OpenTelemetry - CNCF/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation: Release v1.27.0

Name: opentelemetry-java-instrumentation

Owner: OpenTelemetry - CNCF

Release: Version 1.27.0

Released: 2023-06-14

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:

This release targets the OpenTelemetry SDK 1.27.0.

Note that many artifacts have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the for more details.

Migration notes

  • Jersey 3.0 instrumentation suppression keys have changed from jaxrs-2.0 to jaxrs-3.0, and from jersey-2.0 to jersey-3.0 (#8486)
  • The opentelemetry-runtime-metrics artifact has been renamed and split into opentelemetry-runtime-telemetry-java8 and opentelemetry-runtime-telemetry-java17 (#8165, #8715)
  • InetSocketAddressNetServerAttributesGetter and InetSocketAddressNetClientAttributesGetter have been deprecated (#8341, #8591)
  • The new HTTP and network semantic conventions can be opted into using either the system property otel.semconv-stability.opt-in or the environment variable OTEL_SEMCONV_STABILITY_OPT_IN, which support two values:
    • http - emit the new, stable HTTP and networking attributes, and stop emitting the old experimental HTTP and networking attributes that the instrumentation emitted previously.
    • http/dup - emit both the old and the stable HTTP and networking attributes, allowing for a more seamless transition.
    • The default behavior (in the absence of one of these values) is to continue emitting the same HTTP and network semantic conventions that were emitted in 1.26.0.
    • Note: this option will be removed later this year after the new HTTP and network semantic conventions are marked stable, at which time the Java instrumentation version will be bumped from 1.x to 2.0, and the old HTTP and network semantic conventions will no longer be supported.

🌟 New javaagent instrumentation

📈 Enhancements

  • Use histogram advice in the Micrometer bridge (#8334)
  • Disable by default gauge-based histograms in the Micrometer bridge (#8360)
  • Specify ...jvm.gc.duration buckets using advice API (#8436)
  • Make spanKindExtractor configurable in Ktor instrumentations (#8255)
  • aws-sdk-2.2: Support non-X-Ray propagation for SQS (#8405)
  • Implement HTTP resend spec for OkHttp 3 (#7652)
  • Use jakarta.servlet.error.exception request attribute on jetty11 (#8503)
  • Provide spring-boot-autoconfigure configuration metadata (#8516)
  • Read AWS lambda tracing info from com.amazonaws.xray.traceHeader system property (#8368)
  • Skip not decorator check for classes in boot loader (#8594)
  • Change context propagation debug failures from error to warn (#8601)
  • JavaScript Snippet Injection Support Servlet 5 (#8569)
  • Faster type matching (#8525)
  • Explicitly disable the logging exporter by default to override the upcoming SDK autoconfigure module change in 1.27.0 and preserve existing behavior (#8647)
  • Support otel.sdk.disabled in the spring boot starter (#8602)
  • Add OTLP log exporter to the OpenTelemetry Spring Starter (#8493)
  • Suppress Spring Actuator instrumentation when micrometer instrumentation is suppressed (#8677)
  • Replace "1" with the appropriate units and don't fall back to "1" if the unit is unknown (#8668)
  • Added setOpenTelemetry method to log4j appender (#8231)

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Fix using logback mdc instrumentation along with SocketAppender (#8498)
  • Fix failure when kafka metrics reporter is set to an empty string (#8523)
  • Remove extra space from kubernetes client span name (#8540)
  • Fix jetty context leak (#8552)
  • Filter out scalar Mono/Flux instances (#8571)
  • End netty client span when channel is closed (#8605)
  • Unregistering jmx gc metrics on close (#8650)
  • Fix snippet injection ClassCastException (#8701)
  • Only instrument the actual Spring TaskScheduler implementations (#8676)

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:

@62mkv @bcoquell @breedx-splk @brunobat @edzebo @gavlyukovskiy @huange7 @insotriplesix @irizzant @jack-berg @jdoherty @jeanbisutti @kes2464 @kurvatch @laurit @mateuszrzeszutek @michaeljohnalbers @Oberon00 @orangain @qiansheng91 @roberttoyonaga @rotscher @rupinder10 @sakthiraam @siyuniu-ms @smirnoal @theletterf @trask @tylerbenson @ViliusS @will-zdu @zeitlinger @zoobert

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