Spring/spring-boot: Release v2.0.3.RELEASE
Name: spring-boot
Owner: Spring
Release: v2.0.3.RELEASE
Released: 2018-06-14
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
- Make JMX metrics domain configurable #13356
- Auto-configure jOOQ with TransactionListenerProvider #13331
- Binding to immutable Map fails with UnsupportedOperationException #13323
- Use more Tag constants #13286
- Allow LocalHostUriTemplateHandler to be created with a custom underlying UriTemplateHandler #13208
- Allow property values that contain placeholders to be bound as-is #13202
- Use empty trust-store password if SSL store provider present #13088
- Provide access to the CopySpec for BOOT-INF of BootJar as Gradle's War task does for WEB-INF #13000
- Install Spring Boot CLI on Windows using Scoop #12541
🪲Bug fixes
- EndpointRequest should support Jersey rather than hardcoding DispatcherServlet #13399
- DefaultErrorWebExceptionHandler should ignore invalid Accept header #13372
- Lists in spring.profiles cause "property source cannot be added relative to itself" error #13362
- Include of self causes infinite loop #13361
- Reason in the analysis for a binding failure caused by a type conversion failure isn't as informative as it was in 1.5 #13357
- MapPropertySource changes are not reflected in the adapted ConfigurationPropertySource #13344
- Hikari-specific meters are not registered in the absence of a DataSourcePoolMetadataProvider #13330
- When using ApplicationContextRunner condition evaluation does not use runner's class loader #13319
- Building a RestTemplate using RestTemplateBuilder fails with a ClassNotFoundException when OkHttp 2 is on the classpath #13314
- Regression with property binding to List #13303
- Fix wrong reference in cast operation #13288
- TraceableHttpServletRequest fails to create URI instance when query string contains special characters #13273
- Cannot initialize Quartz with scripts containing custom prefix comment #13160
- spring-boot-autoconfigure makes direct use of the JPA API but the dependency isn't managed #13154
- Misleading exception when binding fails with NoClassDefFoundError #13122
- ServletEndpoints do not consider server.servlet.path #13106
- Jolokia (or any @ServletEndpoint) does not work with EndpointRequest include/exclude #13089
- EndpointWebExtension fails when the user declares their own implementation of spring provided Endpoint #13082
- When using Actuator with HTTP tracing enabled, a request with a malformed Host header produces a 500 response #12987
- Empty YAML array does not override property from source with lower precedence #12965
- Default user password logged even if AuthenticationManagerBuilder is configured #12872
- RabbitMetricsAutoConfiguration is instantiated too late #12855
- Gradle build error is unclear when no main class is specified or the main class could not be resolved #12712
- Starting executable war with
-Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager produces a ClassNotFoundException
#12659 - Gradle plugin: bootStartScripts doesn't honor applicationDefaultJvmArgs #12631
- Templated requests with Jersey may cause an explosion of URI tag values #12447
- Set classloader for JMX endpoints to application classloader #12209
🔨Dependency upgrades
- Upgrade to Elasticsearch 5.6.10 #13479
- Upgrade to Spring Amqp 2.0.4 #13477
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.1.7 #13476
- Upgrade to Solr 6.6.4 #13468
- Upgrade to Reactor Bom Bismuth-SR10 #13467
- Upgrade to Jackson 2.9.6 #13466
- Upgrade to Couchbase Client 2.5.9 #13465
- Upgrade to Spring Session Apple-SR3 #13461
- Upgrade to Spring Security 5.0.6 #13459
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.0.6 #13457
- Upgrade to Spring Data Kay SR8 #13455
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.0.5 #13454
- Upgrade to Mongodb 3.6.4 #13397
- Upgrade to Mariadb 2.2.5 #13396
- Upgrade to Narayana 5.8.2.Final #13395
- Upgrade to Hsqldb 2.4.1 #13394
- Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 6.0.10.Final #13393
- Upgrade to Activemq 5.15.4 #13392
- Upgrade to Rxjava2 2.1.14 #13391
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.25.Final #13390
- Upgrade to Unboundid Ldapsdk 4.0.6 #13389
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.0.7.RELEASE #13353
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud Connectors 2.0.2.RELEASE #13318
- Upgrade maven invoker in spring-boot-samples-invoker #12687
- Backport relevant web documentation from 13315 and 13401 #13402
- I see no reference to EnableReactor anywhere #13308
- Fix javadoc #13274
- Add missing semicolon #13266
- Documentation error #13260
- Reference Guide mentions "WebEnvironmentType" instead of WebApplicationType #13195
- Update Kotlin refdoc with the new tutorial #13161
- More accurately document the effects of the buildInfo task never being up-to-date by default #13152
- Document server specific ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory variants #13083
- Best practice for designing Auto-Configuration based on Spring Boot generation #12941
- Document naming best practices for 1.x and 2.x support #12733
:heart: We’d like to thank all the contributors who worked on our current release!