Phaser/phaser: Release v2.0.2
Bug Fixes
- Sprite would glitch if it had an ArcadePhysics Body that was re-positioned out of loop.
- Sprite would "fly off" if it had an ArcadePhysics Body that was re-positioned during an input handler.
- Tween.generateData would enter an eternal loop if the total resulted in a float. Now wrapped in Math.floor.
- ArcadePhysics.Body preUpdate has been modified to stop Sprites with non-1 scaling from gaining delta and moving off the screen (fix #644).
- ArcadePhysics.Body deltaMaxY wasn't being correctly applied.
- P2.World - Removing tilemap layer retrieval for object layers in convertCollisionObjects() (thanks bmceldowney, fix #653)
- Calling Keyboard.stop() wouldn't let you call Keyboard.start() later on in the same game
- The "Build your First Phaser Game" Tutorial has been updated for Phaser 2
- Line.fromSprite now sets "fromCenter" to false by default as is deprecated in 2.x. Documentation and Examples updated to reflect this.
- All the documentation has been re-published for 2.0.2.
- Lots of ArcadePhysics.World methods have been marked as private where they shouldn't be called directly (separateX, etc)
- xtian jshint fixed nearly every single file in the repository!
New Features
- Sprite.overlap lets you quickly check to see if the bounds of two display objects are intersecting or not, without having to use a physics system.
- Keyboard.destroy will now clear all event listeners and any custom set callbacks or Keys.