OpenTelemetry - CNCF/opentelemetry-java: Release v1.20.0

Name: opentelemetry-java

Owner: OpenTelemetry - CNCF

Release: Version 1.20.0

Released: 2022-11-11

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:


  • Fix bug in W3CBaggagePropagator that caused + characters to be decoded as whitespace . (#4898)

API Extensions

  • DEPRECATION: the opentelemetry-extension-aws module containing various AwsXrayPropagator implementations has been deprecated for removal in next major version. A copy of the code will instead be maintained in opentelemetry-java-contrib/aws-xray-propagator and published under coordinates io.opentelemetry.contrib:opentelemetry-aws-xray-propagator:{version}. (#4862)



  • Add graal hints for shaded dependencies, allowing JcTools queue to be used in graal environment. (#4832)
  • Sampler#getDescription() implementations are now locale independent. (#4877)
  • Allow SDK to run in environments prohibiting use of sun.misc.Unsafe. (#4902)


  • Add toString to AbstractInstrument. (#4833)
  • Add zero bucket boundary to default explicit bucket histogram aggregation. (#4819)


  • Optimize log hot path, reducing allocations significantly. (#4913)
  • BREAKING: Add Context argument to LogRecordProcessor#onEmit. (#4889)


  • OtlpLogging{Signal}Exporters encode enums as numbers. (#4783)
  • Add User-Agent header of OTel OTLP Exporter Java/{version} to OTLP export requests. (#4784)

SDK Extensions

  • WARNING: opentelemetry-sdk-extension-aws has been removed following its relocation to opentelemetry-java-contrib/instrumentation-aws-xray, which is published under coordinates io.opentelemetry.contrib:opentelemetry-aws-resources:{version}. We will push security patches to 1.19.x as needed. The latest opentelemetry-bom will point to the latest published version, currently 1.19.0. (#4830)
  • WARNING: opentelemetry-sdk-extension-resources has been removed following its relocation to opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/instrumentation/resources/library, which is published under coordinates io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-resources:{version}. We will push security patches to 1.19.x as needed. The latest opentelemetry-bom will point to the latest published version, currently 1.19.0. (#4828)
  • Add autoconfigure support for BatchLogRecordProcessor. (#4811)
  • Autoconfigure performs percent decoding on otel.resource.attributes values. (#4653)
  • Unify compression configuration for exporters including (#4775): * Fix handling of none in OTLP exporters. * Add JaegerGrpcSpanExporterBuilder#setCompression(String). * Add ZipkinSpanExporterBuilder#setCompression(String).

Semantic Conventions

  • Add migration notes to deprecated attributes (#4840)

OpenTracing Shim

  • Use opentracing-shim as instrumentation scope name. (#4890)
  • Add full support for multiple parents. (#4916)

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors who shared their brilliant ideas and awesome pull requests:

@amouhadi @bogdandrutu @breedx-splk @carlosalberto @codeboten @Donnerbart @fniephaus @jack-berg @jkwatson @jsuereth @kubawach @lgfa29 @lmonkiewicz @lukiano @marcingrzejszczak @mateuszrzeszutek @mkorzeniewski @reyang @rrva @sdeleuze @trask

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