OpenTelemetry - CNCF/opentelemetry-go: Release v0.2.2

Name: opentelemetry-go

Owner: OpenTelemetry - CNCF

Release: Release v0.2.2

Released: 2020-02-28

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:


  • HTTPSupplier interface in the propagation API to specify methods to retrieve and store a single value for a key to be associated with a carrier. (#467)
  • HTTPExtractor interface in the propagation API to extract information from an HTTPSupplier into a context. (#467)
  • HTTPInjector interface in the propagation API to inject information into an HTTPSupplier. (#467)
  • Config and configuring Option to the propagator API. (#467)
  • Propagators interface in the propagation API to contain the set of injectors and extractors for all supported carrier formats. (#467)
  • HTTPPropagator interface in the propagation API to inject and extract from an HTTPSupplier. (#467)
  • WithInjectors and WithExtractors functions to the propagator API to configure injectors and extractors to use. (#467)
  • ExtractHTTP and InjectHTTP functions to apply configured HTTP extractors and injectors to a passed context. (#467)
  • Histogram aggregator. (#433)
  • DefaultPropagator function and have it return trace.TraceContext as the default context propagator. (#456)
  • AlwaysParentSample sampler to the trace API. (#455)
  • WithNewRoot option function to the trace API to specify the created span should be considered a root span. (#451)


  • Renamed WithMap to ContextWithMap in the correlation package. (#481)
  • Renamed FromContext to MapFromContext in the correlation package. (#481)
  • Move correlation context propagation to correlation package. (#479)
  • Do not default to putting remote span context into links. (#480)
  • Propagators extrac
  • Tracer.WithSpan updated to accept StartOptions. (#472)
  • Renamed MetricKind to Kind to not stutter in the type usage. (#432)
  • Renamed the export package to metric to match directory structure. (#432)
  • Rename the api/distributedcontext package to api/correlation. (#444)
  • Rename the api/propagators package to api/propagation. (#444)
  • Move the propagators from the propagators package into the trace API package. (#444)
  • Update Float64Gauge, Int64Gauge, Float64Counter, Int64Counter, Float64Measure, and Int64Measure metric methods to use value receivers instead of pointers. (#462)
  • Moved all dependencies of tools package to a tools directory. (#466)


  • Binary propagators. (#467)
  • NOOP propagator. (#467)


  • Upgraded from v1.21.0 to v1.23.6 in tools/. (#492)
  • Fix a possible nil-dereference crash (#478)
  • Correct comments for InstallNewPipeline in the stdout exporter. (#483)
  • Correct comments for InstallNewPipeline in the dogstatsd exporter. (#484)
  • Correct comments for InstallNewPipeline in the prometheus exporter. (#482)
  • Initialize onError based on Config in prometheus exporter. (#486)
  • Correct module name in prometheus exporter README. (#475)
  • Removed tracer name prefix from span names. (#430)
  • Fix aggregator_test.go import package comment. (#431)
  • Improved detail in stdout exporter. (#436)
  • Fix a dependency issue (generate target should depend on stringer, not lint target) in Makefile. (#442)
  • Reorders the Makefile targets within precommit target so we generate files and build the code before doing linting, so we can get much nicer errors about syntax errors from the compiler. (#442)
  • Reword function documentation in gRPC plugin. (#446)
  • Send the span.kind tag to Jaeger from the jaeger exporter. (#441)
  • Fix metadataSupplier in the jaeger exporter to overwrite the header if existing instead of appending to it. (#441)
  • Upgraded to Go 1.13 in CI. (#465)
  • Correct URL in trace SDK documentation. (#464)
  • Refactored reference counting logic in SDK determination of stale records. (#468)
  • Add call to runtime.Gosched in instrument acquireHandle logic to not block the collector. (#469)

Changes since v0.2.1.1

8ebc7bbad01b1aa109ac802e1d5c4ec067045637 Name context functions consistently (#481) a6b805894e429419da806aead81f792343f5fb09 Update tools (#492) 29cd0c08b70052860d9a6ce0510e102537ff7fa7 Fix a possible nil-dereference crash (#478) 6b97bb047a491ec0f7478b84081a80c96cc65ef6 Move correlation context propagation to correlation package (#479) bfe569d699e9716cb1f73fd00af1b5b41f15ae50 exporter/metric/stdout: fix incorrect code format comments for InstallNewPipeline (#483) bd74f317691d900aa3ea0b1d502d2dc18d49fb19 exporter/metric/dogstatsd: fix incorrect code format comments for InstallNewPipeline (#484) f9a54847cc674c65ac9e003dacfbb8075be8cb86 exporter/metric/prometheus: fix incorrect code format comments for InstallNewPipeline (#482) 84d0a2afead368bad77ce061e0b312ab2e17b2b1 prometheus exporter initialize on error based on config (#486) f99337fb8a1008c85d2ee0536900688276198b73 Do not always put remote span context into links (#480) cf7a4d909cb2b03a31a4a40a9c425077cdddc5e2 Refactor propagators (#467) c3974513aa3d2f0496eefaddf1a7e78d28f8bc40 exporter/metric/prometheus: fix wrong module in (#475) f0c70ffde0d20a92f7fd466759bdfcacc7f49c70 Add StartOptions to Tracer.WithSpan() (#472) 0f1771f3746b7738732a8989f94c167043a52fc7 Add @MrAlias as an approver (#471) 2584c3e7c4d4d7a0bb72886a436c809b2e9bd0a1 Call Gosched if load an unmapped record (#469) 69df67d4498cd2ca424569f25a03b450f13affef Refactor metric records logic (#468) 4818358f94dc034b0cb10cfd3dfff9a519595441 Move dependencies of tools package to a tools directory (#466) cab6b28263e55166a58f7261b3acd23d28632ce3 Fix URL to (#464) 5d6654dab1ff7bc81b6d2475c9b0447cfccb4e17 Use latest version of golang 1.13 in CI (#465) 493e13f834d4f263e665ade0507aa6a6be49048d Update metric types to not use pointer receivers (#462) 942713a02da3dddde5d3c1fae56c09087b7bce5b Replace span relationship with a potentially remote parent context (#451) 574463c9ef9035e7fd443629da5df7de63193419 Allow dropping items from correlations + docs + cleanups (#454) 6051c8149381d24d8a872035b34b988b28b7832c Add AlwaysParentSample sampler (#455) 32489ddae950139dee44475993c299cf9cf3f440 make trace.TraceContext as default context propagator (#456) 8fcdf8be732d4000a12d635d486362bffd424d2c Send span.kind to jaeger and overwrite grpc metadata instead of using append (#441) 405a92ab3ed715c5aa0bf10c47e4b2d8e071861c Misc fixes from PR 381 (#443) 6b4acf47b8cd3b106cc29d3ad6cad764ebf880fb Reorganize propagation code (shrink PR 381) (#444) 437d9af9abd4a152a153020d63c609d6a65acd83 Reword some function documentation in grpc plugin (#446) 7200bb943ff3e27d22374bcc57d54e7c44a5b895 finish adding krnowak to approvers (#445) 027855962b760b13f4ff318f4943e75ad6923c93 Some makefile fixes (#442) 20bb650b2d1de5290c14b75e837ad0aaf3340dc3 Improve detail in stdout exporter (#436) 2c460f0d9797899a251d5e1e56d0f93654bdbfe2 Adds Histogram Aggregator (#433) dcd0a1049316958692f95582098890cab7e4839d Rename the sdk/export/metric package name (#432) 3a32a19c9a3e477de494ae4a45faf984de0008a0 fix aggregator.go import package (#431) 2d5ba32f4fd53abfcfb3eee1d17bc55f249f124e Remove Tracer name prefix for Span names (#430)

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