Phaser/phaser: Release v2.4.9
Version 2.4.9 - "Four Kings" - 16th June 2016
New Features
- Phaser.Line.intersectsRectangle checks for intersection between a Line and a Rectangle, or any Rectangle-like object such as a Sprite or Body.
- Group.getClosestTo will return the child closest to the given point (thanks @Nuuf #2504)
- Group.getFurthestFrom will return the child farthest away from the given point (thanks @Nuuf #2504)
- Animation.reverse will reverse the currently playing animation direction (thanks @gotenxds #2505)
- Animation.reverseOnce will reverse the animation direction for the current, or next animation only (thanks @gotenxds #2505)
- The way the display list updates and Camera movements are handled has been completely revamped, which should result is significantly smoother motion when the Camera is following tweened or physics controlled sprites. The
function is now vastly reduced in complexity. It takes control over updating the display list (calling updateTransform
on itself), rather than letting the Canvas or WebGL renderers do this. Because of this change, the Camera.updateTarget
function uses the Sprites worldPosition
property instead, which is now frame accurate (thanks @whig @Upperfoot @Whoisnt @hexus #2482)
- Game Objects including Sprite, Image, Particle, TilemapLayer, Text, BitmapText and TileSprite have a new property called
. This is an empty Object that Phaser will never touch internally, but your own code, or Phaser Plugins, can store Game Object specific data within it. This allows you to associate data with a Game Object without having to pollute or change its class shape.
- TilemapLayers will now collide properly when they have a position that isn't set to 0x0. For example if you're stitching together several maps, one after the other, and manually adjust their
properties (thanks @Upperfoot #2522)
- There are a bunch of new Phaser consts available to help with setting the angle of a Game Object. They are
- Math.between will return a value between the given
and max
- InputHandler.dragDistanceThreshold gives you more fine control over when a Sprite Drag event will start. It allows you to specify a distance, in pixels, that the pointer must have moved before the drag will begin.
- InputHandler.dragTimeThreshold gives you more fine control over when a Sprite Drag event will start. It allows you to specify a time, in ms that the pointer must have been held down for, before the drag will begin.
- InputHandler.downPoint is a new Point object that contains the coordinates of the Pointer when it was first pressed down on the Sprite.
- There are two new Phaser consts available, for help with orientation of games or Game Objects. They are
and Phaser.PORTRAIT
- InputHandler.dragStopBlocksInputUp is a boolean that allows you to control what happens with the input events. If
(the default) then both the onInputUp
and onDragStop
events will get dispatched when a Sprite stops being dragged. If true
then only the onDragStop
event is dispatched, and the onInputUp
is skipped.
- Group.inputEnableChildren is a new property. If set to
will automatically call inputEnabled = true
on any children added to, or created by, the Group.
- PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.ignoreChildInput is a new property. If
then the children will not be considered as valid for Input events. Because this has been applied to DisplayObjectContainer
it means it's available in Group, Sprite and any other display level object. Using this boolean you can disable input events for all children in an entire Group, without having to iterate anything or deep-set flags.
- InputHandler._pointerOverHandler and _pointerOutHandler have new arguments
- if true
then they will not dispatch any Signals from the parent Sprite.
- Pointer.interactiveCandidates is a new Array that is erased and re-populated every time this Pointer is updated. It contains references to all of the Game Objects that were considered as being valid for processing by this Pointer, during the most recent update. To be valid they must have suitable a
, be Input enabled, be visible and actually have the Pointer over them. You can check the contents of this array in events such as onInputDown
, but beware: it is reset every update.
- Pointer.swapTarget allows you to change the
object to be the one provided. This allows you to have fine-grained control over which object the Pointer is targeting.
- Input.setInteractiveCandidateHandler allows you to add a callback that is fired every time
is called. The purpose of processInteractiveObjects
is to work out which Game Object the Pointer is going to interact with. It works by polling all of the valid game objects, and then slowly discounting those that don't meet the criteria (i.e. they aren't under the Pointer, are disabled, invisible, etc). Eventually a short-list of 'candidates' is created. These are all of the Game Objects which are valid for input and overlap with the Pointer. If you need fine-grained control over which of the items is selected then you can use this callback to do so. The callback will be sent 3 parameters: 1) A reference to the Phaser.Pointer object that is processing the Items. 2) An array containing all potential interactive candidates. This is an array of InputHandler
objects, not Sprites. 3) The current 'favorite' candidate, based on its priorityID and position in the display list. Your callback MUST return one of the candidates sent to it.
- Group.onChildInputDown is a new Signal that you can listen to. It will be dispatched whenever any immediate child of the Group emits an
signal itself. This allows you to listen for a Signal from the Group, rather than every Sprite within it.
- Group.onChildInputUp is a new Signal that you can listen to. It will be dispatched whenever any immediate child of the Group emits an
signal itself. This allows you to listen for a Signal from the Group, rather than every Sprite within it.
- Group.onChildInputOver is a new Signal that you can listen to. It will be dispatched whenever any immediate child of the Group emits an
signal itself. This allows you to listen for a Signal from the Group, rather than every Sprite within it.
- Group.onChildInputOut is a new Signal that you can listen to. It will be dispatched whenever any immediate child of the Group emits an
signal itself. This allows you to listen for a Signal from the Group, rather than every Sprite within it.
- Phaser.Weapon is a brand new plugin that provides the ability to easily create a bullet pool and manager. Weapons fire Phaser.Bullet objects, which are essentially Sprites with a few extra properties. The Bullets are enabled for Arcade Physics. They do not currently work with P2 Physics. The Bullets are created inside of
, which is a Phaser.Group instance. Anything you can usually do with a Group, such as move it around the display list, iterate it, etc can be done to the bullets Group too. Bullets can have textures and even animations. You can control the speed at which they are fired, the firing rate, the firing angle, and even set things like gravity for them. Please see the Documentation for more details, or view the Weapon examples in the Examples repo.
- BitmapData.smoothProperty is a new property that holds the string based prefix needed to set image scaling on the BitmapData context.
- BitmapData.copyTransform allows you to draw a Game Object to the BitmapData, using its
property to control the location, scaling and rotation of the object. You can optionally provide
- BitmapData.drawGroup now uses the new
method, to provide for far more accurate results. Previously nested Game Objects wouldn't render correctly, nor would Sprites added via addChild
to another Sprite. BitmapText objects also rendered without rotation taken into account, and the Sprites smoothing property was ignored. All of these things are now covered by the new drawGroup method, which also handles full deep iteration down the display list.
- Added the following new constants:
, Phaser.TOP_RIGHT
, Phaser.LEFT_TOP
, Phaser.CENTER
, Phaser.RIGHT_TOP
- Rectangle.getPoint is a new method that returns a point based on the given position constant, such as
. It returns the same result as calling Rectangle.bottomLeft
(etc) but unlike those getters you are able to provide your own Point object.
- The Game Object Bounds component has been updated to include two new properties:
and centerY
. This means you can, for example, now get the horizontal center of a Sprite by called Sprite.centerX
. These properties are also setters, so you can position the Game Objects, and it will take scale and anchor into consideration.
- All Game Objects with the Bounds component; which includes Sprites, Images, Text, BitmapText, TileSprites and anything that extend these, now have the new method
. It allows you to align the Game Object within another Game Object, or a Rectangle. You can specify one of 9 positions which are the new position constants such as: Phaser.TOP_LEFT
or Phaser.CENTER
(see above for the complete list). The Game Objects are positioned based on their Bounds, which takes rotation, scaling and anchor into consideration. You can easily place Sprites into the corners of the screen, or game world, or align them within other Sprites, using this method.
- All Game Objects with the Bounds component; which includes Sprites, Images, Text, BitmapText, TileSprites and anything that extend these, now have the new method
. It allows you to align a Game Object to the side of another Game Object, or a Rectangle. You can specify one of 11 positions which are the new position constants such as: Phaser.TOP_LEFT
(see above for the complete list). The Game Objects are positioned based on their Bounds, which takes rotation, scaling and anchor into consideration. You can easily align Sprites next to other Sprites using this method.
- Group.align is a new method that allows you to layout all the children of the Group in a grid formation. You can specify the dimensions of the grid, including the width, height and cell size. You can also control where children are positioned within each grid cell. The grid width and height values can also be set to -1, making them fluid, so the grid expands until all children are aligned. Finally an optional child index argument can be set. This is a great way to quickly and comprehensively align Group children, and has lots of use cases.
- The Arcade Physics Body has two new experimental methods:
and moveFrom
. These allow you to move a Physics Body for a given distance, or duration, after which it will stop and emit the onMoveComplete
Signal. It is still capable of colliding and rebounding like usual.
- TypeScript definitions fixes and updates (thanks @wingyplus @monagames @marineorganism @obamor @BaroqueEngine @danzel)
- Docs typo fixes (thanks @seanirby @johnrees)
- The TypeScript defs ambient declaration has been updated to make it compatible with the SystemJS loader (thanks @monagames)
- You can no longer intersect check a Body against itself (thanks @VitaZheltyakov #2514)
- The mobile template has been updated (thanks @cryptographer #2518)
- Video.onComplete wouldn't fire on iOS if the user hit the 'Done' button before the video had finished playing. It now uses the
event to detect this, and dispatches the onComplete
signal should that event fire (thanks @kelu-smiley #2498)
- Sound.addMarker now has a default value for the
argument (1 second) to avoid the DOM Exception 11 error if you accidentally miss it out (thanks @mari8i #2508)
- Removed the
calls from the main game loop, because it happens automatically as part of Game.updateLogic
anyway, so was duplicating the workload for no reason.
- TilemapLayer.postUpdate could potentially be called several times per frame (depending on device frame rate), which would cause multiple texture redraws, even though only the last texture is used during rendering. This has now been modified so that the local TilemapLayer canvas is only re-rendered once per frame, during the rendering phase, and not during the logic update phase.
- Group.preUpdate now iterate through the display list forwards, instead of in reverse, to match it with how
- Stage.postUpdate is now a lot smaller, with no conditional branching if there is a Camera Target or not.
- Within RequestAnimationFrame both
and updateSetTimeout
now only call game.update
if isRunning
is true. This should avoid asynchronous Game destroy errors under environments like Angular (thanks @flogvit #2521)
- Group.removeAll has a new argument
which allows you to optionally destroy the BaseTexture of each child, as it is removed from the Group (thanks @stoneman1 #2487)
- PluginManager.remove has a new argument
(defaults to true
) which will let you optionally called the destroy
method of the Plugin being removed.
- Cache.getJSON used to incorrectly bring back a deep-copy of the Phaser.Utils object, instead of just a clone of the JSON object requested (thanks @drhayes #2524 #2526)
- The
used to run in reverse. I.e. in a display list with 10 sprites on it, the first sprite (at the bottom of the list, rendering behind all the others) would have a renderOrderID
of 9, where-as the top-most sprite, rendering above all others, would have a renderOrderID
of 0. While this didn't cause any side-effects internally, it's arguably illogical. So the process has been reversed, and renderOrderID
s are now accumulative, starting at zero each frame, and increasing as it iterates down the display list. So the higher the ID, the more "on-top" of the output the object is.
and Pointer.processInteractiveObjects
have been updated to reflect the new renderOrderID
sequence (see above).
- Group.add has a new optional argument
which controls the index within the group to insert the child to. Where 0 is the bottom of the Group.
- Group.addAt has been refactored to be a simple call to
, removing lots of duplicate code in the process.
- Group.create has a new optional argument
which controls the index within the group to insert the child to. Where 0 is the bottom of the Group. It also now makes proper use of Group.add
, cutting down on more duplicate code.
- Group.createMultiple now returns an Array containing references to all of the children that the method created.
- Cache.getJSON will now return an Array if the
you provided points to an array instead of an Object (thanks @drhayes #2552 #2551)
- Phaser.Matrix if passed a 0 value would consider it falsy, and replace it with the default by mistake. It now checks if the arguments are
or null
and only then sets the defaults (thanks mmcs)
- Group.createMultiple can now accept Arrays for both the
and frame
arguments. This allows you to create multiple sprites using each key and/or frame in the arrays, which is a great and quick way to build diverse Groups. See the JSDocs for complete details and code examples.
- The Game Object Bounds component has been updated so that it now provides setters for all of the properties, as well as getters. Previously
, Sprite.right
and Sprite.bottom
were read-only, but they are now available to be set as well, and take into consideration the anchor and scale of the Game Objects.
Bug Fixes
- Arcade Physics Body incorrectly positioned if the Sprite had a negative scale (see (thanks @SBCGames @icameron @Nuuf @EvolViper #2488 #2490)
- InputHandler.checkPointerDown had an incorrect single pipe character |, instead of an OR check ||, and an
check, causing Button Over events to fail (thanks @pengchuan #2486)
- BitmapText objects with lines greater than
now handle alignment values correctly, causing them to properly center align (thanks @kevinleedrum #2499 @crippledcactus #2496)
- Text has a new private method
which is used to calculate the final Text line length, after factoring in color stops and other style changes. This should prevent characters from becoming truncated (thanks @TadejZupancic #2519 #2512)
- Sometimes the browser would cause a race condition where any connected Game Pads were being detected before the callback had a chance to be established. Also sometimes the rawPad references would become stale, and are now checked constantly (thanks @cwleonard #2471)
- Sound.isPlaying was set to false when doing an audio loop, but never set back to true if it's a sound not using a marker (thanks @TheJasonReynolds #2529)
- Phaser.Rectangle.aabb would fail if the Rectangles used negative offsets. It now calculates the bounds accurately (thanks @fillmoreb #2545)
- The
value didn't sign the wt.c
value correctly, meaning the rotation would be wrong.
- The
value didn't multiply the local objects scale into the calculation, meaning the value wasn't a true representation of the objects world scale.