OpenTelemetry - CNCF/opentelemetry-php: Release 0.0.2

Name: opentelemetry-php

Owner: OpenTelemetry - CNCF

Release: 0.0.2

Released: 2021-05-27

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:

This version of OpenTelemetry PHP will;

Make HTTP exporters require Client, StreamFactory and RequestFactory parameters, as part of PSR flexibility improvements. Implement use of IdGenerator to generate trace ids instead of randomHex. Update the to ease contributions. Update automated collector example to be cache independent and add children spans to example. Fix trace context key extraction . Change default port for GRPC exporter from 55680 to 55681. Include OTLP/GRPC Exporter Implementation. Fix the wrong variable in Otlp Exporter. Have guides for integrating OpenTelemetry with Laravel and Symfony applications. Include W3c trace context test service. Update components of automated examples. Add website documentation update action. Fix ParentBased spans for remote requests appearing as root spans. Update general sampling behaviour. Fix tracecontext header extraction. Include experimental new Relic exporter, span converter, example, and tests. Update SpanProcessor parameters onStart . Fix memory leak in Exporter. Add additional code owners to the project. Add ContextValueTrait and Scope to store in Context. Update namespace for CorrelationContext class . Add Basic example to send zipkin style data to a New Relic backend. Propagate SpanKind to Span constructor. Modified SpanStatus to conform with the feature-freeze specs.
Add recordException from specs. Add an UpDownSumObserver Instrument for the Metrics API. Add IdGenerator interface . Add Trace Context Tracestate header propagation. Rename SpanContext methods isValidContext and isRemoteContext to be aligned with specification. Include TraceProvider lookups tracers only by name, instead of name and version. Change master to main in CI. Update PHP CS Fixer for PHP 8.0 support. Add semantic versioning rationale. Include PHP 8 Compatibility trials. Add proto folder to the project. Associate Spans with their TracerProvider. Add OTLP/HTTP JSON exporter . Add static analysis for tests and examples. Bump PHPStan to level 5, Psalm to level 3. Implement the sampler into the tracer and trace provider.

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