Spring/spring-boot: Release v2.1.0.RC1
Name: spring-boot
Owner: Spring
Release: v2.1.0.RC1
Released: 2018-10-17
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
⭐ New Features
- Thymeleaf 3.0.10 configuration #14849
- Allow multiple endpoint PathMapper beans to be used #14841
- Auto-configure Micrometer's KairosMeterRegistry #14821
- Auto-configure AppOptics metrics #14819
- Switch from thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity4 to thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity5 #14806
- Auto-configure Micrometer's HumioMeterRegistry #14804
- Introduce Ordered Filter and WebFilter interfaces #14793
- Ensure servlet startup failures are handled consistently #14790
- Add support for customizing Flyway's configuration #14786
- Configure Cassandra JMX Reporting #14778
- Allow ClassPathResources to be filtered by FilteredClassLoader #14774
- Metadata hint for logging group #14748
- Support ConfigurationProperties BindHandler advisors #14745
- Document standard "sql" and "web" log groups in the metadata #14740
- Allow construction of HttpTrace objects from custom HttpTraceRepository implementations #14726
- Provide a dedicated hook point for customizing InfluxDB's HTTP client #14709
- Make devtools set
#14699 - Drop support for "all" from management.metrics.distribution.sla #14684
- Make AssertableApplicationContext interfaces extend ConfigurableApplicationContext #14650
- Load ApplicationContextIntiailizers using the resource loader's class loader #14641
- Make it easier to configure a JOOQ Execution Listener Provider that runs after Boot's default #14598
- Auto-configure binding of Micrometer's JettyServerThreadPoolMetrics #14591
- Auto-configure Neo4J BookmarkManager when possible #14568
- Create configuration property to enable/disable HiddenHttpMethodFilter with WebFlux #14520
- Add a warning message if PID/LOG location uses fallback #14519
- Auto-Configure HTTP Resource Factories on Jetty and Reactor servers #14495
- Deprecate properties for configuring Cassandra retry, reconnection and load balancing policies in favour of using a ClusterBuilderCustomizer #14473
- Add auto-config for Prometheus Pushgateway. Fixes #14346 #14353
- Support more Micrometer histogram properties #14139
- Add reactive health indicator for Couchbase #13926
- Register SpringBeanContainer with default Hibernate setup #13717
- Add support for ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource #13377
- Validate
does not contain unusual patterns (eg/*
) #13292 - Instrument WebFlux.fn to record the URI pattern tag on http.server.requests metric #12757
- Auto-configure Jersey2 server instrumentation #12482
- GitProperties, BuildProperties support encoding. #10771
🪲 Bug fixes
- Invalid target type for logging.group #14743
- WebFluxAutoConfiguration ignores spring.resources.cache.cachecontrol #14741
- Cannot set enableLoggingRequestDetails via WebFluxConfigurer #14723
- ApplicationContext Failure with @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT) when Management Port Specfied #14682
- ConfigurationPropertyName equals method fails when values start the same #14665
- Publication of DataSourceSchemaCreatedEvent is more prone to creating a cycle than it was in 2.0 #14651
📔 Documentation
- Fix a broken table in doc #14859
- Repackage goal can be executed twice if the execution id is not provided #14835
- Document how to enable Hibernate 2nd level cache with JCache #14734
- Fix actuator endpoint tables in docs #14712
- Section header in Actuator API docs for query parameters of retrieving caches by name is incorrect #14600
- Provide Kotlin samples alongside existing Groovy samples in Gradle plugin documentation #14585
- Update description of the
hint #14456
🔨 Dependency upgrades
- Upgrade to Maven Surefire Plugin 2.22.1 #14870
- Upgrade to Spring Amqp 2.1.0.RELEASE #14869
- Upgrade to Influxdb Java 2.14 #14868
- Upgrade to Hibernate 5.3.7.Final #14867
- Upgrade to Lettuce 5.1.1.RELEASE #14865
- Upgrade to Sendgrid 4.3.0 #14864
- Upgrade to Hazelcast 3.10.6 #14863
- Upgrade to Couchbase Client 2.7.0 #14862
- Upgrade to Groovy 2.5.3 #14825
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.1.0-rc.1 #14809
- Upgrade to Reactor Californium-SR1 #14788
- Upgrade cassandra-unit-spring to #14777
- Upgrade to Sqlite Jdbc 3.25.2 #14769
- Upgrade to Selenium Htmlunit 2.33.0 #14768
- Upgrade to Mockito 2.23.0 #14767
- Upgrade to Kotlin 1.2.71 #14766
- Upgrade to Infinispan 9.4.0.Final #14765
- Upgrade to Glassfish Jaxb 2.3.1 #14764
- Upgrade to Flyway 5.2.0 #14763
- Upgrade to Elasticsearch 6.4.2 #14762
- Upgrade to Ehcache3 3.6.1 #14761
- Upgrade to Commons Lang3 3.8.1 #14760
- Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.9.1 #14759
- Upgrade to Javax Jaxws 2.3.1 #14758
- Upgrade to Netty Tcnative 2.0.17.Final #14757
- Upgrade to Saaj Impl 1.5.0 #14756
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.1.0.RC2 #14731
- Upgrade to Spring Security 5.1.1.RELEASE #14730
- Upgrade to Spring Data Lovelace SR1 #14729
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.1.1.RELEASE #14677
- Raise the default version of Mongo used with Embedded Mongo to 3.5.5 #14476
- Upgrade to Dropwizard Metrics 4.0.3 #14428
:heart: Contributors
We’d like to thank all the contributors who worked on our current release!