OpenTelemetry - CNCF/opentelemetry-java: Release v1.7.0

Name: opentelemetry-java

Owner: OpenTelemetry - CNCF

Release: Version 1.7.0

Released: 2021-10-08

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:

Version 1.7.0 (2021-10-08):


  • IMPORTANT: The io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-proto module should now be considered deprecated. It will be removed from publications in a future release. If you need Java bindings for the OTLP protobufs, they are now being published via the new opentelemetry-proto-java repository. They are at new maven coordinates: io.opentelemetry.proto:opentelemetry-proto and versioning is aligned with the released version of the protobuf definitions themselves.



  • BREAKING CHANGE: The Jaeger gRPC exporter does not directly use the protobuf-java library for marshaling trace data. Along with this, the opentelemetry-exporter-jaeger artifact does not contain generated protobuf classes for the Jaeger API. If you were using these in your application, you must update your build configuration to also include the new jaeger-proto artifact. This artifact will not be included in a future 2.0 release of the SDK so it is recommended to instead generated the protobuf classes in your own build.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-http-* exporter default endpoint ports have changed from 4317 to 4318, in line with recent changes to the spec.
  • The OTLP gRPC exporters will now function without the grpc-java dependency, if okhttp is present on the classpath.
  • The (alpha) metrics that are generated by the gRPC exporters have changed slightly. They now have a slightly different instrumentation library name, "io.opentelemetry.exporters.otlp-grpc" and the names of the metrics have also changed. Now emitted are metrics with names otlp.exporter.seen and otlp.exported.exported. Note that it is likely this will change in the future as the metrics semantic conventions are more defined.

Auto-configuration (alpha)

  • BREAKING CHANGE: The behavior of otel.exporter.otlp.endpoint has changed when the protocol is http/protobuf. The new behavior is in line with recent changes to the specification, which states that the signal path (e.g. v1/traces or v1/metrics) is appended to the configured endpoint. Values for signal specific endpoint configuration (e.g. otel.exporter.otlp.traces.endpoint and otel.exporter.otlp.metrics.endpoint) override the generic endpoint configuration and are used as-is without modification.
  • The compression option for exporters now explicitly supports the none value, in addition to the existing gzip value.

Metrics (alpha)

  • BREAKING CHANGE: The IntervalMetricReader has been removed, and replaced with a PeriodicMetricReader that provides an implementation of the new MetricReader interface.
  • This release includes initial support for multiple exporters to be configured for a single SDK instance. See the SdkMeterProviderBuilder.registerMetricReader method for more details.
  • This release includes initial support for the SDK recording of Metric Exemplars for sampled Spans. See SdkMeterProviderBuilder.setExemplarFilter and the ExemplarFilter interface for more details.

Logging (alpha)

  • This release includes SDK extension interfaces for LogProcessors and LogExporters, and has implementations for batch log processing and export via OTLP. These classes are intended for usage in implementations of log appenders that emit OTLP log entries.

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