
Name: simplyblock-csi

Owner: simplyblock

License: Apache-2.0

Topics: aws, csi, csi-plugin, kubernetes, kubernetes-csi, simplyblock, spdk

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Simplyblock CSI Driver for Kubernetes

This repo contains Simplyblock CSI (Container Storage Interface) plugin for Kubernetes.

Simplyblock CSI plugin brings high performance block storage to Kubernetes. It provisions SPDK logical volumes on storage node dynamically and enables Pods to access SPDK storage backend through NVMe-oF .

Most parts of the CSI driver are vey much similar to the original SPDK CSI Design Document

Project status: Beta

Supported Features

  • Dynamic Volume Provisioning
  • Dynamic Volume Provisioning for Caching nodes
  • Volume Snapshots

Container Images & Kubernetes Compatibility:

driver version supported k8s version status
master branch 1.21+ Beta
v0.1.0 1.21+ Beta
v0.1.1 1.21+ Beta

Install driver on a Kubernetes cluster

Driver parameters

Please refer to driver parameters


Supported Worker node types

The CSI driver is currently tested with the following AWS EKS worker node instance types

  • AmazonLinux2 (AL_2_x86_64)
  • AmazonLinux2023 (AL_2023_x86_64_STANDARD)

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