OpenTelemetry - CNCF/opentelemetry-cpp: Release v1.15.0

Name: opentelemetry-cpp

Owner: OpenTelemetry - CNCF

Release: v1.15.0 release

Released: 2024-04-21

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:

v1.15.0 release

Release of core packages

  • opentelemetry-api
  • opentelemetry-sdk

and exporter packages:

  • opentelemetry-exporter-otlp (gRPC + HTTP/JSON)
  • opentelemetry-exporter-prometheus

What's Changed

Important changes:

  • [EXPORTER] Gzip compression support for OTLP/HTTP and OTLP/gRPC exporter #2530
    • In the OtlpHttpExporterOptions and OtlpGrpcExporterOptions, a new field called compression has been introduced. This field can be set to "gzip” to enable gzip compression.
    • The CMake option WITH_OTLP_HTTP_COMPRESSION is introduced to enable gzip compression support for the OTLP HTTP Exporter and includes a dependency on zlib.
  • [SDK] Change OTLP HTTP content_type default to binary #2558
  • [CI] Use platform CMake #2627
    • The CI in github no longer install a different version of cmake.
    • It now always use the cmake provided by the platform.
    • As part of this change, the script ci/ was renamed to ci/, for clarity, now that this script only installs googletest.
  • [SDK] DefaultLogHandler to print to std::cerr, add LogLevel::None #2622
    • Change DefaultLogHandler output
      • Before, the default internal logger, DefaultLogHandler, used to print to std::cout.
      • Now, DefaultLogHandler prints errors and warnings to std::cerr, as expected, while printing info and debug messages to std::cout.
      • Applications that expected to find the opentelemetry-cpp internal error log in std::cout may need adjustments, either by looking at std::cerr instead, or by using a custom log handler.
    • Additional LogLevel::None
      • LogLevel::None is a new supported log level, which does not print any message.
      • Custom log handlers may need to implement a new case, to avoid compiler warnings.
      • Numbering of log levels like OTEL_INTERNAL_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR has changed, which requires to rebuild, as the SDK ABI differs.

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

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