OpenTelemetry - CNCF/opentelemetry-go: Release v0.8.0

Name: opentelemetry-go

Owner: OpenTelemetry - CNCF

Release: Release v0.8.0

Released: 2020-07-10

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:

This release includes additions and changes to implements the v0.6.0 OpenTelemetry specification and other fixes.


  • The B3Encoding type to represent the B3 encoding(s) the B3 propagator can inject. A value for HTTP supported encodings (Multiple Header: MultipleHeader, Single Header: SingleHeader) are included. (#882)
  • The FlagsDeferred trace flag to indicate if the trace sampling decision has been deferred. (#882)
  • The FlagsDebug trace flag to indicate if the trace is a debug trace. (#882)
  • Add peer.service semantic attribute. (#898)
  • Add database-specific semantic attributes. (#899)
  • Add semantic convention for faas.coldstart and (#909)
  • Add http content size semantic conventions. (#905)
  • Include http.request_content_length in HTTP request basic attributes. (#905)
  • Add semantic conventions for operating system process resource attribute keys. (#919)
  • The Jaeger exporter now has a WithBatchMaxCount option to specify the maximum number of spans sent in a batch. (#931)


  • Update to ask for updates to with each pull request. (#879)
  • Use lowercase header names for B3 Multiple Headers. (#881)
  • The B3 propagator SingleHeader field has been replaced with InjectEncoding. This new field can be set to combinations of the B3Encoding bitmasks and will inject trace information in these encodings. If no encoding is set, the propagator will default to MultipleHeader encoding. (#882)
  • The B3 propagator now extracts from either HTTP encoding of B3 (Single Header or Multiple Header) based on what is contained in the header. Preference is given to Single Header encoding with Multiple Header being the fallback if Single Header is not found or is invalid. This behavior change is made to dynamically support all correctly encoded traces received instead of having to guess the expected encoding prior to receiving. (#882)
  • Extend semantic conventions for RPC. (#900)
  • To match constant naming conventions in the api/standard package, the FaaS* key names are appended with a suffix of Key. (#920)
    • "api/standard".FaaSName -> FaaSNameKey
    • "api/standard".FaaSID -> FaaSIDKey
    • "api/standard".FaaSVersion -> FaaSVersionKey
    • "api/standard".FaaSInstance -> FaaSInstanceKey


  • The FlagsUnused trace flag is removed. The purpose of this flag was to act as the inverse of FlagsSampled, the inverse of FlagsSampled is used instead. (#882)
  • The B3 header constants (B3SingleHeader, B3DebugFlagHeader, B3TraceIDHeader, B3SpanIDHeader, B3SampledHeader, B3ParentSpanIDHeader) are removed. If B3 header keys are needed the authoritative OpenZipkin package constants should be used instead. (#882)


  • The B3 Single Header name is now correctly b3 instead of the previous X-B3. (#881)
  • The B3 propagator now correctly supports sampling only values (b3: 0, b3: 1, or b3: d) for a Single B3 Header. (#882)
  • The B3 propagator now propagates the debug flag. This removes the behavior of changing the debug flag into a set sampling bit. Instead, this now follow the B3 specification and omits the X-B3-Sampling header. (#882)
  • The B3 propagator now tracks "unset" sampling state (meaning "defer the decision") and does not set the X-B3-Sampling header when injecting. (#882)
  • Bump from 0.10.3 to 0.10.4 in /tools. (#883)
  • Bump from v1.1.1-0.20190913142402-a7454ce5950e to v1.2.0. (#885)
  • The tracing time conversion for OTLP spans is now correctly set to UnixNano. (#896)
  • Ensure span status is not set to Unknown when no HTTP status code is provided as it is assumed to be 200 OK. (#908)
  • Ensure httptrace.clientTracer closes http.headers span. (#912)
  • Prometheus exporter will not apply stale updates or forget inactive metrics. (#903)
  • Add test for api.standard HTTPClientAttributesFromHTTPRequest. (#905)
  • Bump from 1.27.0 to 1.28.1 in /tools. (#901, #913)
  • Update otel-colector example to use the v0.5.0 collector. (#915)
  • The grpctrace instrumentation uses a span name conforming to the OpenTelemetry semantic conventions (does not contain a leading slash (/)). (#922)
  • The grpctrace instrumentation includes an rpc.method attribute now set to the gRPC method name. (#900, #922)
  • The grpctrace instrumentation rpc.service attribute now contains the package name if one exists. This is in accordance with OpenTelemetry semantic conventions. (#922)
  • Correlation Context extractor will no longer insert an empty map into the returned context when no valid values are extracted. (#923)
  • Bump from 0.28.0 to 0.29.0 in /exporters/trace/jaeger. (#925)
  • Bump from 0.10.4 to 0.11.0 in /tools. (#926)
  • Bump from 1.28.1 to 1.28.2 in /tools. (#930)

Commits since previous tag v0.7.0

aff7a80d5a463bea1d1d310e4e1e119703f80dd0 (HEAD -> master, tag: v0.8.0, tag: exporters/trace/zipkin/v0.8.0, tag: exporters/trace/jaeger/v0.8.0, tag: exporters/otlp/v0.8.0, tag: exporters/metric/prometheus/v0.8.0, tag: example/zipkin/v0.8.0, tag: example/prometheus/v0.8.0, tag: example/otel-collector/v0.8.0, tag: example/namedtracer/v0.8.0, tag: example/jaeger/v0.8.0, tag: example/http/v0.8.0, tag: example/grpc/v0.8.0, tag: example/basic/v0.8.0, upstream/master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Release v0.8.0 (#929) 9e99b441d2cb63bf7359b22860b47d8a8bbbb87d Bump from 1.28.1 to 1.28.2 in /tools (#930) 4dec0addb001ed2700146fd000d8e124f77a62b2 [jaeger] Added WithBatchMaxCount as an option (#931) d979977a406e01e2bb18dd510bdd12ebc4f4ffa7 Add semantic conventions for OS process as resource attributes (#919) 54fffd64673def0e84eb3014ab0889d8f31a74db Update grpctrace instrumentation span names (#922) d2913b735c1436e17a4145c5b29d280e991e1daa Bump from 0.28.0 to 0.29.0 in /exporters/trace/jaeger (#925) c71958873374efb2cc05e309284ced063e41eef5 Avoid replacing existing correlation map data in context when correlation context extractor does not find any valid data (#923) fab431e455fe8debf074c7719de810104e763409 Fix api/standard constant names and documentation (#920) cf6462c01e6de0c3710b67b0ba2417a2d27451fa Bump from 0.10.4 to 0.11.0 in /tools (#926) 03cd779f0e0d3b1ff06ebf48551839f5ab1754a7 Add http content size semantic conventions (#905) 1c9aab619d8b54c19832ebd573a0c10cec2a07b7 Extend semantic convetions for RPC (#900) 918c6547c9b3d914bda8738276943aaf8eeb2733 Update Changelog with omitted changes (#921) c506e99b0121f6a740d48ed73203660ebecc6443 Fix B3 propagator and add tests (#882) 3475d5575e05d223654b33c22158f3fa2fec6c76 Fix incorrect aggregation; Prometheus exporter behavior (#903) 808345cbf64ab4985bcf81624ba485c66a37e1af Bump CircleCI instance size (#917) c2190296063f7d4558a5194de5fc497c04af423c Update otel-collector example to use collector v0.5.0 (#915) 1c6ca87decabc937455719829c0b5d676c4a55ab Ensure clientTracer closes http.headers span (#912) 463c458daf9886e1880c158762ab406879763397 Add more database-specific semantic attributes (#899) 5a4b68c7bfd79f674a5d482b6d74a158d621099f Add semantic convention for faas.coldstart and (#909) eaa94e92b93a85d204940e17624d0c52ad633f19 Avoid setting span status to Unknown when no HTTP status is provided; stdlib assumes it to be 200 OK (#908) 9342eb24f13afc5cd8b3b6f1b6ccc9c7b4291d89 Bump from 1.28.0 to 1.28.1 in /tools (#913) 27e892aad23241c19a55155fedcc980bc9db551e Remove -v from Go tests (#904) bd1e174e60984a3524e6c189ba45316e6e55a241 Add "peer.service" semantic to standard attributes (#898) 8d1f448ade33d18018907acb30a512fe4477d6fb Bump from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0 in /tools (#901) 550d365c545467f3c37078a59563f5a30316690d fix trace event time conversion from internal to otlp (#896) f1e3536baf79c9bd53f7f676c3bb3a9e4adf0bae Update opentracing dependency (#885) f4b156823c5027446bd314dd27de3354c3102023 Bump from 0.10.3 to 0.10.4 in /tools (#883) 8205b0b1e0d4bc0e6a655f121016c6dd35affb9d Update B3 header names (#881) 2635f96eba6517b44184866258f881a553d427eb Ask for changelog updates with PRs (#879)

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