Spring/spring-boot: Release v1.5.15.RELEASE
Name: spring-boot
Owner: Spring
Release: v1.5.15.RELEASE
Released: 2018-07-30
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
⭐New Features
- Remove carriage returns in TypeUtils.getJavaDoc() #13779
🪲Bug fixes
- Fix Flyway filesystem prefix location check #13863
- Application does not fail to start when Jetty's WebAppContext fails to start #13803
- Bean definitions in DataSourceConfiguration's inner classes override each other when multiple pools are on the classpath #13737
- Repackaging may fail with "ZipException: invalid entry compressed size" when input jar has been built with non-default compression settings #13720
- spring-boot-starter-parent inadvertently overrides spring-boot-dependencies' managed version for maven-resources-plugin #13607
- Clean line breaks in configuration metadata descriptions #13601
- Overridden bean definitions may cause incorrect bean condition evaluation due to stale information being held by BeanTypeRegistry #13588
- LiquibaseEndpoint may leave a connection's auto commit property set to false #13559
- Property placeholders are not replaced when used in name attribute of #13450
- Custom error.jsp page is not used when app is run as anything other than a packaged war #12859
- When Undertow has access logging enabled, threads are leaked when the container is stopped #12742
- Log4j2 shutdown before it prints the last messages during graceful shutdown of spring boot application. #11360
- Auto-configured MultipartConfigElement prevents CommonsMultipartResolver from resolving request parts #7735
- MetricsFilter may create an unbounded number of metrics for requests with a templated URI that are not handled by Spring MVC #5875
🔨Dependency upgrades
- Upgrade to Spring Data Ingalls SR14 #13917
- Upgrade to Spring Amqp 1.7.9.RELEASE #13883
- Upgrade to Narayana 5.5.32.Final #13839
- Upgrade to Httpclient 4.5.6 #13838
- Upgrade to Dependency Management Plugin 1.0.6.RELEASE #13807
- Upgrade to Git Commit Id Plugin 2.2.4 #13640
- Upgrade to Maven Enforcer Plugin 1.4.1 #13639
- Upgrade to Tomcat 8.5.32 #13638
- Upgrade to Httpcore 4.4.10 #13637
- Update Spring Initializr documentation link in docs #13906
- Ensure reference manual doesn't generate horizontal scrollbar #13709
- Anchor for "Supported cache providers" section in the reference docs is wrong #13551
- Add Log4J2 configuration instructions for Gradle-based projects #12729
:heart: We’d like to thank all the contributors who worked on our current release!