OpenTelemetry - CNCF/opentelemetry-java: Release v0.9.1

Name: opentelemetry-java

Owner: OpenTelemetry - CNCF

Release: Version 0.9.1

Released: 2020-10-07

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:

Changes since 0.8.0:


  • BREAKING CHANGE: SpanId, TraceId and TraceFlags are no longer used as instances, but only contain helper methods for managing conversion between Strings, bytes and other formats. SpanId and TraceId are now natively String-typed, and the TraceFlags is a single byte.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Propagators now only expose a singleton instance.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The LabelConsumer and AttributeConsumer are now first-class interfaces, and the underlying consumer interface has had the key made additionally generic. Please prefer using the specific interfaces, rather than the underlying ReadableKeyValuePairs.KeyValueConsumer.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Minimum JDK version has been updated to 8, with Android API level 24.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Metric Instrument names are now case-insensitive.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The type-safety on Attributes has been moved to a new AttributeKey, and the AttributeValue wrappers have been removed. This impacts all the semantic attribute definitions, and the various APIs that use Attributes.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The obsolete HTTP_STATUS_TEXT semantic attribute has been removed.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The type of the REDIS_DATABASE_INDEX semantic attribute has been changed to be numeric.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Constant Labels have been removed from metric Instrument definitions.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The number of available Span Status options has been greatly reduced (from 16 to 3).
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Constant labels have been removed from metric Instrument definitions.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The only way to specify span parenting is via a parent Context
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The default TextMapPropagator is now a no-op in the API
  • BREAKING CHANGE: CorrelationContext has been renamed to Baggage
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Null-valued span attribute behavior has been changed to being "unspecified".
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Link and Event interfaces have been removed from the API
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The Status object has been removed from the API, in favor of StatusCanonicalCode
  • BUGFIX: the noParent option on a Span was being ignored if it was set after setting an explicit parent.
  • BUGFIX: Attributes and Labels now preserve the latest added entry when an existing key has been used.
  • BUGFIX: Updated some of the W3C traceparent validation logic to better match the spec.
  • FAAS semantic attributes have been added
  • Semantic attribute for "exception.escaped" added


  • BREAKING CHANGE: The names of the Sampler.Decision enum values, returned by the Sampler interface, have changed.
  • OpenTelemetrySdk.forceFlush() now returns a CompletableResultCode
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The ProbabilitySampler has been renamed to TraceIdRatioBased
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The environment variables/system properties for specifying exporter and span processor configuration have been updated to match the specification.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Exported zipkin attributes have been changed to match the specification.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Metric Descriptor attributes have been flattened into the MetricData for export.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The OpenTelemetrySdk class now returns a TraceSdkManagement interface, rather than the concrete TracerSdkProvider.
  • BUGFIX: Zipkin span durations are now rounded up to 1 microsecond, if less than 1.
  • BUGFIX: The insecure option for OTLP export now does the correct thing.
  • Added a configuration option for disabling SPI-provided ResourceProviders
  • New incubator module with helper classes for working with SpanData
  • AWS resources now include the cloud.provider attribute.


  • The auto-config extension has been moved to the instrumentation project.
  • New incubator module with some utilities for mutating SpanData instances.
  • The AWS Resource extension will now pull in EKS Resource attributes.
  • New pre-release extension for handling logging natively.

Many thanks to all who made this release possible:

  • @bogdandrutu @Oberon00 @jkwatson @thisthat @anuraaga @jarebudev @malafeev @quijote @JasonXZLiu @zoercai @eunice98k @dengliming @breedx-nr @iNikem @wangzlei @imavroukakis

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