

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