Michele Caini/entt: Release v3.7.1

Name: entt

Owner: Michele Caini

Release: EnTT v3.7.1

Released: 2021-04-13

License: MIT

Release Assets:


  • core:

    • Extended support to both aggregates and non-aggregates type for any.
    • No more redundant copies in any when emplacing (as in .emplace<T>(args...)).
    • No more redundant copies in any when emplacing (as in = value).
    • No more redundant copies in any when resetting (as in .reset()).
  • entity:

    • Updated iterable views (view.each()) to make them work with <algorithm> in all cases.
    • Updated iterable groups (group.each()) to make them work with <algorithm> in all cases.
  • meta:

    • Extended support to both aggregates and non-aggregates type for meta_any.
    • No more redundant copies in meta_any when emplacing (as in .emplace<T>(args...)).
    • No more redundant copies in meta_any when emplacing (as in = value).
    • No more redundant copies in meta_any when resetting (as in .reset()).
    • Reduced instantiations due to meta_prop.

Bug fixes


Breaking changes

  • core:
    • Removed trait is_std_hashable[_v].

Any other business

The documentation is up-to-date and the library is battle-tested with 100% coverage as usual.

I started a long term process to reduce the number of instantiations and therefore speed up the compilation. This release contains some more changes in this regard. Still a work in progress though.

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