Spring/spring-boot: Release v2.0.6.RELEASE
Name: spring-boot
Owner: Spring
Release: v2.0.6.RELEASE
Released: 2018-10-16
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
⭐ New Features
- Deprecate SecurityPrerequisite #14846
- Provide auto-configuration for Thymeleaf's Spring Security 5 dialect and deprecate auto-configuration of the Spring Security 4 dialect #14828
- Allow @ConditionalOnEnabledEndpoint to be used on any component #14787
- For better compatibility with Flyway 5.1, avoid calling setCallbacks when flywayCallbacks is empty #14775
- Make it easier to display the condition evaluation report when using ApplicationContextRunner #13119
🪲 Bug fixes
- WavefrontPropertiesConfigAdapter does not extend StepRegistryPropertiesConfigAdapter #14839
- MeterFilters and MeterRegistryCustomizers are not ordered #14780
- Endpoint IDs should support camelCase #14773
- @ResponseStatus does not work when using WebFlux #14744
- server.ssl.key-store-provider and server.ssl.trust-store-provider are ignored when configuring Netty #14714
- When using WebFlux, having Jersey on the classpath without an embedded servlet container causes the web application type to be deduced as none #14701
- Dependency management for Micrometer is incomplete #14700
- Dependency management for Johnzon is incomplete #14692
- Artemis starter has a transitive dependency on an alpha of the Geronimo variant of the JSON API #14691
- Couchbase health check fails due to timeout #14685
- An application with the JSON-B API and no implementation on the classpath fails to start #14675
- ReactiveWebServerApplicationContext.getHttpHandler() causes early bean initialization #14666
- Actuator's EndpointRequest doesn't consider server.servlet.path #14646
- SpringApplication.setApplicationContextClass does not correctly deduce REACTIVE type #14589
- Make sure cache busting works with error pages #14583
- Clash of websocketContainerCustomizer beans if Tomcat and Jetty both present #14582
- Add dependency management for Neo4J OGM embedded driver #14560
- Dependency management for Caffeine is incomplete #14505
- Metric endpoint is summing up same metric #14497
- Remove duplicate -l option for init command #14460
- Tomcat's failCtxIfServletStartFails should not be ignored #14448
- HTTP/2 on Jetty: ALPNServerConnectionFactory default protocol set to "h2" #14444
- Remote devtools lose reference to component after making a change #14205
- installBootDist creates executables with wrong permission #14158
- Property management.metrics.web.server.auto-time-requests is not taken into account in case of reactive web application #13895
- Liquibase actuator endpoint cannot retrieve change sets when using Hikari and a custom Liquibase DataSource URL #13832
- Failure analysis for NoSuchBeanDefinitionException does not include information about qualifiers or the class on which auto-configured bean methods are declared #13594
- JmsHealthIndicator can hang in case failover with infinite max reconnects is used with ActiveMQ #10809
📔 Documentation
- Improve JSON documentation to cover GSON and JSON-B #14703
- Fix BeansEndpoint typo in readme #14688
- Clarify Javadoc of ConditionalOn annotations #14681
- Fix missing metadata for nested POJO #14669
- Clarify conversion system in Appendix #14645
- Avoid using deprecated configurations in Gradle plugin reference documentation #14593
- Polish RabbitMQ properties doc #14569
- Fix and improve Neo4j related documentation #14548
- Fix typo WebClient example #14499
- 2.0 migration Guide should call out implications for /error #14474
- Devtools documentation incorrectly uses compileOnly Gradle scope #14451
- When using Spring Data REST, spring.data.rest.* properties much be used rather than spring.data.web.pageable.* and spring.data.web.sort.* #14413
- Document application plugin's need for its mainClassName property to be set #14250
- Document the need for compilation with -parameters when using @SpyBean and @Cacheable with a key expression that uses a parameter name #13945
- Fix datasource prefix in multiple-datasource configuration doc #13915
- Refer to Spring Cloud Vault in documentation for property encryption #13618
- Update Spring-Boot documention considering new scopes, e.g. "webDriver" Scope #13093
- Clarify that @QuartzDataSource is the preferred mechanism for customizing Quartz's DataSource #12780
- Recommend using containers' default multipart upload support rather than CommonsMultipartResolver #2958
🔨 Dependency upgrades
- Upgrade to Spring Security 5.0.9.RELEASE #14850
- Upgrade to Reactor Bismuth-SR12 #14838
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.0.9 #14834
- Upgrade to Spring AMQP 2.0.8.RELEASE #14833
- Upgrade to Thymeleaf Extras Spring Security 3.0.3.RELEASE #14829
- Upgrade to Neo4j Ogm 3.1.4 #14826
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.0.7 #14808
- Upgrade to Thymeleaf 3.0.10.RELEASE #14797
- Upgrade to Ehcache3 3.5.3 #14755
- Upgrade to Javax Jaxb 2.3.1 #14754
- Upgrade to Javax Json 1.1.3 #14753
- Upgrade to Rabbit Amqp Client 5.4.3 #14751
- Upgrade to Spring Session Apple-SR6 #14732
- Upgrade to Spring Data Kay SR11 #14728
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.0.10.RELEASE #14722
- Upgrade to Neo4j Ogm 3.1.3 #14536
- Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 6.0.13.Final #14535
- Upgrade to Elasticsearch 5.6.12 #14534
- Upgrade to Janino 3.0.10 #14533
- Upgrade to Johnzon Jsonb 1.1.10 #14532
- Upgrade to Unboundid Ldapsdk 4.0.8 #14531
- Upgrade to Jackson 2.9.7 #14530
- Upgrade to Spring Web Services 3.0.4.RELEASE #14526
:heart: Contributors
We’d like to thank all the contributors who worked on our current release!