RisingWave Labs/risingwave: Release v1.1.0

For installation and running instructions, see Get started.

Main changes

SQL features

  • SQL commands:

    • DROP commands now support the CASCADE option, which drops the specified item and all its dependencies. #11250

    • CREATE TABLE now supports the APPEND ONLY clause, allowing the definition of watermark columns on the table. #11233

    • Supports new commands START TRANSACTION, BEGIN, and COMMIT for read-only transactions. #10735

    • Supports SHOW CLUSTER to show the details of your RisingWave cluster, including the address of the cluster, its state, the parallel units it is using, and whether it's streaming data, serving data or unschedulable. #10656, #10932

  • SQL functions:

    • Supports new window functions: lead() and lag(). #10915

    • Supports new aggregate functions: first_value() and last_value(), which retrieve the first and last values within a specific ordering from a set of rows. #10740

    • Supports the grouping() function to determine if a column or expression in the GROUP BY clause is part of the current grouping set or not. #11006

    • Supports the set_config() system administration function. #11147

    • Supports the sign() mathematical function. #10819

    • Supports string_agg() with DISTINCT and ORDER BY, enabling advanced string concatenation with distinct values and custom sorting. #10864

    • Supports the co-existence of string_agg() and other aggregations with DISTINCT. #10864

    • Supports the zone_string parameter in the date_trunc(), extract(), and date_part() functions, ensuring compatibility with PostgreSQL. #10480

      • Breaking change: Previously, when the input for date_trunc was actually a date, the function would cast it to a timestamp and record the choice in the query plan. However, after this release, new query plans will cast the input to timestamptz instead. As a result, some old SQL queries, especially those saved as views, may fail to bind correctly and require type adjustments. It's important to note that old query plans will still continue working because the casting choice is recorded with a cast to timestamp.

      Before this release:

      SELECT date_trunc('month', date '2023-03-04');
        2023-03-01 00:00:00
      (1 row)

      After this release:

      SELECT date_trunc('month', date '2023-03-04');
        2023-03-01 00:00:00+00:00
      (1 row)

      Now, the result of date_trunc includes the timezone offset (+00:00) in the output, making it consistent with the behavior in PostgreSQL.

    • round() now accepts a negative value and rounds it to the left of the decimal point. #10961

    • to_timestamp() now returns timestamptz. #11018

  • Query clauses

    • SELECT now supports the EXCEPT clause which excludes specific columns from the result set. #10438, #10723

    • SELECT now supports the GROUPING SETS clause which allows users to perform aggregations on multiple levels of grouping within a single query. #10807

    • Supports index selection for temporal joins. #11019

    • Supports CUBE in group-by clauses to generate multiple grouping sets. #11262

  • Patterns

    • Supports multiple rank function calls in TopN by group. #11149
  • System catalog

    • Supports querying created_at and initialized_at from RisingWave relations such as sources, sinks, and tables in RisingWave catalogs. #11199


  • Supports specifying Kafka parameters when creating a source or sink. #11203

  • JDBC sinks used for upserts must specify the downstream primary key via the primary_key option. #11042

  • access_key and its corresponding secret_key are now mandatory for all AWS authentication components. #11120

Full Changelog: https://github.com/risingwavelabs/risingwave/compare/v1.0.0...v1.1.0

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