RisingWave Labs/risingwave: Release v0.1.13

Name: risingwave

Owner: RisingWave Labs

Release: v0.1.13

Released: 2022-10-17

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:

For installation and running instructions, see Get started.

Main changes

SQL features

  • SQL commands:

    • Improves the formatting of response messages of EXPLAIN statements. #5541
  • SQL functions:

    • to_char() now supports specifying output format in lowercase. #5032

      to_char(timestamp '2006-01-02 15:04:05', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') → 2006-01-02 15:04:05

    • generate_series now supports negative steps. #5231

      SELECT * FROM generate_series(5,1,-2);
      (3 rows)
    • Adds support for sum/min/max functions over interval-type data. #5105, #5549

    • Adds support for array concatenation. #5060, #5345

    • Adds support for specifying empty arrays. #5402

    • Casting from array to varchar is now supported. #5081


    • Casting from varchar to integer allows leading and trailing spaces. #5452

      ' 1 '::int1

  • Adds new system catalog and psql meta-commands. #5127, #5742

    • \d: Lists all relations in the current database. (Materialized) sources are not supported yet.
    • \dt: Lists all tables in the current database.
    • \dm: Lists all materialized views in the current database.
    • \di: Lists all indexes in the current database.
    • pg_catalog.pg_index: Contains information about indexes.


  • Nested columns are now supported for the datagen connector. #5550
What's Changed

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/risingwavelabs/risingwave/compare/v0.1.12...v0.1.13

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