OpenTelemetry - CNCF/opentelemetry-java: Release v1.17.0

Name: opentelemetry-java

Owner: OpenTelemetry - CNCF

Release: Version 1.17.0

Released: 2022-08-12

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:


API Extensions

  • DEPRECATION: the opentelemetry-extension-annotations module containing @WithSpan and @SpanAttribute annotations has been deprecated for removal in next major version. A copy of the code will instead be maintained in opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/instrumentation-annotations and published under coordinates io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-instrumentation-annotations:{version}.



  • Add default implementation for SpanData#getInstrumentationScopeInfo() and ReadableSpan#getInstrumentationScopeInfo(). This fixes a previous mistake where those interfaces were extended without default implementation, a breaking change for source compatibility. Stricter checks have been added to ensure this mistake is not repeated.


  • BREAKING: delete LogDataBuilder. A similar implementation of LogData called TestLogData has been added to opentelemetry-sdk-logs-testing.
  • BREAKING: rename LogProcessor#emit(LogData) to LogProcessor#onEmit(ReadWriteLogRecord). The argument change from LogData to ReadWriteLogRecord allows implementations to mutate logs. To obtain LogData, call ReadWriteLogRecord#toLogData().
  • Optimize SdkLogEmitterProvider to return noop LogEmitter when no LogProcessors are registered.


  • Split out shared and internal exporter classes from opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-common to opentelemetry-exporter-common.
  • Add experimental support for OTLP header based authentication. To use, add a dependency on opentelemetry-exporter-common and call io.opentelemetry.exporter.internal.auth.Authenticator#setAuthenticatorOnDelegate(OtlpHttp{Signal}Builder, Authenticator).
  • Add ability to collect export metrics on ZipkinSpanExporter via ZipkinSpanExporter#setMeterProvider(MeterProvider).
  • Minor optimization to OkHttp based exporters to cache endpoint URLs. Applies to OtlpHttp{Signal}Exporter, OtlpGrpc{Signal}Exporter, and more.
  • Fix diagnostic log message in OtlpGrpc{Signal}Exporter to include correct environment variables.

SDK Extensions

  • Extend View file based configuration with support for specifying explicit bucket histogram bucket boundaries and exponential bucket counts.
  • Extend autoconfigure SPI AutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider and ResourceProvider with option to specify ordering.
  • Add autoconfigure SPI with ConfigurableLogExporterProvider, allowing custom named log exporters to be provided and selected via autoconfigure.
  • Extend autoconfigure SPI with AutoConfigurationCustomizer#addPropertiesCustomizer, providing the ability examine current configuration properties and add / overwrite properties.

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:

@anuraaga @bogdandrutu @breedx-splk @chalin @DaveCTurner @deejgregor @Donnerbart @GrahamLea @iRevive @jack-berg @JavaPerformance @jkwatson @lmolkova @mateuszrzeszutek @sfriberg @trask @trivikr

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