Spring/spring-boot: Release v2.0.2.RELEASE

Name: spring-boot

Owner: Spring

Release: v2.0.2.RELEASE

Released: 2018-05-09

License: Apache-2.0

Release Assets:

🪲Bug fixes

  • RandomAccessData.read(long, long) allows bytes to be read beyond the end of a subsection #12986
  • JerseyManagementChildContextConfiguration requires ResourceConfigCustomizer bean #12975
  • DataSource FailureAnalyzer wrongly assumes that only auto-configuration can throw a DataSourceBeanCreationException #12947
  • Actuator's EndpointRequest doesn't consider server.servlet.path #12934
  • Timeout for reactive Spring Session is configured using Servlet-specific property #12906
  • Spring boot 2.0.1 - Actuator endpoint failing when content negotiationfavorPathExtension set as true #12900
  • InvalidEndpointRequestException not properly handled with JMX #12857
  • Unexpected startup of web server with RabbitMQ starter #12853
  • environmentWebEndpointExtension bean name used for two different classes #12827
  • Quartz auto-configuration can mutate an existing TaskScheduler via properties config #12823
  • Gradle plugin may check the unresolved dependencies of a configuration's copy, resulting in a StackOverflowError when combined with the nebula.resolution-rules plugin #12784
  • Validation not working properly with @RestControllerEndpoint custom actuator #12441
  • Cannot provide additional manual metadata for keys that are not unique #12193
  • Actuator "http.server.requests" metric has wrong "status" tag for error responses #11514
  • KeyStore and TrustStore are mandatory in SslStoreProvider #11395
  • SslStoreProviderUrlStreamHandlerFactory changes the KeyStore password #11391
  • Spring Boot profiles and property resolution does not work as expected #11380
  • Map all non-core jdk exception types to something that JMX clients know about #10448


  • Fix deprecation warning in OriginTrackedYamlLoader #13085
  • Add keystore-type, truststore-type, protocol in Kafka ssl properties #13031
  • Less object instantiation in WebMvcTags #12894
  • Provide dependency management for Kafka as Boot depends directly on some Kafka classes #12815
  • Make it easier to inject a non-primary DataSource into the Quartz auto-configuration #12755
:heart: We’d like to thank all the contributors who worked on our current release!

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