OpenTelemetry - CNCF/opentelemetry-collector: Release v0.99.0

Name: opentelemetry-collector

Owner: OpenTelemetry - CNCF

Release: v1.6.0/v0.99.0

Released: 2024-04-22

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:

End User Changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • builder: Add strict version checking when using the builder. Add the temporary flag --skip-strict-versioning for skipping this check. (#9896) Strict version checking will error on major and minor version mismatches between the otelcol_version configured and the builder version or versions in the go.mod. This check can be temporarily disabled by using the --skip-strict-versioning flag. This flag will be removed in a future minor version.

  • telemetry: Distributed internal metrics across different levels. (#7890) The internal metrics levels are updated along with reported metrics:

    • The default level is changed from basic to normal, which can be overridden with service::telmetry::metrics::level configuration.
    • Batch processor metrics are updated to be reported starting from normal level:
      • processor_batch_batch_send_size
      • processor_batch_metadata_cardinality
      • processor_batch_timeout_trigger_send
      • processor_batch_size_trigger_send
    • GRPC/HTTP server and client metrics are updated to be reported starting from detailed level:
      • http.client.* metrics
      • http.server.* metrics
      • rpc.server.* metrics
      • rpc.client.* metrics

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • confighttp: Disable concurrency in zstd compression (#8216)

  • cmd/builder: Allow configuring confmap.Providers in the builder. (#4759) If no providers are specified, the defaults are used. The default providers are: env, file, http, https, and yaml.

    To configure providers, use the providers key in your OCB build manifest with a list of Go modules for your providers. The modules will work the same as other Collector components.

  • mdatagen: enable goleak tests by default via mdatagen (#9959)

  • cmd/mdatagen: support excluding some metrics based on string and regexes in resource_attributes (#9661)

  • cmd/mdatagen: Generate config and factory tests covering their requirements. (#9940) The tests are moved from cmd/builder.

  • confmap: Add ProviderSettings, ConverterSettings, ProviderFactories, and ConverterFactories fields to confmap.ResolverSettings (#9516) This allows configuring providers and converters, which are instantiated by NewResolver using the given factories.

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • exporter/otlp: Allow DNS scheme to be used in endpoint (#4274)
  • service: fix record sampler configuration (#9968)
  • service: ensure the tracer provider is configured via (#9967)
  • otlphttpexporter: Fixes a bug that was preventing the otlp http exporter from propagating status. (#9892)
  • confmap: Fix decoding negative configuration values into uints (#9060)

API Changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • component: Removed deprecated function GetExporters from component.Host interface (#9987)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • confighttp: deprecate ToClientContext, ToServerContext, ToListenerContext, replaced by ToClient, ToServer, ToListener (#9807)
  • configtls: Deprecates ClientConfig.LoadTLSConfigContext and ServerConfig.LoadTLSConfigContext, use ClientConfig.LoadTLSConfig and ServerConfig.LoadTLSConfig instead. (#9945)
  • confmap: Deprecate the Providers and Converters fields in confmap.ResolverSettings (#9516) Use the ProviderFactories and ConverterFactories fields instead.

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • configauth: Adds NewDefault* functions for all the config structs. (#9821)
  • configtls: Adds NewDefault* functions for all the config structs. (#9658)
  • pmetric: Support metric.metadata in pdata/pmetric (#10006)

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