OpenTelemetry - CNCF/opentelemetry-java: Release v0.7.0
Name: opentelemetry-java
Owner: OpenTelemetry - CNCF
Release: Release version 0.7.0
Released: 2020-08-03
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
Changes from 0.6.0:
- Added an InMemoryMetricExporter
- Added a toBuilder method to Labels
- Added some semantic attribute constants
- New ZPages extension module with TraceZ and TraceConfigZ pages implemented
- Some overloads added for setting the parent Context
- Some performance improvements in HttpTraceContext implementation
- Removed null checks from the Trace APIs
- The bare API will no longer generate Trace and Span IDs when there is no parent trace context.
- Null Strings are no longer valid keys for Attributes
- BREAKING CHANGE: The Sampler API was changed
- Default endpoint is now set for the OTLP exporters
- BREAKING CHANGE: Jaeger exporter env vars/system properties were updated
- Resource attributes may now be set with a System Property as well as the environment variable.
- Added a propagator for Lightstep OpenTracing propagator
- The ZipkinSpanExporter now defaults to using the OkHttpSender
- The default Sampler in the SDK is now the ParentOrElse sampler
- BUGFIX: SpanWrapper SpanData implementation is now truly Immutable
- Added some simple logging for failed export calls
- Quieted the noisy B3 propagator
- Public constants were added for exporter configuration options
- Added a new configuration option to limit the size of Span attributes
Many thanks for contributions from @anuraaga, @dengliming, @iNikem, @wtyanan, @williamhu99, @trask, @Oberon00, @MitchellDumovic, @FrankSpitulski, @heyams, @ptravers, @thisthat, @albertteoh, @evantorrie, @neeraj97,