OpenTelemetry - CNCF/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation: Release v0.11.0

Name: opentelemetry-java-instrumentation

Owner: OpenTelemetry - CNCF

Release: Version 0.11.0

Released: 2020-11-28

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:

This update is compatible with the OpenTelemetry Java SDK 0.11.0.

NB! That release contains A LOT OF breaking changes related to builders, please read its change log carefully!

🌟 New instrumentation

  • AWS Lambda Instrumentation of HTTP requests (e.g., API Gateway) #1650 #1536
  • http4k (hosted out of tree but please give it a try!) #1605
  • reactor-netty context propagation #1601
  • Struts 2 #1628
  • Runtime metrics (JVM metrics) moved from SDK repository #1720
  • RXJava (previously existed only in agent, now published as library) #1732

📈 Improvements

  • Anyone interested in the challenges of working with classloaders in Java agents can check out our design doc
  • JDBC span names now include the statement name, DB name, and DB table #1533
  • Many new SPIs to better configure the agent in restributions #1613
  • Servlet Filter instrumented directly instead of FilterChain #1606
  • Mongo command scrubber improvements #1663 #1662
  • System metrics instrumentation updated to follow new specification #1705
  • Baggage propagator enabled by default #1545
  • Anyone creating a custom distribution of the agent should check out the example #1621

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Muzzle configuration issue effecting Wildfly and JDBC instrumentation #1585 #1593
  • B3 multi propagation format can be configured with b3multi flag #1647
  • AWS SDK v2 instrumentation now applied to all clients, not just ones after the first one #1759
  • Context is propagated to requests from AWS SDK v2 / v1 #1763 #1771
  • Kotlin auto instrumentation updated to use context element, should have less issues (please file any issues if you run into them!) #1618

🧰 Tooling

  • Significant refactoring to instrumentation module setup introducing the InstrumentationModule interface #1528
  • Byte buddy version bumped to 1.10.18 (should fix issues with Weblogic Server) #1596
  • Gradle toolchains feature implemented to allow running tests on different JVMs without having to install them yourself #1627
  • We now use checkstyle to check for some code conventions (not formatting) of the Google style guide #1641
  • Muzzle now automatically generates injected helpers instead of being maintained manually #1714

☢️ Breaking changes

  • Several configuration options have been renamed
otel.trace.enabled --> otel.javaagent.enabled
otel.trace.debug --> otel.javaagent.debug
otel.trace.config --> otel.javaagent.config
otel.trace.runtime.context.field.injection --> otel.javaagent.runtime.context.field.injection
otel.instrumentations.enabled --> otel.instrumentations.default-enabled
otel.trace.classes.excludes --> otel.javaagent.exclude-classes

###🙇 Thank you This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:

@agoallikmaa @anuraaga @daviddenton @hasanfd @holyjak @iNikem @jkwatson @jamal @jamesylgan @jyemin @kubawach @malafeev @mateuszrzeszutek @mrcull @pavolloffay @snyder114 @TeeVenDick @trask @vovencij

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